Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

FOAC-Institute Newsletter - March 12, 2024 :: 03/12/2024

The State of the Union address did not surprise anyone.

Joe Biden used it as a partisan stump speech, once more pledging his support for the limitation and restriction of your natural born right to self-defense.

In last week’s State of the Union address, Joe said:

“I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years because of this Congress. We now must beat the NRA again.

 I’m demanding a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Pass universal background checks.

 None of this — none of this — I taught the Second Amendment for 12 years. None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.”

It appears Joe is employing a tried and trusted tactic used by the anti-gun/anti-liberty movement that is also used by hosts of dishonest politicians.

Claim one thing while doing another.

Joe says he is not doing something, WHILE doing the very thing he says he is not doing.

 WOW…It must be exhausting to be duplicitous and deceptive.

I hear stories of abusive spouses that physically and sexually abuse family members but while they are abusing them, they say to their victims that they won’t hurt them and that they love them. When these predators are held accountable, THEY claim victimhood.

I find it interesting that earlier in his speech, Biden talked about defending Ukraine from Russia. Joe spoke of protecting illegal immigrants who cross the border. Joe also spoke to Israel:

“To the leadership of Israel, I say this: Humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip. Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority.”

 Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be the priority.

Well…. What about here at home in the US of A? Are innocent Americans worth protecting?

Here’s the thing with the “gun-grabbing tyrant elected class”: they don’t believe YOUR life is worth protecting. They question YOUR innocence because you chose to purchase firearm(s). Because you choose to be self-sufficient.

You are a gun owner…. You are problematic to them.

They would have people believe that NO innocent person would ever purchase a firearm. It is because of this logic that gun owners are treated as 2nd class citizens by this regime.

In many “gun-grabbing tyrant elected class”-controlled states:

- Gun Owners must get permission from the government to purchase a firearm

- Gun Owners must take mandated training to purchase or carry a firearm

- Gun Owners must submit fingerprints to get a government issued license

- Gun Owners must register their property with the government

- Gun Owners must have special insurances to carry firearms

- Gun Owners must pay special taxes to own firearms, ammunition, and other related items

- Gun Owners must store their firearms in a way that the government approves

- Gun Owners may not talk about firearms to children under 18

- Gun Owners must surrender their property when the government decides to ban items

- Gun Owners must submit fingerprints to purchase ammunition

- Gun Owners are not allowed to train in groups

- Gun Owners are subject to red flag laws that could strip them of their rights and property based upon an allegation.

Don’t think that stuff could happen in Pennsylvania?

Do you think I made these up?

THINK AGAIN! Look at what has been proposed in PA already just this legislative session in the House and the Senate. The ones with the red “thumbs down” are anti-gun.

These are JUST the type of restrictions that certain Pennsylvania lawmakers are frothing at the mouth to propose. Do you think Gov. Shapiro would hesitate signing bills that included these types of restrictions?


Moving into the general election of 2024, most of the attention of many of the gun-owning voters will be on the 2024 Presidential Election. It is not hard to decide which presidential candidate is less damaging to your individual right to keep and bear arms. So, spend your time looking at what is happening here in PA. Do you know who is running for office in the Commonwealth of PA? Do you know how these people voted on 2A issues? Do you know where they stand on Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution?

There are very few PERFECT candidates. People are generally imperfect. When there are two choices on a ballot, you MUST research and vote for the candidate that is the BEST advocate for the individual citizen’s right to keep and bear arms.

Over the years, FOAC-Institute and our sister organization FOAC-PAC have taken the stance that an Article V Constitutional Convention would be detrimental to our 2nd Amendment. This is BECAUSE there is no way to guarantee that the convention would not “run-away” and turn into a “start over from scratch” proceeding…. Like it did in 1787.

In 1787 delegates met in Philadelphia to re-tool the Articles of Confederation and under the cloak of secrecy they threw out the Articles and completely revamped the government under our current Constitution.

Most folks would likely agree that this was ultimately a good thing as we have enjoyed our Constitutional Republic for 237 years. However, there were folks in 1787 that would say otherwise.

“I am exceedingly distressed at the proceedings of the Convention-being ... almost sure, they will ... lay the foundation of a Civil War.”

Elbridge Gerry – Signer of the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation

Many contemporary elected officials claim that that an Article V Constitutional Convention could be held to specific issues, such as term limits, balanced budgets, etc. My question to them is where does it say that in the Constitution?

US Constitution Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The simple answer is there is NO guidance in the Constitution.

Do we have case law or precedent?

NOPE…. An Article V Con Con has NEVER been done before. So, the questions that must be answered by Article V Con Con advocates is:

Where does an Article V Con Con take place?

Who chairs an Article V Con Con?

Who is sent to represents the people of Pennsylvania in an Article V Con Con?

Who picks the representatives of an Article V Con Con?

Who sets the agenda of an Article V Con Con?

No matter what answer you may hear… it is a speculation or a good guess. None of these questions can be answered until it happens.

“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

- Nancy Pelosi

So why would anyone risk our 2nd Amendment (or ANY of our Bill of Rights) in a potential run-away convention?

There have been a few “Conservative” advocates of note that have been spokespersons for an Article V Con Con, such as Rick Santorum. A few years ago, Rick and others took shots at us for standing up against the Article V Con Con.

It is important to recognize that FOAC-Institute is an all-volunteer organization. We don’t get paid ANY MONEY AT ALL to advocate for the preservation of our Constitution.  Rick and others politicians are PAID spokespeople. PAID!

“My feeling is, well, if it's my money, I have a right to judge.”

- Rick Santorum

Believe it or not, sometimes politicians are not very honest.

“I was not lying. I said things that later on seemed to be untrue.”

- President Richard Nixon

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

- President Bill Clinton

“If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold."

-President Barack Obama

“None of this — none of this — I taught the Second Amendment for 12 years. None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.”

-Joe Biden

Which one of you supports giving politicians the ability to change the very Constitution that limits and restricts the Government? I, for one, will not chance my liberty, your liberty, or the rights and freedom of my progeny based upon an elected official’s speculation and assurance that “cracking the hood” on the Constitution will be a good thing.

Blog Post: Firearms and Freedom - 43 Reasons Open Carry is a Bad Idea

By Stephen LaSpina – FOAC-Institute Board Member

If the title of my piece grabbed your attention, it did its job. Please understand that 43 is not an arbitrary number that I came up with. It is the list of incidents (compiled by Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training) when an open-carrying citizen was assaulted or disarmed by a criminal who saw the firearm and targeted that gun owner. (For the sake of my argument, I am NOT including the law enforcement instances, which would drive the number of incidents closer to 100.) You can peruse each account to see for yourself the bad outcomes that can (and did) happen.

To continue to read the blog post CLICK HERE.

Out and About with FOAC-Institute

Volunteer Team at the USCCA/FOAC-ILLEA PA Gun Law Seminar in Laceyville, PA, March 6, 2024

Jim Stoker presenting at the USCCA/FOAC-ILLEA PA Gun Law Seminar in Laceyville, PA, March 6, 2024

FOAC-Institute President with PA Senator Chris Dush and PA Rep. Dave Maloney at the USP Membership Meeting in Pleasant Gap, PA, March 10, 2024

The Harrisburg 2A Rally is Tuesday APRIL 30th!

Put in for your PTO now!

YOUR RIGHTS are worth taking a day off work!

Join us in Harrisburg for the 2024 2A Rally on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024.

There will be plenty of speakers, voter registration tables, and prizes. We also will break up into legislative action groups after the rally to visit elected officials. We need gun owners from across the Commonwealth to join us at the Capital. START PLANNING NOW!!!! We will provide more information as we get closer to the date.

FOAC-Institute Events

FOAC-Institute presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-Institute events and meetings, CLICK HERE.

THE “82 Days After Christmas Gun Bash Tickets are On Sale NOW!

We are calling the Spring 2024 bash the “82 Days After Christmas” Gun Bash! The bash will be held at the Washington County Fair Grounds on Saturday March 16th, 2024. We are only a few days out!

The semi-annual FOAC-Institute Gun Bash is our main fundraising event, and we have the best bash tickets in the Commonwealth. It is the best way to celebrate Christmas 82 days into the new year.

We only print 1000 tickets. Get your tickets NOW while they last! You do not need to attend to win a prize off of the main ticket, however we have great food, drink, fellowship and many excellent side raffles, so we encourage everyone to attend.

Get your ticket today by CLICKING HERE!

Articles to Check Out

A Dehumanizing Corruption Story From India Reminds Me Again Why the Second Amendment is Sacrosanct

Judge Rejects Challenge to Law Allowing Lawsuits Against Gun Industry

South Carolina Becomes 29th State to Allow Carrying Firearms Without a License

Louisiana Makes 28 States as Governor Jeff Landry Signs Permitless Carry Into Law

Iowa House Passes Bill Earmarking $3 Million to Arm, Train Teachers

Georgia Liability Bill for Gun Free Zones Attacked Over Property Rights Concerns

Lewiston Shooting Survivor: "People Knew This Was Going to happen, and Nobody Stopped It"

When a Historic Drop in Crime Becomes an Inconvenient Truth

Op-Ed Takes Issue With Citing OH Crime Stats After Constitutional Carry Took Effect

In Closing

The feigned moral superiority of the “gun-grabbing tyrant elected class” is laughable at times.

I have quoted the Babylon Bee from time to time in this newsletter. For those that do not know, the BEE is political satire that, in the context of our crazy topsy turvy world, hits very close to reality from time to time.

As a professional defensive instructor, I found this video to be particularly entertaining but also disturbing at the same time. Believe it or not… there are government agencies and politicians that are telling some of our fellow Americans that tactics (not terribly different than those depicted in this satire video) are ways to deal with violent criminals.


We must protect ourselves from violent criminals. YOU are worth protecting. YOUR family is worth protecting. Sometimes the only way to protect yourself from evil aggressive violence is to use righteous defensive violence. Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution and the 2A restrict the government’s ability to strip you of the means to protect yourself and those that you love.

Your right to protect yourself and those that you love is NATURAN BORN, God given, and self-evident.

Americans are NOT subjects. Our Constitution does not GIVE us our rights… it RESTRICTS the government from limiting, restricting, and infringing the rights that we have as Americans.

You have many rights, among them are the right to free speech. You have the right to free religion. You have the right to freedom from slavery. You have the right to legal representation. You have the right to a fair and speedy trial and to face your accuser(s).  You have the right to pursue happiness. You have the right to keep and bear arms to defend yourself from criminals AND the elected and appointed officials that seeks to subjugate you.

You are an American… act accordingly.

Do NOT squander your right to vote. DO NOT give away your freedom to a faceless unknown Constitutional Convention.

An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!

I'll see you at the FOAC-Institute Spring Gun Bash on Saturday!

Stay Armed and BE Well Regulated!

Yours In Liberty,

Klint Macro

FOAC-Institute VP

FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.

FOAC-Institute’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.

FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.

FOAC-Institute volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.

I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-Institute. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-Institute.

Sign up for membership HERE.

Contact your Legislators HERE.

Read previous newsletters HERE.

The FOAC-Institute website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-Institute website.

Get involved!

If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.

Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.

An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2025

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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