Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

If Patriots Have No Hope, Then There Is No Hope :: 11/18/2023

by: Stephen LaSpina


Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh, so he is.”


I was recently helping to staff a FOAC-ILLEA booth at a freedom festival. Many people stopped to find out what our booth was about. When we explained the advocacy work we do in the political arena, it was amazing to see the different responses.


Perhaps the most concerning reaction was an attitude that our political defeat was inevitable, not just in the next election, but in a total and final sense where we lose our freedoms. One man told me, “There is no hope. You are wasting your time. Politicians don’t listen to us.”


I explained that we had a process in place called “elections” where we could hire or fire elected officials, but he wanted to hear none of it. He had bad experiences before with political activism, and he had already decided things were hopeless. He was adamant that he would not be involved.


I attempted to explain that we actually have relationships with many representatives in Harrisburg, but he would barely let me complete a sentence.


After some attempt like this at a back and forth, I finally concluded, “Well, I hope there are enough of us willing to act to make up for the inaction of people like you.” He shook his head and walked away. Keep in mind, we were at a FREEDOM FESTIVAL.


The attitude of this man is all too common. Now, to be fair, politics IS often a very hard endeavor. There are many ups and downs. There are times where it easy to feel defeated, tune out, find other things to care about, or decide it is someone else’s problem.


But we all agree this thing called America is not heading in a good direction. A recent survey found that 78% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Yet our government “of the people” seemingly can’t be bothered to get off our collective behinds to do anything about it.


Now the elites and ruling class want us to feel powerless. After all, it is much easier to tyrannize people who have forgotten their precious inheritance of self-governance. Nothing would threaten the political establishment more than people awakening to that realization.


But if patriots have no hope, then there is no hope. We need numbers. We need people to take a stand and get involved. This will be to varying degrees for each of us, but get involved we each must, or this thing called America will be a failed experiment at some point in time.


The good news? That fate is preventable. If we decide to not lose heart, if we do not give up hope, if we refuse to believe that all is lost, we have a chance to reverse course. The promise of America may be reignited once more.


What are we prepared to do? Each of us is given one life to live. How shall we spend it? We have inherited great freedoms as Americans. Let us not squander that privilege. Future generations, comprised of our own children and grandchildren, are counting on us to have hope, and to act on it. Let’s not let them down.

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2025

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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