Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Weekly Newsletters

FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for January 16th, 2023 :: 01/16/2023

Over the last 2 weeks we have seen a lot of activity in the halls of government. Some folks are working to uphold and defend the Constitutions of the US and Pennsylvania, while others are seeking to undermine it.

The media would have you believe that lower house floor in Washington D.C. is covered with peanut shells and popcorn, implying that a circus took place during the debate and 15 ballot process that resulted in Kevin McCarthy becoming the Speaker of the House. I say this is what a robust Constitutional Republic is supposed to look like. Legislators should NOT roll over and blindly comply and learn about it after it passes.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter - January 1, 2023 :: 01/01/2023

Making “stuff” is part of our DNA as Americans. Our ancestors had to grow their own food and make their own furniture, clothes, and tools. Today, whether out of tradition, self-sufficiency, necessity, or “just because we can”, many Americans continue to make their own “stuff”.

My mother would purchase paper patterns and order bolts of cloth to trace, cut, and sew her own clothes. She could have easily bought the clothes from Sears or Penny’s, but she chose to make them herself. Each year, my wife makes my son’s birthday cakes from scratch. She could easily purchase one from the bakery. Why bother with all the extra effort in a time where we can get a ”store bought” thing pretty easily? There is a definite satisfaction when you create something with your own hands.


FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for the Week of December 18th, 2022 :: 12/18/2022

This week I have experienced a myriad of emotions and concerns, both for the organization and a dear friend.  Let me begin by telling you a little of my background, without repeating my full biography, and what has led me to this point today writing this letter to all of you.

I am the son of a Vietnam veteran, starstruck with military history, particularly Alexander the Great and World War II.  I attended world affairs council meetings as a student and actually paid attention to the conflicts around the world and the efforts put forth to sway them.  That led me to enlist at the age of 17 and take my first oath swearing to defend the Constitution.  I spent six years in the Air Force as a security specialist surrounded by the conservative mindset most veterans hold.  I left that field for armored trucks then eventually law enforcement, now having served 28 years in the profession. 


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Sunday November 27th 2022 :: 11/27/2022


As a student of history, I have found over the decades of my involvement in the Second Amendment debate a curious phenomenon and that is the question of why do we put such relevance into the attitudes and feelings of our fellow citizens by polling them on “Gun Control”?


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message for Saturday, November 12, 2022 :: 11/12/2022

The lead up to this 2022 election has taken a great many wild swings that this author hasn’t seen for the better part of 40 years.  I don’t know how the average citizen could keep up! Evaluating the comments and the claims made by not only the candidates and incumbents but also by the Republican and Democrat parties has proven to be a challenge for all but the most interested and experienced outside observer. Having watched the statements and the machinations play out over the course of the year I have to say that the red wave has fizzled out and become a red whimper, if that.

There are a lot of opinions and assignations over what happened and who is responsible for the various twists and turns in this election but I can tell you definitely that in addition to the election outcome that there is a clandestine movement afoot to cement Republican leadership in Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell that is being opposed, or at least challenged, by both senators and representatives alike. Not the least of which, is the fact that the drama and manipulation and machinations behind-the-scenes is rife with speculation and drama unto itself.


FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Newsletter for October30, 2022 :: 10/30/2022

It is a long-held tradition in Pennsylvania’s Capital, Harrisburg, that when the legislators go into the caucus room, no outsiders are allowed. No exceptions! That heretofore tradition was rent asunder when Rick Santorum was granted permission to make a presentation to the Caucus members on the Constitutional Convention issue.

On October 26th, Rick and (very limited) supporters of the Article V Constitutional Convention roamed the halls of the Capitol in Harrisburg and held closed door meetings with Legislators. While still claiming that a “run-away” convention could never happen, you have to wonder what treats were offered behind those closed doors to encourage legislators to support the Con-Con and risk wholesale edits or the potential “tossing out” of our Constitution.


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Sunday October 16th 2022 :: 10/16/2022

Over the last 2 weeks, temperatures have begun to fall, the leaves continue to change color, some folks are mailing in ballots, and Biden once more capitalizes on tragedy to push to restrict the rights and liberties of law-abiding Americans.

On Thursday, October, 12, 2022 a crime of violence took place in Raleigh, NC. A 15-year-old boy murdered his brother and 4 other victims. As of yet, the police have not reported a motive or what type of firearm this criminal used, but Joe Biden wasted no time in using this tragedy to push his political agenda of gun control by calling the legislature to pass the “Assault Weapon Ban of 2022”. The AWB2022 passed the House in July.


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday October 3rd 2022 :: 10/03/2022


The American Revolution started before 1776 and continues to this day. Those Men, Women, and Children during the days of the late 1770’s who fought against the Red Coats and British Crown were already free. They had certain inalienable Rights and free will…. They just had to convince their government that it was so. Unfortunately, their process of filing grievances and petitions, protests, letters, and pleas to the crown fell upon deaf ears and ultimately it was necessary to take up arms. Ironically, when crown came for the arms, the American colonists, recognized the need to use the arms.


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday September 19th 2022 :: 09/19/2022

We celebrate wins and learn from failures.

One day after the 21st anniversary of 9-11-01, I attended the annual 2A Rally at the Capitol in Harrisburg, PA. This year’s theme was “Stay Free, Stay Armed, Stand Together against Tyranny.” Every time an event like this happens, I feel like I use to feel back when I played in bands. As the show time approaches, I would watch the door and wonder, “how many people are going to come?”


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday September 5th 2022 :: 09/05/2022


As Joe Biden continues his campaign to advance his agenda for gun control, the federal “assault weapons ban” that passed the house is sitting in the senate. The democrats are attempting to buy votes for the upcoming elections and the anti-liberty forces in Harrisburg are once more trying to impose even more restrictions upon law abiding Pennsylvanians with SB 1307.


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Sunday August 21st 2022 :: 08/21/2022

In the last 2 weeks we have learned much more about the so called, “Inflation Reduction Act”. We have seen more and more lawlessness as “We the People” must deal with the fallout of politicians empowering criminals. We have also seen more of our fellow Americans empower themselves by purchasing firearms and obtaining licenses or permits to carry in record numbers as a direct result of the Supreme Court Bruen decision.

“We the People” are indeed stuck between a rock and a hard place as we must protect ourselves from criminals and a slew of elected officials that are seeking new and creative ways to restrict our rights and liberties. These new and creative ways are sometimes covert, overt, veiled, blatant, and coming from all angles. What makes this situation even harder to manage, the anti-liberty forces definitely have a monopoly when it comes to the dissemination of information. Pro-Liberty organizations, such as FOAC-ILLEA and other orgs, individuals, and even certain elected officials or “former office holders” are often shadow-banned or all out censored by the media or the “information distribution complex”. (Maybe that is what Eisenhower would have called it?) 


FOAC ILLEA's Top Weekly News Stories for the week of August 21, 2022 :: 08/21/2022

In the last 2 weeks we have learned much more about the so called, “Inflation Reduction Act”. We have seen more and more lawlessness as “We the People” must deal with the fallout of politicians empowering criminals. We have also seen more of our fellow Americans empower themselves by purchasing firearms and obtaining licenses or permits to carry in record numbers as a direct result of the Supreme Court Bruen decision.

“We the People” are indeed stuck between a rock and a hard place as we must protect ourselves from criminals and a slew of elected officials that are seeking new and creative ways to restrict our rights and liberties. These new and creative ways are sometimes covert, overt, veiled, blatant, and coming from all angles. What makes this situation even harder to manage, the anti-liberty forces definitely have a monopoly when it comes to the dissemination of information. Pro-Liberty organizations, such as FOAC-ILLEA and other orgs, individuals, and even certain elected officials or “former office holders” are often shadow-banned or all out censored by the media or the “information distribution complex”. (Maybe that is what Eisenhower would have called it?) 


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday August 8th 2022 :: 08/08/2022

Since our last edition, we have seen the AWB 2.0 (proposed federal “Assault Weapon Ban”) pass the House of Representatives (217 Yea/213 nay/1 absent) and then stall (for the time being) in the US Senate Judiciary Committee. This unenforceable and misguided legislation was cosponsored and voted for by a host of Pennsylvania Representatives:

Democrats: Brendon F. Boyle, Cartwright, Dean, Mike Doyle, Evans, Houlahan, Connor Lamb, Scanlon, Wild.


FOAC ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday July 25th 2022 :: 07/25/2022

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FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday July 11th 2022 :: 07/11/2022

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FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday June 27th 2022 :: 06/27/2022

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FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday June 13th 2022 :: 06/13/2022

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FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday May 30th 2022 :: 05/30/2022

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FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday May, 16th 2022 :: 05/16/2022

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FOAC-ILLEA's Weekly Message For Monday May 2nd 2022 :: 05/02/2022

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