Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Weekly Newsletters

FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - September 25, 2023 :: 09/25/2023

Over the last 2 weeks, the government at the local, state, and federal level have waged a war upon YOUR right to keep and bear arms. They are using taxpayer dollars to fund lawsuits, agencies, offices, committees, and studies whose sole purpose is to take away your ability to protect yourself and those that you love from criminals and the very same tyrant elected class that seek to restrict you.

Think about the term “Gun Control”. If they take away your gun then they can CONTROL you. That is what it is really about!


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - September 11, 2023 :: 09/11/2023

The FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter and overall information delivery system is evolving. This edition will be a bit different.

First, it will be shorter and there will be more links to articles and blog posts on the FOAC-ILLEA Website. The newsletter will continue to evolve as future editions will look different and be less linear, but that is change yet to come.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - August 28, 2023 :: 08/28/2023

Reasonableness is the most subjectively measured “objective standard” in humanity. What you and I deem reasonable, surely someone somewhere would disagree.

Often, I see instructors and students spend a LOT of time on “the gun” but NO time on the whole kit and kaboodle of “defense”. We MIGHT need to defend ourselves and those that we love physically (preferably by avoiding or deescalating conflict) but we will certainly NEED to protect ourselves and our family legally, financially, and morally/emotionally if we use “the gun” to physically defend ourselves and those that we love.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - August 14, 2023 :: 08/14/2023

A person I once worked with use to say, “That there is a kickin’ mule…. a real shame.” He would make this statement anytime he observed something “unfortunate”. For instance, watching a kid talk back to his parent, he would say, “That there is a kickin’ mule…. A real shame.”

One of the most sickening “kickin mules” I see today is how the government ceaselessly interferes with American’s ability to be self-sufficient. When I say self-sufficient, I am speaking, financially, ethically, religiously, sexually, morally, and of course regarding their ability to protect themselves and those that they love.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - July 31, 2023 :: 07/31/2023

Much of the FOAC-ILLEA newsletter is written in “the first person”. Part of my responsibilities is to write and compile the newsletter. When other FOAC-ILLEA officers or team members contribute, there is a headline and a byline indicating the new article and author. When I post an article from another source, I link it to the source and cite where it came from. As we begin to better utilize the blogs on the website, the format of this newsletter will evolve (more on the blogs later). However, in the meantime, I will open this edition as I have done in the past with a personal story.

I JUST got back home from a family vacation.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - July 17, 2023 :: 07/18/2023

See…. Don’t Look…..


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - July 3, 2023 :: 07/03/2023

July, 4, 2023 Independence Declared!!

After countless protests, letters, phone calls and meetings with government officials, the People of Pennsylvania have united and declared that they are free from the anti-Constitutional edicts and laws passed by the “elected class” in government that wish to restrict and subjugate the citizenry. Laws that attempt to preempt the natural born rights of all Americans and violate the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and Article 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, are “null and void”. 

“The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the constitution is written. ... Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be, that an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void.”


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - June 19, 2023 :: 06/19/2023

Monday June 12th, a small contingent of gun owners joined us at the PA Capital for the 2023 Pro-2A Rally. The attendance was indeed more than last year, but the showing was less than impressive.

Those who were in attendance were eager to celebrate the free exercise of their Constitutional Right to defend themselves and those who they love.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - June 5, 2023 :: 06/05/2023

I declare every month of the year as “American” month.

Every day of every month of the year, we should celebrate our citizenship and citizenry.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - May 22, 2023 :: 05/21/2023

Over the last 2 weeks, Americans have been victimized by criminals that have been allowed to run rampant, encouraged by failed government and pro-criminal policies. While lawlessness and crime dominate our streets and communities, legislators have been maneuvering and preparing to wage a major assault on our rights by bringing a collection of bills to the PA House floor on Monday, May 22, that will do NOTHING but negatively effect law abiding gun owners; punishing gun owners for being gun owners.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - May 9, 2023 :: 05/09/2023

Once more… no…. twice more…. no…. thrice more since our last newsletter, despicable people have committed atrocities and have indiscriminately murdered and assassinated our fellow Americans. Of course, I am speaking of the horrific tragedies in Cleveland, TX, at the Atlanta Hospital and in Allen, Texas at the mall.

2 of these abhorrent individuals that committed these heinous crimes, previously had been subjected to multiple layers of “checks” by government agencies. The details of the Cleveland, TX murder are yet unclear.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - April 24, 2023 :: 04/23/2023

This edition of the FOAC-ILLEA newsletter is going to be somewhat thematic and a slight departure from normal editions. This edition of the FOAC-ILLEA newsletter is primarily going to be a celebration of our past President and founder, Kim Stolfer.

We lost Kim on April 15, 2023.


God Bless FOAC Founder, Kim Stolfer :: 04/15/2023

Rest in Peace Kim

It is with the deepest of sorrows that our organization must announce the death of our founder and President Emeritus, Kim Stolfer.  Kim has been the most ardent and premier 2nd Amendment warrior in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for over thirty years, and the author of several key pieces of legislation that keep law abiding Pennsylvanian’s safe today.  He has been a patriot, a champion, and a mentor to all of us in the 2nd Amendment community for decades.  The man was a legend and will be sorely missed in the fight.  The world lost a great man, and the Lord gained a great soul.  Semper Fi … 

Yours In Liberty,


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for April 10, 2023 :: 04/09/2023

Let me begin by wishing all of yinz who celebrate, a most Happy and Holy Easter and/or belated Happy Passover.

I just got back from visiting my mother. We had our traditional Easter lunch at Eat n’ Park and took “self-lead” coffee table communion. It was a nice family visit.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for March 27, 2023 :: 03/26/2023

The anti-gun forces in Harrisburg are flexing their muscles and testing the fence for weakness. Anti-gun / Anti-Liberty elected officials are running amuck almost as wildly as the criminals that they empower. It would seem that almost every failed anti-gun / gun control / citizen disarmament / pro-criminal piece of legislation proposed over the last 10 years has resurfaced and more are on the way!

Let’s take a gander at PA HB586


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for March 13th, 2023 :: 03/12/2023

The balance of power in the PA House has once more been redefined. Representative Joanna McClinton has replaced Representative Rozzi as Speaker of the House. The Democrats continue to hold the majority but now the person who controls what gets voted upon has a 69% anti-gun voting record.

However, effective March 16th, PA Representative Mike Zabel (District 163) is resigning due to misconduct allegations. If District 163 can be flipped to “R” then maybe the pendulum could swing again… but that is a BIG BIG MAYBE.


FOAC-ILLEA News Blast - Outrage in Harrisburg House! :: 03/01/2023

The calamity has begun…  

Today in Harrisburg the Democrats, having seized majority and gotten their way by appointing left radical Rep. Joanna McClinton to Speaker of the House, began ensuring their lopsided numbers make it near impossible to defeat any anti-gun agendas in the House as well. 


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for February 27th, 2023 :: 02/26/2023

As we observe the people in government that were apparently elected to represent us, I find that many are not actually representatives, leaders, or public servants; they are propogandists.

Merriam-Webster offers a few definitions of propaganda, one of which is:


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for February 13th, 2023 :: 02/12/2023

Back when I was a kid, Democrats and Republicans both had one thing in common… they were Americans first.

My first active study of American Politics began during the Presidential Election of 1984. I was 10 years old, and in 4th grade. We were studying politics during the election and even held a 4th grade mock election… Reagan won.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for January 30th, 2023 :: 01/29/2023

“…the Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact,"

- California Governor Gavin Newsom


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