Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
by: Stephen LaSpina
Since the Russian invasion a little over one year ago, the United States has sent over 113 billion dollars in aid to the Ukraine. A significant portion of those funds paid for a variety of weapons and ammunition.
Last year, the U.S. sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine. This portable missile system climbs into the sky to find the weakest part of its armored target. It can defeat the robust armor of military vehicles, even tanks.
Cluster bombs are the latest weapon that the Biden Administration wants to send to Ukraine. This projectile has a large munition containing many smaller munitions within, and it can be launched from the ground, air, or sea.
Of course, the U.S. has sent many other kinds of weapons, including thousands of small arms to include rifles, pistols, and shotguns.
The purpose of this column is not to debate foreign policy positions and our involvement with supplying aid to a non-NATO nation. The intent is to shine a light on the glaring hypocrisy of our own federal government.
Not long ago, in response to pushback against weapons bans, the Biden administration mockingly told Americans that they would need nuclear weapons and F-16 aircraft if we ever needed to fight against a tyrannical U.S. government.
And yet, the same Biden administration sent rifles, pistols, and shotguns (among other kinds of weapons) to the Ukrainians, who happened to be engaged in a fight with the much larger Russian military. If these weapons were so ineffectual against a larger fighting force, why send any of them at all?
You can learn a lot from how a nation interacts with other countries. You can learn even more from how it treats its own citizens.
President Biden and many others representing us in the federal government have shown a tremendous amount of fidelity to the nation of Ukraine. The amounts on the checks we’re writing leave no doubt of that. Simultaneously, many of those very same people, President Biden chief among them, look with absolute scorn upon their own citizens owning the same (or even far less potent) weapons. They rail against the AR-15, calling it a “weapon of war.” They tell us that “no one needs” one of these rifles, which are immensely popular and widely used by Americans for hunting, sporting, and self-protection. Biden to Woman: "You Don't Need an AR-15; It's Harder to Aim, It's Harder to Use' | National Review The Biden administration has even proposed banning 9mm semi-automatic pistols, one of the most commonly used types of handguns for concealed carry and personal defense.
NRA-ILA | Biden Pushes 9mm Handgun Ban, Harris Wants to Ban Common Semi-autos
The blatant hypocrisy of these would-be gun banners is clear for those with eyes to see. The disdain and scorn that they espouse for responsible citizens - not criminals, citizens - is immoral and repulsive. It is unbecoming of anyone who would represent the people of a nation founded on principles of liberty and personal freedom.