Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Lessons for Gun Owners from the Moscow Attack :: 03/25/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

There is much we still don’t know about the Moscow concert attack.


What we do know is that at least 137 people (at the time of this writing) lost their lives on Friday, March 22, 2024. Four men, reportedly armed with guns, knives and bombs attacked attendees at a concert hall in Russia’s capital city.


Russia’s laws on how citizens may own and acquire guns are quite draconian, far more so than anything on the books in the most restrictive American states. Yet no amount of regulation sufficed to stop the murders of this past Friday. Evil men found a way to do evil things to other people, and they didn’t care what laws they’d violate in the process.


Whether this was terrorism, mass murder, or politically-motivated violence, we as responsible gun-owners can learn lessons.


First, as often as possible, be armed all the time. Too many gun owners have concealed carry permits but fail to actually carry their gun. If you are your own first responder (and you are), it’s time to carry at least some of the gear you’d see a first responder carry, beginning with your pistol. In a public space, the handgun is how you stop violence from happening to you, so you’d best bring it with you.


Second, understand the risks of your chosen environments and make plans accordingly. Large venues with crowds of people are attractive targets for mass killing events. Whether it’s a concert, a sporting event, or some other type of large gathering, make a plan beforehand about an exit strategy should violence erupt. Carry whatever defensive tools you can, and include some emergency trauma medical equipment as well. This will allow you to render immediate aid to yourself or other loved ones who are with you should there be injuries.


Finally, we must each develop a determined mindset. We must prepare ahead of time to act with resolve in the face of danger. Denial and delay are not required; indeed, they are dangerous impediments. Love of life and family should help motivate us to do what it takes to survive and prevail against the odds.


The politicians and their legislation won’t save you. Law enforcement likely won’t be there in time. It’s up to each of us to be prepared with the right tools, a good plan, and the proper mindset to defeat evil should it cross our path.

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