Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Training Tips

Get out and VOTE :: 09/24/2024

Get out and Vote – I love this country. I love Law Enforcement. I love the military, and I love the
US Constitution. As I sit on a Sunday evening surrounded by my three Siberian Huskies, writing
this article and reflecting on what I am concerned about before November 5 th , 2024, I have a few
questions for you all.


The Real Reason You Need to Clean Your Carry Gun On a Regular Basis :: 02/09/2023

Should you clean your handgun after every use? Most modern-day service handguns are built to handle a tremendous amount of use and abuse. They’ll continue to function even when they’re filthy dirty. Just Google your favorite polymer pistol and the words “torture test.”


Cleaning and Maintaining Your Magazines - Why, How Often and How to Do It :: 01/16/2023

Magazine maintenance isn’t really a hot topic among gun owners. People love talking about what they do and don’t do in regards to their firearms, but their magazines are often forgotten. This is due, in part, to the idea that they don’t really need much care.


Dr. Ed Bogat's Self-Defense Guidance :: 09/12/2021

Dr. Bogats, Jr. is a current Member of the Board of Directors of Firearms Owners Against Crime and has a long career in Law Enforcement and currently oversees training along with the public safety operation at the Allegheny Campus, College Office and the Homewood Brushton Center. He coordinates all Emergency management areas within the campus and centers through the Director of Emergency Management at CCAC


Richard Busch's Mental Preparedness Guidelines :: 07/30/2021

Richard Busch is a retired Ericksonian clinical hypnotherapist. He was a technical consultant to the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) whose members have included the late Carl Sagan, B. F. Skinner and Isaac Asimov. Busch was also involved with James “The Amazing” Randi’s famous $1.1 Million Dollar Challenge to any “psychic” who could prove actual powers (none did).  He specialized in habit control and medical issues (by Rx) like pain, insomnia and hypertension, leading to the development of his A.I.M. Technique that promotes ease, readiness and access to your self-defense skills, including the IPAC-IPOP Principle. Life Member USCCA, NRA, FOAC, JPFO


Master Firearms Instructor Klint Macro's Firearm Training Tips :: 07/23/2021

Klint Macro is a 2A activist, V.P. of FOAC, President of the ACSL (Allegheny County Sportsmen's League), businessman and educator who has successfully cross-pollinated his talents and passions to serve the cause of the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the Constitution of The United States.


Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2025

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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