Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

From the desk of the VP

Why I Am Anti-Mandatory Training. :: 02/25/2024

by: Klint Macro

Many are surprised at my stance on mandatory training when they learn what I do for a living. I have been getting paid to train students and instructors alike for over a decade and I consult “for profit” training businesses to help them grow their companies by offering more “for profit” training opportunities.

Amendment II: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Why Do So Many Gun Owners NOT Vote :: 02/11/2024

by: Klint Macro

Did you know that (according to the US Census Bureau) 154.6 million people allegedly voted in the 2020 Presidential election?

Did you further know that currently there are an estimated 393 million “civilian owned” firearms in the United States.


Have Gun Will Travel – Considerations for Traveling With Your Firearm :: 11/27/2023

by: Klint Macro

Many folks ask, can I travel outside the Commonwealth with my firearm(s)?

The simple answer is “yes” however, life is rarely simple. There are real legal risks associated with traveling with firearms especially if you are crossing jurisdictional boundaries.


9-11-01 Never Forget :: 09/11/2023

by: Klint Macro

I was in Hollywood, CA on 9-11-01. Chaos was nationwide. Buildings were evacuated on the west coast, stories of "lost planes" that were going to strike the Library Tower in LA.... news coverage of explosions, rumors of planes hitting Pittsburgh or the White House... later images of buildings crumbling, family members stranded as they were traveling.... All of us that were adults on that day remember exactly what we were doing and how we experienced that day.

I now work with many adults who were not old enough to remember that day and some who werent even born yet! Time is relentless. Today, be sure to remember what the world was like on 9-10 and on 9-11, and even more importantly what it was like on 9-12. Educate the younger generation about what those days were like. EVERYONE was an American on 9-12-01, the sense of community was overwhelming.


9-12-01 A Higher Purpose :: 09/11/2023

by: Klint Macro

Wednesday, September 12th, 2001

There was NO sound of traffic on LaBrea Ave in Hollywood, CA. The Streets were quiet as ALL business halted. You could hear the sound of birds in the trees, not something commonly heard over the traffic of a busy city. The sky was blue and sunny, just like it was the previous morning before the first plane hit, however the air felt different.


Coming Soon.... :: 07/27/2023

by: Klint Macro

Coming Soon...  


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P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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