Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

From the desk of the President

Harrisburg. Again. :: 08/26/2024

by: James Stoker

Many long hours and 495 miles later, I am home from my roundabout day to Harrisburg and back, for our litigation trying to attain an injunction against the city’s illegal gun ordinances. As I type this, I am searching for an audio recording of the city of Reading’s council meeting tonight, where they were expected to pass an ordinance prohibiting certain types of private manufacture of firearms. I am replaying today’s court proceedings in my mind, and I am looking at my spreadsheet of things to do to stop other communities who infringe upon our rights with reckless abandon.

Today was a good day. No, we did not get a quick decision from Judge Dowling in our favor and put an end to the ridiculousness that is the Harrisburg case. But truth be told, I expect one soon. The attorney for the City of Harrisburg is a dolt. The repetitive nature with which he presents his argument after being repeatedly shut down by Attorney Prince astounds me.


Adventures in misinformed solicitors :: 08/13/2024

by: James Stoker

Adventures in misinformed solicitors.  Our organization could write a book on the topic.  Every regular citizen in the Commonwealth can read the words:

“No county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth.”


Why we can't afford to lose :: 07/23/2024

by: James Stoker

Why we can’t afford to lose…

A recent case has sent our cause spiraling out of control on a very simple topic.  Private manufacture of firearms.  The case filed by another organization against the City of Philadelphia’s “ghost gun” ordinance, was a failure that is working against us with several other feudal governments across the Commonwealth. 


FOAC et al. v City of Harrisburg et al. Update from Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 :: 07/22/2024

by: James Stoker

Wednesday, I had the pleasure of visiting the Dauphin County Court and appearing with life members Howard Bullock and Josh First, and our legal team of Joshua Prince, Dillon Harris, and Kevin Fenchak, before Judge Dowling.  Our purpose was argument before the court on Firearms Owners Against Crime et al. v City of Harrisburg et al., 2015-cv-354-EQ.  Yes, you read that right… 2015. 

This case has been up and down the ladder of the courts for nearly ten years.  Why?  Because Harrisburg passed five illegal ordinances back then prohibiting the following: 


Independence Day Message :: 07/04/2024

by: James Stoker

Independence Day. A celebration of Declaration of Independence. 

John Adams once wrote:


Sacrifice :: 04/22/2024

by: James Stoker


What exactly does that mean to you?  Sacrifice.  The past few weeks have been chaos on the road for me.  Mill Creek, Langhorne, Newville, Butler, Long Pond…   a lot of highway miles.  This past Thursday the seminar team needed a break, but I had to be at Long Pond for a four-hour seminar with V.P. Klint Macro.  The weather was fair, so I took the Shelby and made the four-hour trip to the Pocono Raceway to present to a crowd of roughly 25 pro-gun citizens, almost half of which were brought to the room by Director Stephen Laspina. 


Our 2nd Amendment Needs YOUR help! :: 02/26/2024

by: James Stoker

I think we can all agree that life gets frustrating at times.  We all have our ups and downs, and we all have adversity that sometimes we ask for, and sometimes we do not.  I’ve heard the age-old sayings that “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” or “God only gives us what we can handle.”  Those are great to pacify the mind maybe when things seem to be going awry…  But what about the things we know we SHOULD be able to change, and it’s just not working? 

There are over 1.2 million concealed carry holders in Pennsylvania.  We have reportedly over 850,000 hunters here in Pennsylvania.  Now, granted, many of us may fit both roles and count in both totals, but even so, why do we lose elections? 


News from the front lines ... Harrisburg :: 01/31/2024

by: James Stoker

News from the front lines ... Harrisburg :: 01/19/2024

     Well gang, as expected the biased and anti-Constitution gang in the House Judiciary Committee, led by tyrant-in-chief Briggs passed five of the gun control bills out of the committee and reported them to the House floor.  As expected, the Democrats controlled the vote 14-11 straight party lines showing not one of them understand the meaning of the phrase "shall not be questioned" from our Commonwealth Constitution.  The five bills moving to the floor are as follows: 



What a week (month) it's been! :: 10/25/2023

by: James Stoker

What a week it’s been for FOAC and our leadership team.  Actually, what a month!  After wrapping up another great gun bash on the last day of September, we began October meeting with USCCA directors to establish how we would work with them on seminars in the future.  Then we presented our seminar for Rep. Marla Brown in New Castle on October 5th, before a small crowd thanks to a print error in Harrisburg.  Then we attended the NRA-ILA Pittsburgh convention on October 7th with V.P. Klint Macro, Director Ed Bogats, and ever-present volunteers Bob Canova and Craig Holdren.  Volunteers Suzy Psyck, Debbie Hadfield, Frank Kelly, and Mary and Rick Iorio were also present to sit in on the event. 

V.P. Klint Macro and I had to bail a little early and grab our things as we headed across the state to Scranton.  We met Director Stephen Laspina, his family, and Regional Coordinator Dave Weaver with his wife for a great sit-down dinner where we could discuss efforts and just spend some time together talking.  Then we went off to the hotel for as much sleep as we could get working on some white papers and answering emails. 


Crawford v. Commonwealth Supreme Court Argument 09-13-23 :: 09/28/2023

by: James Stoker

     On Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, I spent my eldest daughter’s birthday traveling to and from Philadelphia to stand for our organization in defense of a shining star among gun rights legislation, Title 18 §6120 Limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition. Otherwise known in Pennsylvania as preemption. I worked till 11pm Tuesday and left for Philadelphia at 3am Wednesday, cautiously optimistic that the Supreme Court would dismiss their challenge. This incredible statute is underenforced but cannot be overstated in its value to the American citizen in our Commonwealth. If we could only convince the district attorneys in this Commonwealth to enforce it with any sense of consistency, our organization would have far less to do on a weekly basis.

     The purpose of this statute, passed in its original form in 1974, is to consolidate the power to pass legislation regarding firearms and ammunition with the general assembly, NOT the counties, municipalities, or townships of the Commonwealth. This ensures consistency across the state for all of us and protects our Constitutional right to bear arms from the feudal lords who run their small fiefdoms with the uninformed opinion that rights need sacrificed on the altar of the “greater good”.


Why FOAC-ILLEA is in on the centerfire semi-auto fight... :: 09/11/2023

by: James Stoker

As many of you know, recently FOAC-ILLEA has taken a role with several sportsmen associations in petitioning the Pennsylvania Game Commission to legalize semi-automatic centerfire rifles for big game hunting. There are various reasons why this needs to happen, but it is controversial, and it is not necessarily heavily supported among many hunters in the Commonwealth. I received an email from a sportsman who wanted to disagree, stating things like it “removes skill” somehow and that “lunatics” want to use ARs in hunting. He went on to say he doesn’t want them in Pennsylvania and if you “need” one to hunt that means you “can’t hunt”.

Why would our organization take the stance that we support semi-auto centerfire for hunting big game when the topic is hunting and so divisive? The answer is simple. Freedom. In my response to the author of the email, I list numerous reasons why a hunter in Pennsylvania might choose to exercise their 2nd Amendment right to choose such a weapon to hunt deer or other large game. I’m attaching a link to my blog that hosts the response to one such writer for all of you to read, should you desire to see my points. But simply put, it’s the freedom we each have as an American citizen to choose the weapon we want, as provided for by our Constitutions.


In response to an email criticizing our stance on semi-automatic centerfire for hunting big game :: 09/10/2023

by: James Stoker

My recent response to one particular email criticizing FOAC-ILLEA for standing for the hunter's right to choose: 



The Future is in Our Hands :: 08/16/2023

by: James Stoker

(From the August 14th, 2023 Newsletter)

     The future is in our hands. The future is in YOUR hands. If nothing else, this year has taught us a lesson in consequences. The consequences of not being active enough. The consequences of not being outspoken enough. The consequences of not leading enough.


The Importance of the Commonwealth v. Goslin Decision :: 08/06/2023

by: James Stoker


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Goslin …and why it is so important!


Welcome to the Desk of the President :: 07/27/2023

by: James Stoker

So here it is...  my own place on the internet to express my views on all we do as FOAC-ILLEA, and all the opposition does in attacking our natural rights as human beings.  Keep posted to this blog for updates.  I'm not promising they'll be regular, as there's just SO much to do...  but I intend on reviewing the anti-Constitutionalist attack on our gun rights that started with a "judiciary hearing" this past spring with a critical breakdown of the "experts" they had lie and testify before the House Judiciary Committee in a sham of a "hearing".  So I'll be getting to that in the near future...  till then... "What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."- Thomas Jefferson


Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2024

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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