Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
There is much to be learned from the words of the past. Patterns of behavior can be recognized by parties, patriots, tyrants, and political candidates alike.
“If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.”
-Karl Marx
Below are some quotes from Presidents, politicians, authors, commentators, tyrants, elected officials and others. See if you see the patterns. Patriots will speak of liberty for ALL and tyrants will speak of restriction, limitation, control, and deception. Do you agree with their statements, or do they outrage you? History is full explanations for our future, ya just gotta look.
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
-George Santayana
“the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country”
-Frederick Douglass
“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
“We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program.”
-Kamala Harris
“What good fortune for those in power that people do not think.”
-Adolph Hitler
“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible."
-Kamala Harris
“The relative freedom which we enjoy depends of public opinion. The law is no protection. Governments make laws, but whether they are carried out, and how the police behave, depends on the general temper in the country. If large numbers of people are interested in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech, even if the law forbids it; if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them.”
-George Orwell
“No Ordinary American Cares About Their Constitutional Rights”
-Joe Biden
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”… “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
-Malcolm X
“I'll have those n****** voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
-Lyndon Johnson
“If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated.”
-Nancy Pelosi
"Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress a hundred days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws. If they fail to do it, then I will take executive action."
-Kamala Harris
“The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
-George Orwell
“We always hear about common sense gun control. Why do we not hear about common sense gun rights? Why are your gun rights the only one that changes when you cross a border into another state? The Constitution does NOT give you your rights, it restricts the government from restricting them.”
-Jim Stoker
By FOAC Founder, the late Kim Stolfer, originally published 7/7/2020
I had been saving the idea I put forth to you now for a rainy day. I wanted to avoid alarming anyone as I challenged you to think properly through a subject fraught with controversy. I personally see this very simply, but too few do.
As I pen notes such as these, I know I’m writing to an educated and steadfast crowd of patriots. What I’m unable to quantify is just how deeply you all believe in your civil rights. Scarce among you are those who don’t recognize “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety,” as goes one of Benjamin Franklin’s most famous quotes. We continue to see various states, government sanctions, and high-powered proclamations telling us what we can and cannot do and that doesn’t pass the smell test for me.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety ~ Benjamin Franklin
Do you know where your rights come from? As much as I’m itching to tell you, I’m going to resist.
This question you should know, but if you don’t, search long and hard for the answer. I’ll offer you a hint. I will share with you where rights DO NOT come from. Rights don’t come from man. Why? Any right conveyed to you by man is one that man himself will most assuredly curtail or remove. Think about it. Anything granted by man can be removed by man. Are you comfortable with the idea that your civil rights are offered up by a seemingly benevolent government when that government is comprised of men that can later negate them at will? What about only negating them when people are growing sick? Would that make you more comfortable? …And just how sick would you need to be in order for a man – the man – to remove your rights? Re-cue Ben Franklin’s quote from above.
I’ve studied the origin of rights and I’ve also thought through how those in positions of perceived authority offer you the notion that when they’re in charge your submission is not only encouraged but correct. During my research, I ran across a study from Yale in the 60s by a psychologist named Stanley Milgram. Milgram was concerned that acts of genocide, like those he’d followed during the Nuremberg War Criminal trials, post-WWII, could be propagated over and over should a people adhere to obedience. But it wasn’t simply obedience at the core of the concern. It was obedience to authority that was problematic for Milgram. Thus, he devised a procedure to offer a test to see how people randomly chosen would respond to the power of authority.
Authority will make you do things you never thought you would or could actually do. Authority isn’t automatically bad. We just have to be darned careful about Whose authority we’re submitting to and whose we are not. Don’t hear what I’m not saying. I am not for one moment suggesting you ignore best practices when dealing with a highly communicable disease. I’m of the opinion that only a few of us actually benefit from a restriction, as the balance of us love our neighbors, friends, and family enough we can do what is best without the hand of government on our shoulders. What I am placing before you is the necessary mandate to guard your liberty from attack. In times such as these, we see opportunistic politicians and self-proclaimed experts exercising their authority too far and wide. Be careful and think through what you’re being told to do. Watch and compare how states outside your own handle things.
St. Augustine – “libido dominandi” – the lust to dominate – Writing during the collapse of the Roman Empire, St. Augustine offered vital insight into the core premise of freedom. A man was no longer a slave by nature or by law according to St. Augustine. No. His freedom was a function of his moral state.
A man had as many masters as he had vices. This precept is the foundation for an intricate form of social control over man and continues to grow nearly unchecked today.
Augustine of Hippo – 13Nov 354 – 28Aug 430 AD
I encourage you all to love your neighbor as yourself. I’ve read that before and many know where. Don’t place them or yourself at risk. But diligently observe the authority figures in our state and nation. Watch both their actions and their attitudes. Are they seemingly eager or reluctant to exercise power over their fellow citizens? Do they incline toward liberty and personal responsibility, or do they default to strict regimentation, enforced by the government’s police powers? Those are character traits of which you should be mindful, and they indicate the core of a person. We must choose our representatives and public servants wisely.
I began this communication to you all with a reference to saving this sentiment for a rainy day. I was reminded of an op/ed offered by Andrew Napolitano titled “Coronavirus fear lets government assault our freedom in violation of Constitution“, what St. Augustine branded, “libido dominandi” – the lust to dominate – when the government chooses between liberty and force.
The fall 2024 FOAC-Institute gun bash is on like Donkey Kong! Join us on Saturday November 16th, 2024, from 1PM to 6PM. This is the best gun bash ticket in the Commonwealth!
The FOAC gun bash is as legendary and all American as the stories of young George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, the Doolittle Raiders, and Timothy Murphy. However, 2 times a year, YOU can be part of that legend and tradition.
Be sure to mark NOVEMBER 16th, 2024, off your calendar and join us at the Washington County Fair Grounds for our fall bash. The bashes are out main fundraising events, and the money raised through the bash are used to defend our right to keep and bear arms and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution ALL across the Commonwealth.
Over the last year FOAC-Institute has gained a lot of members from the eastern side of the state. Let me tell you, the food, fellowship, and fun that is had at the bash is well worth the trip. In addition to the main ticket drawings, there are pick of the table drawings, 50/50 raffles, a mystery safe drawing, and a WALL of guns. Join like-minded individuals as they celebrate the individual’s right to keep and bear arms.
FOAC-Institute presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License to Carry Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies, gun bashes, and special events. To see the most up-to-date schedule of FOAC-Institute events and meetings, CLICK HERE.
Look for seminars in West Mifflin, DuBois, Monroeville, Altoona, and more!!!
By FOAC-I Board Member, Edward Bogats
Get out and Vote – I love this country. I love Law Enforcement. I love the military, and I love the US Constitution. As I sit on a Sunday evening surrounded by my three Siberian Huskies, writing this article and reflecting on what I am concerned about before November 5 th , 2024, I have a few questions for you all.
Some folks like to follow polls, which in my opinion mean very little in the real world. Some folks like to follow what the candidates have to say and then decide for themselves what is truth and what is fabrication. The news media today are generally corrupt and have a hidden agenda which is quite apparent to all of us people today of sound mind, and most Americans can see through their bias and beliefs.
Click here to register to vote
Click here to request a ballot
Click here to see all voting options
To see the FOAC-PAC Voter Guides Click Here
Credit Where Due: VP Harris Finally Pressed By Media on Illegally Obtained Firearms
The Supreme Court expanded gun rights. That could complicate the Trump assassination attempt case.
Kamala Harris Once Vowed to Enter Gun Owners' 'Locked Homes' to Check on Storage
Armed Lifestyle Magazine – September 2024
CDC, FBI Working To Hide Data Showing Shootings Stopped By Good Guys With Guns
No Place is Safe From the Anti-Gun Owner Culture War
VP Harris Ducks and Dodges on Guns in Debate
One Common Factor in Most Mass Shooting? Rage
Nothing We've Learned About Attempted Assassination Is Good for Gun Control
Harris Makes False Claim About 'Gun Dealers' and Background Checks
Alaska Man Indicted for Sending Violent Death Threats
New York City's Mayoral Hopeful Wants to Ban Glocks
Retired border chief ordered to not report border crossers with ties to terrorism
Kamala Harris Makes Cringeworthy Claim to Downplay Her Anti-2A Extremism
Not Even Oprah Could Save Kamala Harris' Word Salad Fiasco During Livestream Event
Kamala's 'Joke' About Shooting Intruder is Just a Distraction
Third Circuit Court Of Appeals To Review Stay in Suarez, et al. v. Paris Case
Gratuitous "Elvis with Gun" Photo
Why do you carry the gun that you carry? Do you have good reasons? If a judge asked you to articulate WHY you carry what you carry, would your explanation make sense?
Many folks carry specific models of guns because of tradition or because their uncle Chet told them it was the gun to carry, or because their husband bought it for them, or because they saw it in a movie, or for any number of ill-informed reasons.
For the sake of brevity and time, let me state that the aforementioned reasons are most likely really REALLY bad reasons.
Consider this; your gun is a piece lifesaving equipment.
Tradition is fine for collecting guns. Uncle Chet (unless he is a professional instructor or gunsmith) likely is not a subject matter expert. You wouldn’t want your husband to buy your bras for you, why would you want him to buy your gun? Lastly, most things you see in movies are wrong.
I generally recommend a MSFPFSAINMLATS: Modern striker-fired polymer framed semi auto in 9mm lacking a thumb safety.
In my experience in running 1000’s of people of varying sizes, mobilities, lifestyles, experience, talent, and strength, Glocks, S&W M&P 2.0, and HK VP9’s run virtually flawlessly so long as the gun is stationary when the trigger is presses. I am impressed with Caniks, Walthers, and the Sig 365 series, however I have not seen 1000’s of them on the range like I have the others.
The old adage is “the best gun is the one you have when you need it”. Yes, I get it, but we want to stack the deck in our favor, right? The one you have when you need it should be the RIGHT one.
Reliability is the primary consideration. I mentioned a number of manufacturers and models that I have seen run reliably time and time again. Thumb safeties hamper reliability as under stress or duress, people often mess up disengaging the manual safety. Also, why make life harder by having to complete a separate step to be able to press the trigger? Stack the deck in your favor! Striker fired guns have multiple internal or passive safety devices. They are arguably safer than hammer guns (by design). I recommend against external manual safeties. With that said, if you have one on your gun YOU MUST USE IT. Always use guns as they are designed to be used.
Reliability and ease of use under stress is one reason why so many law enforcement agencies use them. If LE uses it… it is reasonable for you to use it. The Glock is the most issued pistol for LE and military on planet Earth. However, the Glock may or may not be the best choice for you because of the next consideration.
Fit is almost as important as reliability. You want a gun that is going to point where you are looking if you aren’t looking at the sights. In other words, if you look at a target and drive the gun to full extension INTO and PARALLEL with your line of sight, the gun should be pointing where you are looking… not to the side, not high or low, but where you are looking.
In my hands, the M&P points low but the Glock is level. It may or may not be the same in your hands,
have you checked if your pistol’s grip angle points true for you?
When you grip the pistol, you want your thumb knuckle to be on the support side of the gun otherwise it will dutch the angle of the gun, likely to the left for a right hand shooter. Check the grip angle by getting a perfect 2 handed thumbs forward grip, close your eyes, drive the gun to full extension (INTO and PARALLEL with where your line of sight should be) and THEN open your eyes. If the gun is level, the grip angle should be good. If it ain’t, then the angle doesn’t fit you. One reason I like polymer guns is MOST have interchangeable backstraps and the angle can be adjusted by changing out the backstraps.
How many shots will it take to stop the attack when you are attacked if you are attacked?
In an article I wrote for Personal Defense Network, I said:
“For years it was thought that the average number of rounds needed to stop a threat was 3.59 rounds. How in Sam Hill does one fire .59 rounds? Yes, I know…it is an average, but my point is that we have no idea how many shots it will take to stop the attacker until after the attacker has stopped.”
It took 12 shots to the high center chest to stop this attack.
Watch this video. We use it in the FOAC-I Seminars. Think to yourself. If it was shot number 12 that ended the attack, with your gun, would you have been able to get to shot number 12? Would you have needed to do a reload? If you carry a 5 shot revolver, you would have needed to do 2 reloads.
Carry as much ammo in your gun and on your body as you can. It is better to have more than you need than wish you had more than you have. Stack the deck in your favor!
Lastly, lets discuss ammo.
I recommend 9mm and carry “heavy” for the caliber. 147 grain bonded jacketed hollow points are the best you can carry in my opinion. Pistol rounds are essentially (as instructor Tom Givens says) “remote hole punchers”. The more holes that get punched the sooner the blood loss will stop the attack. You likely can carry more 9mm in the same size frame as 40 or 45. Striker fired 9mm semi-automatics are generally easier to mitigate recoil, settle the gun and shoot quicker. It would be better to get to “shot number 12” sooner than later, right?
When it comes to brand of ammo, I recommend an LE contract brand. One that the feds, or your local PD carries. There is LOTs of research and data that goes into contract ammo and if LE uses it… it is reasonable for you to use it.
These are just a few reasons why I recommend a MSFPFSAINMLATS: Modern striker-fired polymer framed semi auto in 9mm lacking a thumb safety. There ARE more reasons… MANY. Take a class with me or attend a FOAC-I PA Gun Law Seminar and you will learn more.
Choose a gun that is reliable, fits your hand, points true, is reasonable, is efficient, and will stop an attacker when your life or the life of someone you love depends upon it.
Stack the deck in your favor!
REMEMBER THIS: your 2nd Amendment won’t help you at all if you don’t have your gun when and if you need it! CARRY everyday you can do so legally!
Stay frosty, stay armed and BE well regulated!
Yours Most Respectfully,
Klint Macro
FOAC-Institute VP
FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight for the hearts and minds of our fellow Pennsylvanians to promote individual liberties and freedoms. We are steadfast and resolute and dedicated to protecting our Constitution and advancing the cause of the 2nd Amendment and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.
FOAC-Institute’s educational efforts are expanding across the Commonwealth. FOAC-ILLEA volunteers are teaching more concealed carry classes each month and additional virtual education events are forthcoming.
FOAC-Institute is continuing to fight in the courts. Whether this means new litigation to challenge local tyrants, fight the bureaucrats that make it harder for Pennsylvanians to exercise their most basic rights, or the funding of amicus briefs to support others who are already involved in court battles, we are actively helping to establish case law that will help advance the cause of liberty.
FOAC-Institute volunteers research proposed legislation, consult with experts, and offer advice to elected officials about legislation as well as educate the public on the strength or folly of legislation that could have lasting positive or negative effects upon our liberty and the liberty of our children.
I urge you to help me spread the word about FOAC-Institute. Share this newsletter and the website with your sphere of influence. Get a fellow gun owner to join FOAC-Institute.
Contact your Legislators HERE.
Read previous newsletters HERE.
The FOAC-Institute website is a wealth of information. Track current legislation, contact legislators and elected officials, look up gun laws, read easy to understand synopsis’ on stand your ground, castle doctrine, and legal use of force. Keep up to date with current gun related news. There is all this and more on the FOAC-Institute website.
Get involved!
If you have read this entire newsletter and made it here to this statement… you are already interested and vested.
Donate your time, your talents, or your treasure. VOTE pro-2A and get your friends to vote pro-2A as well. Become a member and get your friends to become a member. If you are already a member, consider “upping your membership” to a higher level. Volunteer to help at the bash. Volunteer to join a committee to send emails, write letters, make phone calls… NOW IS THE TIME TO DO. DON’T PUT IT OFF. “We the People” have been sitting on the sidelines too long.
An Armed and Educated Citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security!