Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
Your individual right to keep and bear arms to defend yourself and those that you love is being questioned. As you read this newsletter, there are those in the elected class who see your ability to be self-sufficient as a threat to them and their agenda.
Last week the powers that be in the Democratic party got their wish, and the democratic presidential campaign ticket coup of 2024 was made a reality.
Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute is a non-partisan organization. This means we do not promote a particular candidate based upon party affiliations. We are pro-gun and anti-crime. One of our primary missions as an organization is education. We will educate our members and the public at large about the actions, policies, hypocrisies, and atrocities of government officials, regimes, and institutions that promote the wholesale disarmament of the people, seek the servitude of our fellow Americans, and look to circumvent or vicarate our beloved US and Pennsylvania Constitutions, no matter their party affiliation.
After the assassination attempt on President Trump, there have been calls across the country and in Pennsylvania for more gun control. I predicted this in the last newsletter. This was not a real hard thing to predict. The anti-gun / pro-control organizations are salivating at the opportunity to use an assassination attempt on the “pro-gun” candidate to push more gun control.
I personally believe in divine intervention. I have mentioned this in past newsletters. If you share in my belief, or if you look at things as “just being lucky”, you’ve got to appreciate the totality of the political situation.
The democratically controlled PA House of Representatives in 2023-2024 has proposed 61anti-gun bills and they passed a few of them. WHY? Because the current democratic party IS anti-gun. It is that simple. Now, a very few individual democrat elected officials in the PA Legislature are NOT anti-gun but rest assured their party IS.
So, let us revisit the aforementioned divine intervention or luck.
As pro-control / anti-gun pundits and poster children are calling for added gun control measures in Pennsylvania BECAUSE of the Trump assassination, the PA house is not in session.
This legislative session the Democrats ultimately took control of the House. They controlled the calendar, they controlled the committees, they controlled “when and how” things were done. This was due to their razor thin one vote majority. Very recently, Rep. Stephen Kinsey (D) and Rep. Donna Bullock (D), stepped down from office to pursue other endeavors and now… just like that…. The Dems lost their majority. NOW the landscape is 100 (D) to 101 (R). Unfortunately, due to the technicalities of the “rules” the Dems will still stay in control of the house, however, it would seem they are staying home. Rather than risk losing power, they have decided to take their ball and bat home with them so nobody else can play.
If the Trump assassination attempt happened on PA soil 4 or 5 months ago, while the dems had a voting majority, I GUARANTEE you we would be facing an unprecedented onslaught of gun control restrictions, bans, and abolishment’s.
During the last FOAC-Institute meeting, President Jim Stoker said that every election is touted as the most important election of all time, and MAYBE this one is?
2 weeks ago, the “pro-gun /anti-crime” choices were clear in the presidential election. Donald Trump is a much “pro-er gun” choice than Biden. Nobody could or would dispute this. I think the same can be said when comparing Trump and Kamala Harris. Afterall, she headed the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
Understand how the presidential election effects down ballot campaigns. The Presidential Election is like the headliner and the supporting acts benefit from the turnout.
In 1991, I went to a Van Halen concert in Pittsburgh. There I saw this unknown band called Alice in Chains who opened for them. I left that show as an ardent Van Halen fan and a new Alice in Chains fan. It was because of VH that AIC gained a fan. Interestingly enough, as I write this very portion of this article my random music playlist just put on a song from Alice in Chain’s first album…. spooky.
With a larger turnout, the down ballot candidates generally get more votes. This is tremendously beneficial to the “party” as a whole.
When the rest of the world final recognized or acknowledged the lack luster performance of Biden after “the debate heard around the world”, that party got scared. They knew that many voters were going to stay home on election day. Hence… the wheels were put in motion to enact democratic presidential campaign ticket coup of 2024. What dirt they must have on Joe for him to volunteer to give up power…. I can’t imagine. Well, maybe I can, but I dare say we may have not heard the last from lame duck Joe Biden.
Kamala will get more folks to the polls in November than Biden. Make no mistake, between, “age” politics, “race” politics, “identity” politics, “glass ceiling” politics, “abortion” politics, and “vote for the one that is the most opposite to the other” politics, she WILL bring significant numbers to the polls.
But will folks show up at the polls because of her “2A” politics?
Read the post for yourself click here
That really depends on YOU!
Did you know that Kamala owns “a gun”…. But….
Did you know that Kamala reportedly runs to “the left” of Biden when it comes to guns?
Read this article from ANTI-GUN publication “The Trace” about what Kamala means for gun control. They proudly tout her anti-gun Bonefides.
Make no mistake, Kamala Harris directly and indirectly poses a threat to your individual right to keep and bear arms in defense of yourself and those that you love. Her actions, words, and affiliations prove it. She would likely help others on all levels of government to question and infringe your right and ability to keep and bear arms.
The 2024 Democrat convention is around the corner, and there could quite possibly be some huge surprises forthcoming. Maybe our PA Governor will be tapped to be the VP candidate? Maybe we witness another party coup? I shall put on my Carnac the Magnificent hat and predict that the dems will unify and toe the line in favor of she that is deemed next in line to rule. Their platform will tout “democracy” however the net result of their edicts and platform will impose more restrictions and tyranny upon the American people. They will seek to limit and restrict our ability to protect ourselves and families from criminals and elected officials. They will advance their agenda to make the people less self-sufficient and more dependent upon government.
Educate your friends and family. Help them vote. Give them a ride to the polls or help them obtain a mail in ballot application and give them some stamps.
PA Voter Registration CLICK HERE
The deadline to register to vote in the November 5th election is OCTOBER 21, 2024
Recently FOAC-I President Jim Stoker was interviewed for a news article in “Public Source” and seemingly paired against what the author, health reporter Venuri Siriwardane, implies as his arch nemesis Josh Fleitman of CeasefirePA.
It is interesting to recognize the subtle nuance of subtext in articles such as these.
Jim Stoker did a fantastic job of espousing individual liberty, holding criminals accountable for their actions, pointing out the inefficacies of government, and bringing attention to the misguided rhetoric of the anti-gun establishment.
It is my opinion that the article has a “slant” from syllable one. The tag line says it all, “Thomas Crooks was 20 when he bought, from his father, the gun reportedly used to shoot at Donald Trump. It was a legal sale. Should it be?”
The author promotes a few recent narratives that are becoming the norm in the everyday lexicon of the media. The gun control lobby is now firmly established as the “gun safety” advocacy crowd. I have taught many 1000’s of people gun safety in classes yet Josh Fleitman can call himself a gun safety advocate? I wonder if he would be willing to co-teach a class with me? I don’t think our “safety” solutions are aligned.
The “gun safety” crowd would eliminate guns to solve the problem of criminal violence. Now hang with me on this graphic comparison. This is the same logic that would eliminate children to end child trafficking and eliminate male specific reproductive appendages to eliminate rape. Neither solution would address the actions of the criminals that commit crime.
Fleitman implies that “the gun safety system” is the myriad of gun control laws already imposed upon Pennsylvania gun owners.
Another reoccurring theme in the media and from the so called “gun safety” crowd is that “gun violence” is the reason for many people’s mental health decline. The media rarely acknowledges that mental illness is a common trait (pre-event) with many individual mass murder spree killing perpetrators. However, now, we are seeing where it is claimed that the “gun” causes mental health issues because of the trauma associated with violent crimes cause by people that use guns. This perpetuates the lie that the guns, not the crime, is the problem and the ultimate reason for the “mental health crisis”. Then the narrative can be promoted that mass shootings and suicide are triggered by the mental health crisis not the illness. Wow would Joseph Goebbels be impressed with the propaganda that is produced by the anti-gun / pro-control establishment.
Please read the article for yourself and decide for yourself by CLICKING HERE.
Many anti-gun slanted articles allow the gun control advocate or, excuse me, “gun safety” advocate the final word. Sometimes they will feign balance by having a seeming neutral person say words to the effect of “I am for the 2A, but…….” In the case of this article, I am pleased that the author gave FOAC-I President Jim Stoker the last word.
“You’re never going to be able to legislate evil out of society,” he said. “I think that’s a fairy tale.” – Jim Stoker President of FOAC-Institute
We all agree.
Originally posted on the Prince Law Blog July 25, 2024 by Joshua Prince, Esq.
Yesterday, Chief Counsel Joshua Prince of the Firearms Industry Consulting Group, was successful in securing a monumental decision and Order in Suarez, et al. v. PSP Commissioner, 1:21-cv-710 (Middle District of PA); however, as the Order is complex and, in one regard, severs only a portion of 18 Pa.C.S. 6106, many are confused by the actual result. So, let’s dive in and analyze the statutes in relation to the Order.
First, we’ll start with the easy one, which was struck down in total – 18 Pa.C.S. 6107. Section 6107 provides:
(a) General rule.–No person shall carry a firearm upon the public streets or upon any public property during an emergency proclaimed by a State or municipal governmental executive unless that person is:
(1) Actively engaged in a defense of that person’s life or property from peril or threat.
(2) Licensed to carry firearms under section 6109 (relating to licenses) or is exempt from licensing under section 6106(b) (relating to firearms not to be carried without a license).
Thus, as a result of the injunction, during a state of emergency, individuals are no longer restricted in their ability to carry firearms upon the public streets or upon any public property.
Second, in relation to Section 6106, the Order provides that “[t]he Clerk of Court is directed to enter judgment in favor of plaintiffs and against Commissioner Paris with respect to plaintiffs’ challenge to … the vehicle provision of Section 6106 of the UFA.” So, let’s look at the applicable portion of Section 6106(a), which provides
(a) Offense defined.–
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), any person who carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license under this chapter commits a felony of the third degree.
(2) A person who is otherwise eligible to possess a valid license under this chapter but carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license and has not committed any other criminal violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.
As a result of the Order, Section 6106(a) can now be read as follows
(a) Offense defined.–
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), any person who carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license under this chapter commits a felony of the third degree.
(2) A person who is otherwise eligible to possess a valid license under this chapter but carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license and has not committed any other criminal violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.
I’ve used strikethrough to show exactly what was struck by the Court. As a result of this, one, including those between 18 and 20, in the absence of a license to carry firearms, can now carry a loaded firearm, in one’s vehicle, provided the firearm is not concealed on his/her person and is not in Philadelphia (as the court elected not to address 18 Pa.C.S. 6108).
So, of course, many will ask whether this applies to all forms of firearms or just handguns. While amendments to Section 6106 suggest that it applies to all forms of firearms, not just handguns, there is, nevertheless, another provision, 18 Pa.C.S. 6106.1, which prohibits carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun in a vehicle, which has yet to be challenged.
Hopefully this helps our readers decipher the Order. Of course, as we said, we anticipate that appeals will be taken to this decision.
If your state or federal constitutional rights have been violated, contact FICG today to discuss your options.
See also earlier Prince Law blog post:
By Jim Stoker, FOAC-Institute President
A recent case has sent our cause spiraling out of control on a very simple topic. Private manufacture of firearms. The case filed by another organization against the City of Philadelphia’s “ghost gun” ordinance, was a failure that is working against us with several other feudal governments across the Commonwealth.
Continue reading the blog post by CLICKING HERE
FOAC Harrisburg Litigation Team
(Left to Right) Jim Stoker, Kevin Fenchak, Dillon Harris, Josh First, Josh Prince, and Howard Bullock.
RCBC Picnic
(Left to Right) Jim Stoker, Mike Perich, Roman Kozak, Josh Kail, Elder Vogel, Rob Mecuri, Tony Guy, and Craig Holdren
Shannon Watts: White Women 'Have 100 Days to Help Save the World'
Massachusetts Governor Signs Sweeping Gun Control Bill Into Law
Kamala Harris's Absolute Hypocrisy on 'Fundamental Freedoms'
Kamala Harris Touts Gun Control in First Election Speech
Media Tries to Saddle Assassination Attempt on 'Political Divisions' Blocking PA Gun Control
ATF Classification of Forced Reset Triggers as Machineguns Vacated by District Court
How is J.D. Vance on the Second Amendment?
Op-Ed Blames 'Comfort of Amnesia' For Opposing Gun Control. It's Quite the Contrary
A Gunman Shot at Trump With an AR-15. RNC Visitors Can Win a Free One
FOAC-Institute presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-Institute events and meetings, CLICK HERE.
We have work to do.
We must make it a priority to educate ourselves and our fellow Americans as to what the Constitution guarantees and how many in the elected class are actively trying to rid us of our God given, natural born, and self-evident rights.
PA Constitution; Article 1 Section 21.
Right to bear arms.
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.
Bill of Rights; Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
We must educate our fellow Pennsylvanians, urge them to learn about the up and down ballot candidates and encourage them to vote accordingly.
The remaining lame duck presidency and election cycle will likely have us witness things we didn’t think we would see or hear. Be ever vigilant.
Stay Frosty, Stay Armed, and BE Well Regulated!
Yours In Liberty,
Klint Macro
FOAC-Institute VP
FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.
FOAC-Institute’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.
FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.
FOAC-Institute volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.
I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-Institute. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-Institute.
Contact your Legislators HERE.
Read previous newsletters HERE.
The FOAC-Institute website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-Institute website.
Get involved!
If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.
Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.
An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!