Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

FOAC-ILLEA Newsletter for April 10, 2023 :: 04/09/2023

Let me begin by wishing all of yinz who celebrate, a most Happy and Holy Easter and/or belated Happy Passover.

I just got back from visiting my mother. We had our traditional Easter lunch at Eat n’ Park and took “self-lead” coffee table communion. It was a nice family visit.

Throughout Holy Week, my family and I have been watching various Easter movies, and I was struck by a few similarities of the politics of tyrants during the time of Christ and the current political climate. I guess tyranny is tyranny no matter the century.

Oppression often finds its origin in threats.

When the government threatens the people with punishments for exercising basic human rights there is oppression. When government forces citizens to speak out against other citizens or be punished, there is oppression. When government no longer empowers but discourages the citizenry to exercise basic human rights, there is oppression.

If Emperor Tiberius had the IRS or the ATF or the FBI and other 3 letter agencies, would he weaponize them to harass and control the citizenry by scaring them into submission? We all know the answer is YES. Is this what the current executive is doing now?

It is said that these agencies were originally designed to curb criminal behavior and enforce “the law”; To stop criminals from doing criminal things. However, NOW we see a multitude of examples where these agencies are creating their own laws through regulation, rapidly moving the goalpost, and criminalizing law-abiding citizens for exercising basic human rights. Having conflicting policies that will keep people confused enough to submit for fear of dire consequences. Fear is a powerful thing.

“Fear is the path to the dark side.” -Yoda

When the executive branch actively seeks to stop the citizenry from freely exercising their basic human rights by making them fear the consequence of non-compliance with ever changing rules, while democratically controlled cities allow REAL CRIMINALS to run rampant, one must ask who are these people protecting and from whom????

Why do DA’s set the modern equivalent of Barabbas free, while choosing to threaten and target law-abiding citizens for exercising their Constitutional Rights?

Oppression is often embraced through fear.

With criminals running amuck, fear can be used as an effective tool to demonize proactive efforts against evil and misdirect emotion.

In the aftermath of the Nashville Christian School attack, 1st Lady Jill Biden said, “I am truly without words. Our children deserve better. We stand, all of us, we stand with Nashville in prayer.”

I DO appreciate Jill Biden’s suggestion of prayer, with that said, the Biden administration is clear that their idea of BETTER is obtained by restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens, not by hardening schools, empowering citizens to protect themselves and by prosecuting criminals and enforcing existing laws.

Do the Biden’s REALLY believe that restricting citizens will actually protect citizens?

After 9/11, all airliners were retrofitted with bullet proof cockpit doors and pilots were armed. These proactive measures were a deterrent and a defensive tactic. Banks, actors, jewelry stores, and elected officials’ homes, offices, and transportation are all hardened and protected with firearms. Yet, when it comes to protecting schools, the answer from Joe is limitations, bans, confiscation and “NO GUNS ALLOWED” signage.

Do the Biden’s and others REALLY believe that restricting citizens will actually protect children at school?

Maybe they do… or… maybe some in government understand that waging war upon the children by fomenting division and intolerance, working to disarm citizens that could protect children, avoiding a nationwide campaign to harden schools, and preying upon the emotions of panicked people IS the best use of fear as a tactic to demoralize the citizens and control the population.

Jeff Foxworthy is well known for his “You might be a redneck” routines. Well, I submit to you a new one: “You might be a tyrant”.

If you punish the citizens for the acts of the criminal… you might be a tyrant!

If you promote restriction and infringement of law-abiding citizens… you might be a tyrant!

If you use fear to get the people to do what you want them to do… you might be a tyrant!

Fear is a powerful tool.

The answer to all problems in our Constitutional Republic is through EDUCATION and the EMPOWERMENT of citizens to freely exercise their individual rights and liberties.

FOAC-ILLEA President Jim Stoker appears on Pittsburgh Cable News Channel

On March 31, 2023, FOAC-ILLEA President, Jim Stoker represented the organization by appearing on Pittsburgh Now where he discussed crime issues, school security, and the folly of gun control. You can watch a recording of the majority of the interview by CLICKING HERE.




Originally published on Quips, March 28th, 2023


“Property was first invaded,

 ... then liberty.

 It is the method of oppressors first to make men beggars, then make them slaves.”

 Matthew Henry

What we describe as “tyranny” is, and has historically been, the “normal mode” of governance in nations of the world.

In Western Civilization, we have courageously made some strides toward enlightenment, but those in power invariably have only one real priority, and that is to stay in power. And to that end, they unfailingly do their best to impose progressive “feudalism” upon fellow citizens, whom in the end they contemptuously regard as base vassals (see above Matthew Henry quotation).

As such, most “societies” on the face of the Earth are indistinguishable from a troop of baboons, or for that matter, a colony of ants!

And those in political office predictably lose no time in consolidating and expanding their own “governmental powers,” always at the expense of our individual freedom. Without fail, they piously insist they’re “doing it for our own good”

We’ve heard all that before!

Thus, when paranoid politicians criminalize dissent while simultaneously insisting citizens be forcibly disarmed and thus rendered helpless, increasingly using fear and intimidation as tools of control, while fostering and rewarding weakness, indolence, dependency, and moral confusion, all cynically designed to prevent individual citizens from thriving and prospering, it is ever a warning sign that a free society is on a one-way vector toward feudalism.

As noted, most societies are there already!

“Instability breeds strife.

 Strife breeds ‘the necessity’ for increasing levels of ‘reform.'

‘Reform' always means ever-increasing power for ‘reformers' 


Communist Axiom, currently practiced by Democrats



FOAC-ILLEA presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-ILLEA events and meetings, CLICK HERE.

FOAC-ILLEA is an official sponsor of the 2023 Gun Makers Match visit for more info


“The fight is not tomorrow… It is now, and we need to unify sportsmen’s organizations all across the Commonwealth to stand together under one flag.”

-Jim Stoker, FOAC-ILLEA President

Closing Thoughts

Over the last 2 weeks a lot has happened across the nation.

Another plot to attack a school was thwarted.

In California, one of the most “Gun-Controlled” state in the union, criminals run rampant. In addition to countless victims of crime, NCAA Swimmer, Riley Gaines was assaulted and Cash App Founder, Bob Lee was stabbed to death. In Washington D.C, one of Rand Paul’s staffers was stabbed outside of a restaurant.

Constitutional Carry was passed and signed into law in Florida… NOW MORE THAN ½ of the United States (26 States) is Constitutional/Permitless carry.

West Virginia Governor Justice signs the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act.

The ATF changed the paperwork again! See yet another “new” Form 4473.

Democratic Representatives were expelled in Tennessee

One of my friends that I have written about before, Rebecca Schmoe, ran for office in Kansas, won, and is fighting in her state for the individual rights and liberties of all Americans. She was recently attacked for referring to our rights as GOD GIVEN. I happen to agree with her sentiment, as did so many of the founding fathers, that our rights as given to us by GOD cannot be taken away by man or government.

I would like to share a Facebook post below that Rebecca posted shortly after her receiving flack. I feel it is appropriate to wrap up this edition on this holy day and holy week with her post.

AMEN Sister Rebecca!

The anti-liberty forces have shown their propensity towards violence and conflict. We must stand firm and resolute when it comes to protecting our rights, our lives, our families, and our Constitutional Republic.

Remember, WE have the power in our Constitutional Republic. Act Accordingly.

Stay Frosty, Stay Armed and Be Well Regulated,

Happy Easter and/or a belated Happy Passover,

Yours In Liberty,

Klint Macro


FOAC-ILLEA is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.

FOAC-ILLEA’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.

FOAC-ILLEA is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.

FOAC-ILLEA volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.

I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-ILLEA. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-ILLEA.

Sign up for membership HERE.

Contact your Legislators HERE.

Read previous newsletters HERE.

The FOAC-ILLEA website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-ILLEA website.

Get involved!

If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.

Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Join us at the gun bash; purchase a ticket. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.

An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2024

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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