Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Firearms and Freedom with Stephen Laspina

If Trouble is Looming, Prepare NOW. :: 09/09/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

September is National Preparedness Month. Hopefully, you are keenly aware that we are two months away from national elections. Regrettably, Americans are presently more polarized as a people than we have been in many years. It is entirely plausible that, no matter the outcome of the elections, we could see civil unrest or supply chain breakdowns. NOW is the time to start making sure you and your family are prepared. 



Mission Possible: The Three Objectives of FOAC Institute :: 08/27/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

Have you heard of an elevator pitch? This overlooked and oft neglected life skill has much value. An elevator pitch is a short, personalized set of reasons and talking points on a given subject which serve as a high-level overview to persuade your audience.



In Memoriam: Those Who Gave All :: 05/21/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

Every year, Memorial Day is set apart to remember the fallen soldiers of the United States Military. 



Stronger Together: Join us at the 2A Rally in Harrisburg! :: 04/22/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

This article has been revised and adapted from its originial publication in April 2023.



Lessons for Gun Owners from the Moscow Attack :: 03/25/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

There is much we still don’t know about the Moscow concert attack.



43 Reasons Open Carry is a Bad Idea :: 03/11/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

If the title of my piece grabbed your attention, it did its job. Please understand that 43 is not an arbitrary number that I came up with. It is the list of incidents (compiled by Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training) when an open-carrying citizen was assaulted or disarmed by a criminal who saw the firearm and targeted that gun owner. (For the sake of my argument, I am NOT including the law enforcement instances, which would drive the number of incidents closer to 100.) You can peruse each account to see for yourself the bad outcomes that can (and did) happen.



New Year's Resolution: Get Formal Firearms Training :: 12/30/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina

As we approach the new year, many of us are contemplating goals we would like to achieve in the next twelve months. I have one for gun owners like you and me. If you have not taken formal, in-person firearms instruction yet, make it happen this coming year.



5 Safety Tips for the Holiday Season :: 12/11/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina

The most wonderful time of the year is also one of the busiest for all of us. More than likely, you have errands and events to attend in public spaces. Here are some things to think about to help you and your loved ones stay safe this holiday season:

1) Avoid unnecessary smartphone usage in public spaces. I know, I know: our smartphones are incredible tools that help us do so much, like see our bank account balance and access our Christmas shopping list. While it might not be possible to completely avoid using your phone while you’re out and about, try to keep it to a minimum. Consider utilizing hands-free options with your back to a wall so you can keep your eyes up and on your surroundings.


If Patriots Have No Hope, Then There Is No Hope :: 11/18/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina


Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh, so he is.”


New Mexico Governor bans all carry of guns for at least 30 days :: 09/11/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina

It should come as no surprise to the aware citizen that declaring “public health emergencies” has become the latest way for elected officials to trample our rights. 



The Myth of "Reasonable Gun Control" :: 07/31/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina

You’ve probably heard something like this before:

“I don’t want to ban any guns, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have reasonable gun control laws.”


Cluster bombs for Ukrainians, but no small arms for Americans :: 07/31/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina

Since the Russian invasion a little over one year ago, the United States has sent over 113 billion dollars in aid to the Ukraine. A significant portion of those funds paid for a variety of weapons and ammunition.



No, there haven’t been 225 mass shootings in 2023. :: 05/19/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina

When you hear the words “mass shooting,” what comes to mind? For me, I think of the places some of these atrocities occurred. Columbine. Sandy Hook. Sutherland Springs. Parkland. Uvalde. Las Vegas. Nashville. These seemingly random acts resulted in mass casualties where the killers hunted for any human life they could snuff out. 



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