Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for March 27, 2023 :: 03/26/2023

The anti-gun forces in Harrisburg are flexing their muscles and testing the fence for weakness. Anti-gun / Anti-Liberty elected officials are running amuck almost as wildly as the criminals that they empower. It would seem that almost every failed anti-gun / gun control / citizen disarmament / pro-criminal piece of legislation proposed over the last 10 years has resurfaced and more are on the way!

Let’s take a gander at PA HB586

There bill currently has 13 sponsorsStephen Kinsey (D); Manuel Guzman (D); Joshua Siegel (D); Maureen Madden (D); Jose Giral (D); Ben Sanchez (D); Christopher Rabb (D); Darisha Parker (D); Joseph Hohenstein (D); Dan Williams (D); Dan Frankel (D); Rick Krajewski (D); Napoleon Nelson (D)

This legislation would require ammunition manufacturers to “encode” individual cartridges for use in “regulated firearms” in a way specified by the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania Secretary of Revenue. “Regulated Firearms” are not specified. Ammunition manufacturers will be required to encode the cartridges and the projectiles so that identification could be done after the bullet has been fired. The individual identification numbers must match the box the cartridges are sold in, and all numbers are to be logged upon sale.

The Commissioner of the PSP and PA Secretary of Revenue would maintain a database of the date of purchase, name, birth date, and address of the purchaser of the ammunition. PSP will also record the driver’s license number, or any other government issued identification. The database will be funded by “The encoded ammunition database tax”. This tax will be 5 cents per round sold. It is the duty of the “owner” to dispose of ANY un-encoded ammunition by January 1, 2024. The bill goes onto explain fines and criminal charges associated with possession, failure to register or failure to pay said taxes.

So, for the sake of argument, let’s say that the intention of the 13 sponsors of this bill was to promote “safety”. Assuming that they believe ammunition is ultimately safe, which they must as citizens under this legislation would still be able to get ammunition (in theory), who are they protecting… and from who? This legislation doesn’t protect citizens from criminals, that is for sure.

The endgame of these TYRANTS is to make it impossible to get ammunition, therefore disarming the citizenry.

Under this legislation, it would be illegal to have ammo that was not “encoded”. Your personal stock of ammo that you have RIGHT NOW, would be illegal after January 1, 2024. You would not be allowed to have it. You would be in possession of illegal items and therefore subject to penalty.

Any ammo you would purchase would need to be “encoded”. As this technology is laughably impossible to implement, no manufacturer would do it. So, the endgame is no more ammo sales in Pennsylvania, no more internet sales of ammo in PA, and no more legal RELOADED ammo in PA. Your reloading bench would be treated similarly to a still in the backwoods of Kentucky during prohibition. You would not be able to purchase ammo out of state as that ammo would need to be encoded and recorded in “the database”. Possession of un-encoded ammunition would be a crime. Therefore, ammunition is illegal.

PA HB 335 would add “accelerated trigger activator” to the list of prohibited offensive weapons in title 18. This bill currently has 20 sponsorsBen Sanchez (D); Malcolm Kenyatta (D); Joseph Ciresi (D); Stephen Kinsey (D); Maureen Madden (D); Nancy Guenst (D); Michael Schlossberg (D); Stephen Samuelson (D); Kristine Howard (D); Gregory Vitali (D); Elizabeth Fiedler (D); Joseph Hohenstein (D); Rick Krajewski (D); Michael Sturla (D); Perry Warren (D); Robert Freeman (D); Emily Kinkead (D); Danielle Otten (D); Melissa Shusterman (D); Napoleon Nelson (D)

An “Accelerated Trigger Activator” is a part or combination of parts designed and intended to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm to simulate the rate of fire of a machinegun.

While this legislation is an attempt to criminalize binary triggers and bump stocks and other products of that ilk, lets pose the question, what is the rate of fire of a machine gun?

The M1919, for example, has a cyclic rate of 400-500 rounds per minute. So, erring on the fast side of that estimation, the rate would be about 8 rounds per second. A moderately trained American can often shoot 5 rounds a second with an unaltered semiautomatic firearm. SO, if the objective measurement is “rate of fire of a machine gun”, when will a “Well Regulated” trigger finger be considered a “part or combination of parts”? Unfortunately, I think there are many tyrants in the halls of government that would love to outlaw “well-regulated gun-owning citizens”.

PA HB336 is the classic California style “Assault Weapon Ban”. This bill currently has 20 sponsors: Ben Sanchez (D); Aerion Abney (D); Malcolm Kenyatta (D); Joseph Ciresi (D); Jose Giral (D); Maureen Madden (D); Michael Schlossberg (D); Christopher Rabb (D); Gregory Vitali (D); Elizabeth Fiedler (D); Joseph Hohenstein (D); Darisha Parker (D); Michael Sturla (D); Perry Warren (D); Emily Kinkead (D); Danielle Otten (D); Napoleon Nelson (D); Dan Frankel (D); Melissa Cerrato (D); Melissa Shusterman (D)

Dianne Feinstein Violates at least 2 safety rules while violating the rights and liberties of all Americans.

A person may not possess, use, control, sell, deliver, transfer, or manufacture an “assault weapon”. The list of specific guns is long but also includes firearms that have a combination of scary cosmetic features. Of course, “government” is exempt from this ban. There IS a grandfather clause in this draft, however, “large capacity magazines” are prohibited. That is any magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 or can be readily restored or converted to accept more than 10 rounds.

However, if HB596 is passed, you won’t have 10 legal rounds to put into the magazine, so I guess the point might be moot. Now realistically, ALL of these bills are unlikely to pass. But remember……. incrementalism works.

Jim Stoker, FOAC-ILLEA President, spoke at a gathering of sportsmen’s clubs in Beaver County earlier this week. He said that at current pace, we are likely to see upwards of 400 anti-gun / anti-liberty bills introduced in the PA House and Senate. With that many bills crossing tables, the likelihood of one of them getting through is pretty high, especially if “We the People” sit by and do nothing about it.

Many of the gun owners I meet, have the attitude of “someone else will deal with this”. This attitude is WHY we are in the position we are in. EACH one of us MUST make a good faith effort to further the cause of Liberty.

  • Contact YOUR elected officials and let them know how you stand on these specific bills and others like it.
  • If they are a sponsor of one of these bills, express your disgust as to their actions. If they are against these types of bills express your appreciation for their upholding the Constitutions of PA and the United States.
  • Encourage your friends, co-workers, family, and anyone you run into to do bullet points number 1 and 2.
  • VOTE for pro-gun /pro-liberty candidates. Embrace mail in ballots. Mail in ballots are not going away anytime soon and we need to use the same tools that the anti-liberty forces use. Get everyone in your sphere of influence registered to vote and have them mail it in. Mail in ballots provides weeks for us to get folks to vote for the right candidate, election day only provides us hours to get folks to vote for the right candidate.

Unfortunately, gun owners are funding the very people who are working to disarm us. Ain’t that a bitch!

I recently paid my annual “success fines” (TAXES) to the government. If you don’t work hard, if you don’t succeed, if you don’t pursue success, then you don’t pay the fines. Each of us in the working and business world, pay out MULTIPLE thousands of dollars to the government. We submit our fines to the IRS so that they can continue to send our money to other countries, pay people not to work, and fund agencies and pay salaries to people who are actively dismantling our country, pissing on our Constitution, and treating all law-abiding gun owners with contempt, as second-class citizens, and holding them to a higher standard than criminals.

Ain’t that a bitch!

“We The People” must recognize that we have the power in our Constitutional Republic. We MUST do the inconvenient things for the good of our country.

Meet The Pressers is sponsored by FOAC-ILLEA. View the recent episode with guest Jim Stoker by clicking here.

On a recent episode of my show, Meet The Pressers, John “Tig” Tigen (one of the heroes of Benghazi) guest co-hosted an episode. He is running for Mayor of Colorado Springs, CO. Tig said he saw that the Covid Mandates made it clear that the government was controlling us, and we were not controlling them, and it is time for a change. He said he was running to give power back, not take power, and he was getting a lot of push back from the establishment. Not many people running for office say things like that! Tig said, and I agree, that it is going to take decades to fix our country. We must begin the hard work now or it will never happen.

There are a few pro-gun / pro-liberty / anti-crime bills in the PA Legislature. Once such bill is HB227. Currently HB227 has 8 sponsors: Stephanie Borowicz (R); Milou Mackenzie (R); Bradley Roae (R); Joe Hamm (R); David Zimmerman (R); David Rowe (R); Robert Leadbeter (R); Dane Watro (R)

HB227 would require armed security in schools. I recently wrote a letter to the PA House Judiciary Committee in support of this legislation.

Letter In Support of PA HB227


To the honorable members of the PA House Judiciary Committee,

I am writing in regard to HB227 which amends public school code to provide armed security in schools across the Commonwealth.

Citizens around the globe have witnessed various acts of criminal violence, hatred, and evil in schools, houses of worship and other public places. We must not discount the pattern of behavior that can be clearly observed that criminal predators are drawn to places where their prey is unable to protect themselves or they are unprotected by those that could yield a level of deadly force in their defense.

Having armed personnel stationed inside of a facility IS a deterrent against a would-be evil doer. Even the possibility of there being armed individuals in a school, house of worship, or business is a deterrent.

The national average response time for police in an active mass murder event is 4 minutes. In some instances, police arrived much sooner, and in some cases such as in Uvalde, TX, police did not engage the assassin for much more time.

This loss of time equals loss of innocent lives.

Having staff on the inside, with the means to not only defend against an attack but stop the attack quickly with deadly force is the best way to protect innocent lives.

When these types of criminals are met with force they surrender, commit suicide, or are neutralized. Whatever the outcome in these types of attacks, when armed Americans confront evil with force, evil is stopped.

The implementation of locked doors, limiting and layering entry points, maintaining security surveillance cameras, and arming personnel who are on the premises is the best plan for the defense of the children whose safety and education are entrusted to our schools.

I also recommend an additional option that schools will find quite affordable.

Remove “Gun Free Zone” signs and encourage schools to get out of the way of law-abiding adults’ ability to conceal carry while on school property. “Gun Free Zone” signs tell potential criminals, “In this building you will have lots of time to victimize people who cannot fight back with deadly force”.

Allowing teachers, school staff, and administrators who choose to take on the responsibility to legally arm themselves for defense at work, just as they do at home with their families, on crowded city streets, public parks, and playgrounds sends a clear message to evil doers, “in this building we value the lives and safety of our children and staff over the life of a criminal meaning to do us harm.”

I believe that this legislation takes a great “first step” in the proactive plan to protect our children. I urge you to support and pass this legislation as well as take steps to empower all Pennsylvanians who choose to take on the responsibility to protect themselves and those that they love.

I respectfully request that this letter be submitted for inclusion as written testimony for the March 23rd, Public Hearing on Preventing Criminal Violence and Mass Shootings.

Yours Most Respectfully,

Klint Macro

Administrator of National Train A Teacher Day

1st VP of Firearms Owners Against Crime Institute for Legal Legislative and Educational Action

President of The Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League

The Witch Trial of March 23rd, 2023

By Jim Stoker, FOAC-ILLEA President

When I started writing about the ambush on the U.S. and PA. Constitutions that occurred in the Pa. House Judiciary Committee on March 23rd, I was adamant I was going to bring you all of the details and scope of just how much of an affront to the Republic it truly was.  I was three pages in when I realized I had a page or two to go and this was just way too much of a statement for a single newsletter.  So now I’ve scrapped that for today and come to summarize my feelings for you on this theatric disaster run by chairman Rep. Tim Briggs.

Pro-2A organizations received about a 22-hour notice of the hearing.  Not so much because the hearing wasn’t scheduled as a judiciary hearing, but because the anti-2A folks didn’t bother saying what the hearing was about until then.  They announced the topic would be “gun violence” and “mass shootings” last minute and left us scrambling to get there.  Minority Chair Rep. Rob Kauffman was no less surprised about the topics, as the anti’s hadn’t provided an agenda or list of those to testify still as of close of business that night.

Lifetime FOAC-ILLEA member Harry Sills and I made the trek early Thursday morning to get there because when you’re responsible for 2A issues in Pennsylvania that’s just what you do.  We arrived to a sea of orange and red shirts holding an anti-Constitution rally on the steps of the capitol building and knew we were in for a glorious day. 

We spent some time visiting a few offices and then Rep. Kauffman gave us some of his time prior to the meeting.  We ran into the new GOA Pennsylvania Director Dawn Kapolka, and NRA rep Darin Goens en route to the “hearing”.  There were FIVE pro-2A reps in attendance… later identified as SIX when a retired state trooper spoke to us after the fiasco. 

Three panels of anti-2A speakers talking about safe storage laws, mandatory reporting, universal background checks, license to buy ammunition, and various other anti-liberty feel good measures that do nothing to fight crime and everything to strip the rights of law-abiding citizens and create a nationwide gun registry were touted one after the next…. Each testimony blatantly ignoring the fact that the person involved was already breaking laws left and right… but that ONE more law would’ve saved the life or prevented the tragedy.  All fools so sold on false promises and an Un-Constitutional agenda it took all I had not to vomit on the floor. 

Not one speaker in the room said a word I couldn’t easily refute with facts, crime statistics, or long-time accepted understanding of how the laws work and who actually obeys them.  One testifier, John Castillo, father of hero Kendrick Castillo who gave his life to stop a mass murderer in his high school in Colorado spoke some sense.  He encouraged youth mentoring, parenting, and threat assessments at schools.  Wasn’t overly pro-2A but certainly wasn’t anti-2A either.  The rest testified from emotion and feelings rather than fact.  Each ignored the flaws in their own story and one, a high-ranking law enforcement officer blatantly lied to the Committee.  Telling them that if someone admits to his detectives that they’d sold a gun illegally there was nothing they could be charged with unless we enact a mandated reporting statute.  Complete and utter B.S.!

So, if you watch the video linked below, or already did and want to find fault with the few pro-2A representatives that spoke (Rep. Rigby, Rep. Rowe, Rep. Kauffman) for not being loud enough, please reconsider that notion.  They knew it was pointless to argue with the fanatic orange wearing misinformed masses.  The anti-Constitutionalists planned rallies and shared information with whom they wanted when they wanted to ensure it was a lopsided statement by the Committee.  Our allies were hung out to dry and we all knew it.  We weren’t going to change anybody’s mind, and the Committee chair all but promised the ignorant masses he would see any anti-2A legislation through the Committee they asked for… and that told you the story. 

I thank Rep.’s Rigby, Rowe, and Kauffman for speaking at all, challenging the fallacies of their testimony while trying to sympathize with their losses…  all the while knowing the extreme left of the room was pounding their drum and praising their gods for bringing this day to them… 

And I ask of each of you…  what will YOU do to turn these days around?  What have YOU done for Article I Section 21 lately?  Who have you brought into our fold to grow our influence and ensure your children, grandchildren and so on have the right to own forearms to defend themselves against criminals and what could very well someday end up a leftist tyranny in this nation of ours?  How important are our Constitutions to you?? 

Caption of the Day

The sound of freedom echoes through the trees. Only tyrants and criminals fear an armed and educated citizenry. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people has nothing to fear from the people. An armed and educated citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security.

A Blessed Event in Erie: Unified Sportsmen of PA

By Jim Stoker, FOAC-ILLEA President

I’m blessed…  I truly am.  I find myself awake at 4:06 AM typing this out because it often dawns on me just how blessed I am. 

Yesterday, I took up an invitation to speak at the Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania meeting just outside of Erie, Pa.  I spent the morning driving my youngest daughter with me to the small town of Franklin Pa. where we visited a gun show at a volunteer fire department, perused the wares of several local folks and my daughter picked out a wolf beanie she wanted.

After that, we made the leisurely drive to Gem City Outdoorsmen Club.  We wandered into a safety meeting for the local high school shooting team where 40+ youth were hearing the safety rules for their team and future season.  I was immediately impressed with how many were in attendance, and apologized for interrupting when they pointed me to another door leading to an archery range set up for the U.S.P. meeting.

Some introductions were made, some faces I know made small talk until the meeting started, and after some club business I was introduced.  I spoke of the FOAC-ILLEA mission and what we do to preserve the rights of sportsmen in Pennsylvania.  I spoke of our concealed carry seminars and our multi-faceted Board of Directors and the numerous contacts and skills they bring to the table.  And I spoke briefly of how gun owners need to stop relying on “someone else will do it” and get engaged in the politics of the Commonwealth before we lose more rights than we already have.  We opened the floor to questions, and I was asked to explain what some pro-gun politicians had done in the House of Representatives trying to save us from the anti-gun agenda that has now taken over.  I explained the strengthening of preemption bill being presented and the fallacy that more gun laws mean safer communities… and then it happened… 

One man was visibly upset by the truths I was speaking.  He raised his hand and stated he wanted to express his feelings on what I had said, instantly challenging me on background checks and that by stating research has proven them not to matter to the criminals of society, I was in favor of people killing police officers and crime running amok in the streets.  He tried shouting me down and eventually stood up to walk towards me as though to be intimidating, and when I tried to repeatedly speak calmly about the facts, not emotions, he became more enraged.  I encouraged education and learning of Dr. John Lott’s research that backed my statements.  In reply, he verbally began to attack my teenage daughter for being there and at that point I had to more aggressively intercede, stepping between his line of sight, and demanding he address his issues to me.  He snatched my business card off the table and stormed out, telling me what a disgrace to law enforcement I am and shame on the organization for having me there to speak.  I have little doubt he will attempt to cause me trouble at my place of employment as so often happens when that side of the gun control debate doesn’t like the truths we speak.  But that is the risk we take when we speak of things like accountability, reasonableness, and rights.  I’m fortunate my employer understands the 1st Amendment and my caution in representing myself for my organization not my employer.  I could go into why I feel the term “liberal” is misused and we should be using the term “fascist” instead, as people like that want government to shove their opinions down our throats, and there is nothing “of liberty” about that at all.  It seems they stop at nothing unless you agree with their views.  Not all, mind you, but a vast majority are the very thing they claim to speak against… bullies and intolerant. 

And it dawned on me… I am truly blessed.  You see, I am fighting for the side that is not only right, but willing to discuss the topics far more civilly and with debate rather than aggression.  I am on the side that believes we have the liberty to believe what we want and debate passionately without personal attacks and temper tantrums when facts don’t support our emotions.  I’m fighting on the side that our Founding Fathers firmly believed needed to exist to not only protect the Republic, but to protect the good, law-abiding citizens who would benefit from its existence for hundreds of years.  I’m on the side that understands the law abiding people are NOT the problem in society, and passing more laws for those people to be infringed by does nothing to stop the true problems of violent crime.

I stayed for the remaining meeting with this small band of sportsmen, liking more and more of what I saw.  They are true sportsmen in that the next two hours were about deer conservation and how best to deal with the damages certain government policies are having on the deer population.  About the Pa. Game Commission and changes needed.  About chronic wasting disease and the risk it poses to not only deer, but elk, bison, and other critters we love to see in our forests and parks nationwide.  The questions and comments these men and women made were true to the sportsmen cause in every fiber of their beliefs, speaking out for what’s best for the animals and in turn, us.  And again, I knew I was truly blessed. 

After the meeting I stuck around and met with some of the people who had spent their afternoon addressing these issues for sportsmen across Pennsylvania.  I answered some questions, discussed the unhappy encounter, and even gained some memberships for our organization which we always need to stay in the fight.  Kudos to Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania.  To their leadership, the membership, and all those men and women who impressed upon me just what a great sportsmen community we have.  It’s people like you who deserve to be heard in the halls of Harrisburg.  The true good citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  And thank you for constantly reminding me that what FOAC-ILLEA does is much larger than even our 2nd Amendment, but critical to the freedom of a nation in love with liberty. 

The 2023 FOAC-ILLEA Spring Gun Bash

The FOAC-ILLEA gun bash is the best in the Commonwealth, and one of our biggest fund-raising events. It was a tremendous time of fun and fellowship. People enjoyed great food, beverages, and lots of guns! CLICK HERE to see ALL of the winning tickets from the bash. Lots of folks stopped in to visit with the attendees and a great time was had by all. MANY of the attendees also signed up for or upgraded their FOAC-ILLEA membership! The next FOAC-ILLEA Gun Bash will be at the Washington County Fairgrounds, on September 30th, 2023. Tickets will be available at the end of summer 2023.


FOAC-ILLEA presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-ILLEA events and meetings, CLICK HERE.


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

– George Santayana

Just a few days ago, I had a “memory” pop up onto my Facebook feed. It was from March 24th, 2020.

Do YOU remember the chaos, fear, marketed confusion, and downright iron-handed government overreach during the governmental covid lockdown phase?

It was interesting that Gov Wolf (supported by then AG Shapiro) closed down the law firms, gun stores, churches, sportsmen’s clubs, small business, funerals gatherings, protests (well at least the ones protesting the government), etc.; while all of these closures were taking place, Wolf kept his own furniture business open as IT was deemed “essential”. In a recent interview I said that it made sense, because a cabinet was an essential place to store his BULLSHIT, which he and government are never in short supply.

There are a few things WE Americans should never forget and also study, some of which include:

  • Lexington and Concord
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The German Reichstag Fire
  • Pearl Harbor
  • The Holocaust
  • September 11th, 2001
  • The blatant Government overreach of the COVID Panic-demic

What will our children’s children say when they look at our actions or INACTIONS in the face of tyranny? How are so many Americans ignoring the FACT that the government is going out of its way to disarm the public?

Why are some in the government SO obsessed with taking away YOUR firearms, but they want to let criminals free without bail? Why are some in the government SO obsessed with taking away YOUR firearms, and they want to defund Police? Why are some in the government SO obsessed with taking away YOUR firearms, but they want to arm people in other countries? Why are some in the government SO obsessed with taking away YOUR firearms, but they want to bolster their own security? Why are some in the government SO obsessed with taking away YOUR firearms, but they won’t uphold the laws DESIGNED to keep criminals out of our communities?

Recently, I was teaching a class with multiple gun owners from different states. What ultimately ends up happening at some point in this situation is each person educates the others on how restrictive their state is compared to the others. I have always said, Pennsylvania is 2 bad election cycles from turning into NY, NJ and MD. We just had the 1st of our 2 bad election cycles, and we are NOW EXACTLY 1 bad election cycle from turning into NY, NJ, or MD.

Do you think Ben Sanchez (D); Malcolm Kenyatta (D); Joseph Ciresi (D); Stephen Kinsey (D); Maureen Madden (D); Nancy Guenst (D); Michael Schlossberg (D); Stephen Samuelson (D); Kristine Howard (D); Gregory Vitali (D); Elizabeth Fiedler (D); Joseph Hohenstein (D); Rick Krajewski (D); Michael Sturla (D); Perry Warren (D); Robert Freeman (D); Emily Kinkead (D); Danielle Otten (D); Melissa Shusterman (D); Napoleon Nelson (D); Manuel Guzman (D); Joshua Siegel (D); Maureen Madden (D); Jose Giral (D); Ben Sanchez (D); Christopher Rabb (D); Darisha Parker (D);  Dan Williams (D); Dan Frankel (D); Aerion Abney (D); Melissa Cerrato (D) and others would hesitate one bit to take away your means to protect yourself and your family? Do you think they would hesitate one bit to put you in jail for having un-encoded ammunition or possessing a restricted firearm?


At the conclusion of the aforementioned “my government is worse than yours” conversation in class this week, one of the participants said, “Welcome to 1860”.

We still have an opportunity to turn the ship around. Like John “Tig” Tigen said, it is going to take time. But we MUST do the hard work starting NOW.

Remember, WE have the power in our Constitutional Republic. Act Accordingly.

Stay Frosty, Stay Armed and Be Well Regulated,

Yours In Liberty,

Klint Macro


FOAC-ILLEA is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.

FOAC-ILLEA’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.

FOAC-ILLEA is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.

FOAC-ILLEA volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.

I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-ILLEA. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-ILLEA.

Sign up for membership HERE.

Contact your Legislators HERE.

Read previous newsletters HERE.

The FOAC-ILLEA website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-ILLEA website.

Get involved!

If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.

Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Join us at the gun bash; purchase a ticket. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.

An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2024

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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