Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
by: Stephen LaSpina
It should come as no surprise to the aware citizen that declaring “public health emergencies” has become the latest way for elected officials to trample our rights.
This week, Governor Michelle Grisham of New Mexico has declared “gun violence” to be a “public health emergency.” Part of her declaration is to ban open carry and concealed carry of firearms for the next thirty days. She has said that she will reevaluate after thirty days, and that she may even extend the timeframe.
In Pennsylvania, we are not strangers to such abuse of power from our own Governor’s mansion. The Covid years yielded numerous tyrannical edicts from then-Governor Tom Wolf, who abused “emergency declarations” on a regular basis, including using them to close gun shops for a period of time in 2020.
Governor Grisham claims that several murders of citizens prompted this edict. Of course, the Governor is fully aware that criminals who commit murder do not follow such “leave your gun at home” orders. The Governor is also aware that this order will more than likely be struck down by the courts. Second Amendment supporters and organizations will no doubt launch lawsuits, as well they should.
So if it won’t stop violent crime, and it likely won’t hold up in court, why give the order?
Politicians like Grisham loathe the rights of individuals, particularly the right to keep and bear arms. It is the final check against their ability to fully play the tyrant.
Since the Bruen decision by SCOTUS, we have seen certain states lash out and create even more obstacles for people to obtain carry permits. They are defying the laws passed by legislatures and the precedents set by the Judiciary.
Why? Because they are ideologues. They are not concerned with playing by the rules. They do not care about the rule of law, the Constitution, or how many times we win in court. They will still trample our rights because they have to…they need to. They can’t help themselves. It’s who they are.
How should we respond to such freedom-hating defiance?
We must be steadfast and immovable in our defense. We must tirelessly motivate like-minded representatives to play offense AND defense when it comes to our Second Amendment rights. Those representatives who oppose us need to see that it will be politically toxic and harmful to their careers to attack gun rights.
Finally, we must not grow weary of funding lawsuits. They do work, and they do overturn such lawless orders. What’s more, where tenable, we must pursue impeachment and removal from office for those who so blatantly violate their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution.
We must match and exceed the resolve of freedom’s enemies. Can we count on you to join us in that fight?