Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Weekly Newsletters

FOAC-Institute Newsletter - January 27th, 2025 :: 01/27/2025

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FOAC-Institute Newsletter January 13, 2025 :: 01/13/2025

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FOAC-Institute Newsletter December 31, 2024 :: 12/31/2024

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FOAC-Institute Newsletter December 18, 2024 :: 12/18/2024

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FOAC-Institute Newsletter - December 2, 2024 :: 12/02/2024

Well, whatta know…. he did it!

Joe Biden gave Hunter a “full and unconditional pardon” for federal tax and gun convictions that could have put him in prison for up to 17 years.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - November 18, 2024 :: 11/18/2024

Our Constitutional Republic has experienced a bloodless revolution. The will of the people cannot be denied, and the ultimate outcome of the Presidential election very well came down to us; the citizens of Pennsylvania.

As the new administration begins to take shape, we must remember that Joe Biden and/or his handlers are still at the helm in Washington D.C. and will be till January 2025. The Biden regime is NO friend to self-sufficient family first responders that value and exercise the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - November 4, 2024 :: 11/04/2024

T’was the night before election day and all through the house, senate, and executive branches, not a creature was stirring not even a squirrel. The ballots were place in the drop box with care, in the hopes that the receptacle would not catch fire. The President is nestled all snug in his bed while visions of gun confiscation dance through his head.

As I try (very un-cleverly) to combine the popular Clemet C. Moore poem with recent events, let us not forget that tomorrow is one of most sacred days in our Constitutional Republic… ELECTION DAY.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - October 21, 2024 :: 10/21/2024

We are in the final stretch of the 2024 General Election.

Once more we face the most important election of our time. Each time I hear this or SAY it I can’t believe it is being said again. However, if you care about the 2nd Amendment, Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution and your INDIVIDUAL right to bear arms in defense of yourself and those that you love…. It really IS the most important election of our time.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - October 6th, 2024 :: 10/06/2024

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” – Excerpt of The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence, save the Holy Bible, is the greatest document written by man. One can only marvel at the eloquence of each word. Every word is artfully penned with precision and musicality. Although originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the delegates of the 2nd Continental Congress in 1776 each had a say in the final wording. The Declaration of Independence is THE foundational document of what our Country is and can be.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - September 24, 2024 :: 09/24/2024

There is much to be learned from the words of the past. Patterns of behavior can be recognized by parties, patriots, tyrants, and political candidates alike.

“If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.”


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - September 10, 2024 :: 09/10/2024


FOAC-Institute is Pennsylvania’s preeminent pro-gun and anti-crime organization.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - August 27, 2024 :: 08/27/2024

The 2nd Amendment is exercised in various ways. Americans hunt, they compete, they plink, they reenact history, they collect… How many of you own more than one gun? How many of you own more than a dozen guns? How many of you own more than a dozen-dozen of guns? Yeah…. Collecting is a thing.

Many politicians would have you believe that the 2nd Amendment is just about hunting. I believe VP candidate Tim Walz claims to be a hunter. Tim Walz CLAIMS to be a lot of things.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - August 13, 2024 :: 08/13/2024

As California Philadelphia goes, so goes the country Commonwealth….


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - July 28, 2024 :: 07/28/2024

Your individual right to keep and bear arms to defend yourself and those that you love is being questioned. As you read this newsletter, there are those in the elected class who see your ability to be self-sufficient as a threat to them and their agenda.

Last week the powers that be in the Democratic party got their wish, and the democratic presidential campaign ticket coup of 2024 was made a reality.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - July 16, 2024 :: 07/16/2024

FOAC-Institute is a mostly single-issue organization. We are pro-gun. We fight to protect the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution and work to expand the individual right to keep and bear arms. We are also anti-crime. Most of the crime we fight is elected officials breaking the law and violating the Constitution. However, much of this edition will focus on a heinous crime that took place right here in our beloved Pennsylvania.

A few days ago, in Butler, PA someone tried to assassinate President Trump. We have witnessed an extraordinary moment in U.S. history.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - July 1, 2024 :: 07/01/2024

When I was a kid, U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop put warning labels on packs of cigarettes. The evidence at the time, and subsequent “science” showed us that smoking cigarettes can lead to many health problems, cancer being one of them. Cancer can kill you.

When C. Everett Koop died in 2013 he was lauded as a “rock star” Surgeon General because of his many works including reducing smoking rates and battling AIDS. He was deeply religious and spoke of respecting individual American rights.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - June 17, 2024 :: 06/17/2024

Over the last 2 weeks, the courts have issued quite a few decisions. Some good… some… well… maybe not so good.

The US Supreme Court overturned the bump stock ban. FOAC-Institute has ALWAYS opposed the “ban” of plastic things and we are even more opposed to “redefining” words to suit anti-liberty claims. Such as those that stated that accessories or plastic or wood or metal pieces were “guns” or “machine guns”. The June 14th decision sets POSITIVE precedent and is a very good thing.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - June 4, 2024 :: 06/04/2024

The last couple of weeks have been very educational.

FOAC-Institute is a non-partisan organization. We are neither for nor against any one particular party. However, one cannot ignore the fact that the Biden Administration, MANY of the Democrats in Washington D.C., and those that support the Biden Regime, are “ALL IN” for gun control. Every chance they get, they cry for bans, restrictions, confiscations, limitations, and red flags. All of which ONLY effect law-abiding gun owners, NOT the criminals that commit violent crime.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - May 22, 2024 :: 05/22/2024

Battle won!

On Tuesday May 7th, House Bill 335 and House Bill 2206 were defeated in the PA House.


FOAC-Institute Newsletter - May 6, 2024 :: 05/06/2024

Someone should sell tickets. Just when you think things could not get any bizarre-er….

Today useful idiots march, protest, disrupt graduations and stop certain people from freely moving about campus. Today criminals run rampant with the help of “progressive” DA’s. Today millions of “undocumented” illegal immigrants freely flow across our border.


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