Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

FOAC-Institute Newsletter - January 1, 2024 :: 01/01/2024

Happy New Year!

Each time this is said, many folks see images of champagne glasses, a baby in a top hat, fireworks, and a colorful glass ball “dropping” down a pole in Times Square. Some folks are sad to see another year click by, while others are glad that they have a fresh new start with a new year of opportunities for better things to come.

We are facing many challenges in 2024.

Make no mistake, have no misgivings, be not lead down the primrose path….. The anti-gun forces are empowered, mobilized, and entrenched within the halls of local, state, and federal government. 2024 will surely see unprecedented hubris and boldness from the gun control apparatus. They are seeing 2024 as a new opportunity to limit and restrict your individual right to keep and bear arms.

Over the “Holidays” people typically take a break from the “everyday”. People turn off the news and try to harness the feeling and meaning of the Holidays by playing their favorite Frank Sinatra Christmas album, going to worship, and fellowshipping with family and friends.

The anti-gun forces know this, and some took advantage of this break to further advance their gun control while nobody was looking. Much like the Grinch, while we were nestled in our beds dreaming of sugar plums, they slithered and slunked and tried to steal our individual rights and liberties while they were pilfering our last cans of Who hash.

Anti-gun stalwart, Rep. Dan Frankel pushed a memo over the holidays that was purpose built to attack the rights of self-sufficient Americans who might make an honest mistake while traveling.

Traveling is complex, but traveling with a firearm is extra tricky.

Unlike anti-gun elected officials who essentially say “F*&k You” to the citizenry and try to take away their rights, FOAC-Institute educates our fellow citizens. Education helps you exercise your rights while navigating the laws and rules imposed on citizens by elected officials and bureaucrats.

You can read a recent blog post on the subject titled, “Have Gun Will Travel – Considerations for Traveling With Your Firearm”.

Imagine a world where legislators like Frankel help constituents exercise constitutional rights through education rather than find new and creative ways to strip them of those rights?

How many of you have had to throw something away or surrender personal property at the TSA security checkpoint at the airport? Have you ever had to throw out a $5.00 bottle of water? How about that Leatherman that you carry every day and forgot to put into your check in bag? I personally have had TSA “confiscate” flashlights (that they said could be used as an impact device) and safety cutters from my med kit. I once had a TSA agent threaten to take away my torniquet that I carry because he claimed that the windlass could be used as an impact device…yet he had no problem with my pen and my fists, but I digress.

Rep. Frankel’s legislative memo would strip you of your license to carry if you had a firearm with you at the TSA security gate. Of course, if you are dupped by the propaganda promoted by the anti-gun forces you would believe that there is a problem of epidemic proportion at the airports.

FOAC-Institute President Jim Stoker said in a correspondence to Legislators in response to Frankel’s unreasonable memo;

“Good people making honest mistakes that endanger no one should not force an otherwise responsible and productive member of society to become unable to defend their families, especially over an act with no evil intentions. If Pittsburgh International Airport were the sample chosen from Mr. Frankel’s area, we are talking about 41 incidents to date from over 7 million travelers. That is less than 0.00059% of all citizens screened at the TSA checkpoint. These are not people attempting to do harm, they’re people like you and me who are caught up in the frenzy of often overwhelming travel regulations and deadlines.” 

Rep. Dan Frankel has a history of demonizing those who are self-sufficient and exercise their right to keep and bear arms. Rep. Frankel’s words and deeds show us that he likely would rather have his constituents be completely dependent on the government, or in other words, under its control.

Back during the government overreach lockdown period (covid), Frankel penned an op-ed that greeted millions of new gun owners with vitriol and distain called, “Congratulations on your new gun. Now lock it up.” I wrote a response to this op-ed with the help of (then President) Kim Stolfer.

It would seem Rep. Frankel is demonstrating a pattern of behavior. In 2020, in our op-ed response we said,

“Frankel manipulates facts and practices a form of pseudo-racism by singling out certain Pennsylvanians, berating, scolding and relegating them to a less trustworthy class.”

I think a quote from Yogi Berra is in order. “Déjà vu All Over Again”. Once more, Frankel is up to his old tricks. Rather than educate his constituents on how to travel with firearms, he finds new and creative ways to strip them of their right to protect themselves and those that they love.

Imagine a world where if you have a water bottle at the TSA check point, you then automatically lose your right to carry a bottle of water. Or if you have a pair of scissors in your purse at a checkpoint you are no longer able to have a pair of scissors outside of your home. Good thing we have Constitutional Carry of water bottles and scissors (if there was a sarcasm font…I would use it here). There is no “license” to revoke.

I think it is also prudent to recognize that bringing a firearm to a TSA checkpoint ALREADY has a potential hefty penalty attached. The TSA website states:

TSA may impose civil penalties of up to $14,950 per violation per person. 

So, as we often say to proposers of anti-gun legislation… “there is already a law for that.”

This type of legislation is not designed to stop criminals. It is designed to criminalize gun owners. Frankel’s penalty IS to strip a citizen of their license to carry a firearm. Hey…guess what…criminals are prohibited from getting a license to carry a firearm. So, if a criminal took a firearm to a TSA check point, they would have no LTCF to revoke. So once more:

“Frankel manipulates facts and practices a form of pseudo-racism by singling out certain Pennsylvanians, berating, scolding and relegating them to a less trustworthy class.”

It ain’t about safety…it is about control.

Thus begins 2024.

CALL your PA Representative (at their local office and at their Harrisburg office) and let them know that FOAC-Institute is monitoring Rep. Frankel’s airport gun control memo. Let them know that you are against this potential legislation. Let them know that if your Rep’s name ends up as a co-sponsor on the bill, you will educate everyone in your sphere of influence at election time of your Rep’s anti-gun / anti-liberty proclivities and urge them to vote accordingly.

Make it a 2024 resolution.

Get to know your elected officials. Are they pro-gun or are they anti-gun? Do you know?

“Oh, you should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about.”

Willy Wonka

Talk to them, meet them, get to know them. If they are pro-gun find out how you can help them help us all protect our individual rights and liberties. If they are anti-gun, develop a relationship where you can help to educate them. If they are dismissive and condescending then do something about it. Effect change.

An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!

From the desk of the President…

By Jim Stoker, President of FOAC-ILLEA

Well, there ya have it… 2023 is in the books.  It’s been just over a year since President Stolfer handed the reigns of the organization over, and with a mischievous grin whispered to me “The anti-gunners just took the House… good luck!”  It’s been a busy year for all the officers and Board carrying on the fight, trying to educate the millions of gun owners who are either ignoring the facts or asleep on the bus.  Teaching seminars, rushing to public speaking events, visiting gun clubs, and trying to energize the pro-gun populace as to the daily effort to strip us of our God-given or natural rights.  It hasn’t been easy.

V.P. Klint Macro was speaking with me today about what all we’ve done this past year, trying to measure up to years past, and let me tell you something, it was not an easy task.  If the election was any indication we’re still falling behind.  Are our white papers having an impact on legislation?  I believe they are.  Have we rallied enough phone calls and pressure in Harrisburg to stop some of the anti-gun bills from making it to a vote on the floor?  Without a doubt.  But there is still so much to do as this fight isn’t going away anytime soon. 

My retirement from law enforcement just means I need to double down on my investment. 

We ALL must find new ways to activate our brothers and sisters and influence the outcome of elections, returning this once great Commonwealth to a bastion for gun rights for the common man or woman to defend themselves against the ever-present threat of criminals and corrupt politicians.

I have a big ask of all the members to help do YOUR part in this battle…    I want every member of this organization to send me an email with two things in it… 

  1. Tell me at least one gun club we should visit and engage in this fight.  Give me all you’ve got, and who to speak with if you like, but if everyone submits just one, I’ll have thousands to engage.
  2. Give me at least one gun industry contact. One manufacturer or retailer you know, or you visit, and help me build that list for our push to engage the firearms and sporting goods industry in the fight here in Pennsylvania.

That’s it, folks. 

Our seminar calendar is beginning to fill up again and I’m planning on visiting at least one gun club a week if not more, so point me in the right direction.  With the help of the membership of this great organization, we are and will continue to make a difference. 

Our industry fund drive is about to start, and if you’ve been paying attention this past few months to our marketing moves you know we’re only growing in the spotlight.  It’s time to take this thing to the next level.  Hop on the train… we’ve saved seats for you. 

The Work of 2023

Firearm Owners Against Crime, et al., v. Lower Marion Township - we filed suit to challenge an unconstitutional zoning ordinance that would make it impossible to operate an FFL in Lower Marion Township.

Grant Schmidt, et al., v. Christopher Paris - we filed suit against the Pennsylvania State Police to enjoin the enforcement of an unconstitutional regulation authorizing warrantless searches of License to Sell Firearms holders, and obtained a temporary injunction for the duration of the proceedings.

A decision from the PA Supreme Court in Barris v. Stroud Township, where we submitted an Amicus Brief on behalf of Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League, Beaver County Conservation League, Firearms Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action, Unified Sportsmen of PA, and USCCA Legal Defense Foundation. This matter involves "Whether an ordinance that limits target shooting to two non-residential zoning districts, and thus does not provide for shooting ranges at all private residences, is facially unconstitutional under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution."

A decision from the PA Supreme Court in Crawford, et al. v. Commonwealth, et al, where we submitted an Amicus on behalf of Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League and Firearms Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action. This matter involves a challenge by the City of Philadelphia to constitutionality of our state firearm preemption statute and its contention that it violates "the Pennsylvania Constitution’s guarantee of all Pennsylvanians’ right to 'enjoy and defend life and liberty' in Article I,

In addition, FOAC-ILLEA is involved with these issues that will carry into the new year:   

  • A new Amicus brief has been recently forwarded.
  • PICS background delays case is still waiting to hear from PA Supreme Court.
  • We are working at correcting errors and PSP overstep on the LTCF form.
  • We are working on overreach by the Borough of South Coatesville.
  • We corrected a prejudice by the Lackawanna County Sheriff on LTCF references.

FOAC-ILLEA officers, board members, and volunteer attended over 60 educational events across the Commonwealth.

Various White Papers have been penned by President Jim Stoker in an effort to educate legislators on issues and proposed legislation.

Firearms and Freedom Blog Post: New Year's Resolution: Get Formal Firearms Training

By Stephen LaSpina – FOAC-Institute Board Member

As we approach the new year, many of us are contemplating goals we would like to achieve in the next twelve months. I have one for gun owners like you and me. If you have not taken formal, in-person firearms instruction yet, make it happen this coming year.

When considering a new resolution, there are often obstacles that appear in which we may make excuses for not striving toward our goal. Here are three common excuses instructors often hear.

Click here to continue to read the entire blog post.

THE “82 Days After Christmas" Gun Bash Tickets are STILL on Sale! 

We are calling the Spring 2024 bash the “82 Days After Christmas” Gun Bash! The bash will be held at the Washington County Fair Grounds on Saturday March 16th, 2024.

The semi-annual FOAC-ILLEA Gun Bash is our main fundraising event, and we have the best bash tickets in the Commonwealth. It is the best way to celebrate Christmas 82 days into the new year.

We only print 1000 tickets. Get your tickets NOW while they last! You do not need to attend to win a prize off of the main ticket, however we have great food, drink, fellowship and many excellent side raffles, so we encourage everyone to attend.

Get your ticket today by CLICKING HERE!


FOAC-ILLEA presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-ILLEA events and meetings, CLICK HERE.

Out and About with FOAC-Institute

FOAC-ILLEA Volunteers and the Delta Defense LLC Team at Seminar in New Tripoli, PA

Articles and Videos to Check Out!

SHOCKER: NY Laws Fail to Stop Gun Trafficking Drug Dealer

Riding Shotgun with Charlie Episode #187 : Jim Stoker – President of FOAC-ILLEA

Politicians Can't Be Trusted on 'Public Health'

US House Judiciary Committee Hearing 12/13/23 – Testimony by Beth Alcazar

Liberal America is Embracing Firearms

The Violence Prevention Project Mass Shooting Data Base

How 'Hold My Guns' Is Changing the Narrative Around Gun Owners and Mental Health

So You Got a Gun For Christmas. Now What?

Concealed Carry – Personal Defense Video – Rob Pincus – The Staged Position

Gun Safety and The Legacy of Gaston Glock

With 2,415,481 FOID cards in Illinois, Only 15,877 have so far registered their firearms and 8,335 have registered their accessories, such as “large” capacity magazines

A Look Ahead at the 2A in 2024

In Closing

We need to strengthen our resolve and prepare for an all-out assault on our Constitutional Rights in 2024. We are truly only 1 bad election cycle away from being like NY, NJ, DE, and MD. The elected class, politicians like Frankel and Biden, are likely going to double down on their assault on your right to keep and bear arms. They are going to find new and creative ways to try and restrict and eliminate your ability to defend yourself and those that you love. Expect it. Get ready for it!

The election is coming.

We wish you a prosperous and FREE 2024.

Stay Armed and BE Well Regulated!

Yours Most Respectfully,

Klint Macro

FOAC-Institute Vice President

FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.

FOAC-Institute’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.

FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.

FOAC-Institute volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.

I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-Institute. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-Institute.

Sign up for membership HERE.

Contact your Legislators HERE.

Read previous newsletters HERE.

The FOAC-Institute website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-Institute website.

Get involved!

If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.

Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.

An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2024

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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