Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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ACTION ALERT-Send Schumer a strong message on plastic guns :: 12/06/2013 If the link doesn't work, copy and paste into your browser and see the article "Gun Control Coming to the Senate Floor on Monday", Tell your Senators to, "say no"!


Uninformed Poster Child for Universal Background Checks :: 12/06/2013

There is no end to the shameful effort of the Obama administration to take away the 2nd Amendment. Please read the article, and submit a comment to the author in support of his position. Here's what we sent:


Congressional Study: Murder Rate Plummets as Gun Ownership Soars :: 12/04/2013

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that while gun ownership climbed from 192 million firearms in 1994 to 310 million firearms in 2009, crime fell–and fell sharply.


Election of board members 2013 :: 12/04/2013

In accordance with FOAC bylaws, members are hereby notified that the following persons, all members in good standing, have been nominated for a position on the board of directors. Elections shall be held on 8 December 2013, and electors must vote in person. All who cast a ballot must be a member in good standing. The candidates are:


Obama's own prosecutors ignore him on gun crimes. :: 12/04/2013

This article is priceless. You have to read the response from the Feds. Obama issues an executive order to turn up the heat on gun crimes, and what happens? Nothing. Prosecutions actually decrease.


PICS must go away. :: 12/04/2013 This link will lead you to a map showing who uses NICS and which states are full POC (point of contact) with their own check system.


Well, heres a surprise! Obama is using Sandy Hook again. :: 12/03/2013

All the usual suspects are turning the one year anniversary of a murderous lunatic into another anti gun Kumbya around the campfire of fear. Their actions are despicable.


Colorado Liberal Court rejects Sheriffs :: 12/01/2013

Standing? Really? If the Sheriffs, all elected officials, don't have standing, who can and who will?


CPRC: Murder and homicide rates before and after gun bans :: 12/01/2013

Original post: Every place that has been banned guns has seen murder rates go up. You cannot point to one place where murder rates have fallen, whether it’s Chicago or D.C. or even island nations such as England, Jamaica, or Ireland.


Schumer tells tall tales, and Bloomberg steps in "it" again. :: 12/01/2013


State Corrections brass wants fewer prisoners. :: 12/01/2013

We're not sure how Wetzel can be amazed that6 out of 10 prisoners aren't attending their first rodeo. Seems to us, if you want fewer residents at the various State run Iron Bar Hotels and Motels, you might consider shrinking the pool of recidivists. 55% of those who apply for parole get it the first time they apply. If you think about it, prison is hard to get into, and fairly easy to get out of. His complaint of 35 grand a year per inmate is easily remedied. Tent cities, baloney sandwiches, and the prisoners have to pay for lunch and lodging, too. Liberals like to feel good, we think, by letting crime slide. Wetzel should take a lesson from Sherriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, AZ.


So, Registration does NOT lead to confiscation? :: 11/28/2013

We're thankful we don't live in New York, were the Constitution has no meaning at all.


The Fight for States Rights never ends :: 11/28/2013

Our solidarity with gun Owners in Montana is important. Send them a note, and do it soon.


Colorado State Senator bails out BEFORE recall elections. :: 11/27/2013

So what does this have to do with Pennsylvania? Its all about Kathleen Kane. Metcalfe has introduced articles of impeachment against her, and WE need to support him now, or live with her disregard for our rights forever.


Thanksgiving 2013 :: 11/27/2013

We seldom take the opportunity to write original editorials as they are time consuming, and thereare so many wordsmiths out there who far exceed our ability. As we sit here salivating over the turkey and dressing and the bounty we will enjoy on Thursday, we thought we'd point out some things we have to be thankful for as 2013 comes to a close:


Character and Reputation requirement takes a HUGE hit in Beaver County :: 11/26/2013

You probably read or saw that Sherrif David in Beaver County is under a ton of scrutiny by the courts, and has what amounts to a PFA order from the courthouse. For a real good look at why the Sherrif's oath to "...protect, defend, and OBEY the Constitution..." must be carefully monitored by informed citizens, read this. A man with a 6th grade education represented himself in court, and won. He won big, and the judge should be given a medal of freedom.


Incremental erosion of the 2nd Amendment :: 11/26/2013

Yes, we know you read the article, and it talks about the First Amendment. So what, you ask, does this have to do with the Right to Keep and Bear Arms? Go back and read it again. Conservative groups may be penalized for endorsing pro gun legislators.


3-D printed guns. What's the fuss about? :: 11/24/2013

We think this is the most overblown news ever on guns. Now every criminal can set up a garage shop to make guns? We don't think so. Its just more noise from the anti-gunners.We've also considered the laws that surround firearms manufacturing, and industry standards. Here are a couple of "ifs" to consider:


Liberals with Guns? We didn't know any of this. :: 11/24/2013

We're going to out on a limb and publish this without fact checking it. If its even 3/4 truth, it sure brings out some points to consider.


Texas' Lt. Governor calls for an investigation of NSA snooping. :: 11/24/2013

Since this is in .pdf, you'll need to open the link to see Texas' Lt. Governor David Dewhurst's letter to Congress. He's not a happy camper.


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