Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

If Trouble is Looming, Prepare NOW. :: 09/09/2024

by: Stephen LaSpina

September is National Preparedness Month. Hopefully, you are keenly aware that we are two months away from national elections. Regrettably, Americans are presently more polarized as a people than we have been in many years. It is entirely plausible that, no matter the outcome of the elections, we could see civil unrest or supply chain breakdowns. NOW is the time to start making sure you and your family are prepared. 


The thing about preparation is that it’s preemptive; it can only be done BEFORE something bad happens. Otherwise, you’re just reacting with whatever supplies or skills you happened to have acquired beforehand.  It would be far better to have thought through some scenarios and collected needed supplies than to be caught off-guard and empty-handed. 


The first question I believe you should consider: do you have everything you need to remain at home for at least 30 days? Think about necessities like food, water, hygiene items, and medications. For example, most Americans don’t have enough food on hand to last a week or two before they’d need to restock at the grocery store. Make a plan to completely fill any gaps in these categories over the next 60 days. 


Second, can you defend your home adequately? Are your door and window locks functioning properly? Is exterior lighting working as it should? Do you have enough defensive ammunition for your firearms? Is it loaded into magazines and ready to be used in a firearm that is staged for defense? Do you have some basic first aid and trauma medical equipment on hand in case you or a loved one is injured? (As an educator, I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you here to be trained in the use of both your defensive firearms and emergency medical equipment.)


Third, if you have to leave home due to devolving circumstances in your neighborhood, do you have an exit plan? Is your vehicle well-maintained and equipped with some emergency supplies? Does it have enough fuel to get you far enough away from the trouble you’re fleeing from? Do you have some open space (not passenger seats if they will be used for people) to load additional supplies?


Finally, and often overlooked: take some time to consider your mindset and physical fitness. These two are related: you will gain mental confidence as your body grows stronger. So care for your body by staying active. This doesn’t mean you need to start 75 Hard or buy a gym membership (although these things may have value for you). Go for a walk; do 5 or 10 push-ups before breakfast; take the stairs instead of the elevator; park further from entrances to increase your step count. Look for simple, achievable ways to increase your physical activity. Our bodies were meant to move. 


It is my hope that we make it to the holidays without any widespread violence or unrest in our communities. But, as Ed Monk is fond of saying, hope is not a plan. NOW is the time to make a list and check it twice. At the very least, you will have peace of mind. At worst, you will be more prepared to face whatever life throws your way. 

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