Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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The Liberal Media misses the point on Bloomberg's spending--and others :: 04/19/2014

"Gun control has largely been a top down effort. Michael Bloomberg's latest announcement that he will spend another $50 million to push gun control - 2.5 times the amount spent by the NRA annually on political activities - is all too typical. Last year, gun control groups, largely due to Bloomberg's money, outspent gun rights groups by about 7.4 to 1 on TV advertising.


Nevada Range War?-continued :: 04/18/2014

Please click on the hyperlink to see Alan Keyes very pointed remarks about tyrannical Government, and the response of Patriots.


Pizza delivery guys are easy targets, right? :: 04/18/2014

"A pizza deliveryman in Buffalo, N.Y., gave a group of would-be robbers an unforgettable lesson on the Second Amendment and concealed carry on Monday.



Please read carefully. This article contains valuable information on buses, where they are leaving from, and so forth. Thanks to the many guys and gals who helped with this article: (images are not available-please read script)


Automatic Weapon used in Chicago robbery---really?? :: 04/17/2014

Submachine gun? Really? This knucklehead used a TEC-22, a semi auto pistol that "looks nasty but uses the same blowback action on any semi-auto .22LR pistol or rifle. We guess Chicagoland thinks the ghost of Machine Gun Kelly is out robbing convenience stores. The story was later modified after hundreds of folks pointed out that this was no submachine gun.


Beaver County Sherriff David under House Arrest-Guns Confiscated :: 04/17/2014

"Beaver County sheriff under house arrest, ordered to give up 700 firearms."


Bloomberg Just will NOT go away :: 04/17/2014

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg ramped up his efforts to fight gun violence on Wednesday with a plan to spend $50 million on a grassroots network to organize voters on gun control."


CeaseFirePA's "Facts" Don't Pass the Smell Test :: 04/17/2014

"PA GOP AD FACT CHECK: CeaseFirePA Ad Tells Tragic Story, Facts Regarding Connection To Florida Reciprocity Agreement Don't Hold Water"


He May Be the First Person Charged Under Conn. Gun Registration Law - But Why Did Police Take 'Several' of His Legal Guns for 'Safe Keeping'? :: 04/17/2014

"Police officers reportedly heard a gunshot nearby while they were directing traffic in the area. Authorities reportedly determined that Toigo shot the squirrel.


Is Obama ready to violate the Second Amendment with another Executive Order? :: 04/17/2014

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) is warning the Obama administration to not issue an executive order requiring that all new guns be made with biometric technology, such as finger-print recognition or bracelets.


It must be an election year. Even Harry Reid is backing off. :: 04/17/2014

"WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic worries about this November's elections, a lack of Senate votes and House opposition are forcing congressional gun-control supporters to significantly winnow their 2014 agenda, a year after lawmakers scuttled President Barack Obama's effort to pass new curbs on firearms."


Mental Health as a Disarmament Tool :: 04/17/2014

"In the aftermath of the latest Ft. Hood shooting, the subject of mental health has once again reared its ugly little head as a way to deprive a large chunk of the population of their Second Amendment rights.


New Yorkers Refuse to Register :: 04/17/2014

"The state of New York gave gun owners who owned so-called "assault weapons" before the passage of the SAFE Act, a hastily-passed gun control law, until April 15, 2014, to register them with the state government.


Tom Ridge shows his true colors. Joins Bloomberg. :: 04/17/2014

"The New York Times reports this morning that former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge will join a new effort by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to enact gun control measures at the state and national levels."


2ND AMENDMENT RALLY 2014 BUSES :: 04/14/2014

Please read carefully. This article contains valuable information on buses, where they are leaving from, and so forth. Thanks to the many guys and gals who helped with this article: (images are not available-please read script)


2ND AMENDMENT RALLY 2014 BUSES :: 04/14/2014

Please read carefully. This article contains valuable information on buses, where they are leaving from, and so forth. Thanks to the many guys and gals who helped with this article: (images are not available-please read script)


Cop who busted Dugar's kidnapper can't get a Kalifornia CCW :: 04/14/2014

The UC Berkeley police officer who famously helped rescue kidnap victim Kaycee Dugard is suing her former employer , claiming she was wrongfully denied approval to carry a concealed firearm after she retired on medical disability.


CPRC-Massive errors in the Violence Policy Center's "Concealed Carry Killers" :: 04/14/2014

The Violence Policy Center regularly puts out the claim that concealed handgun permit holders are a danger to themselves and others. Right now they claim that concealed handgun permits have been responsible for 636 deaths from the entire United States over almost seven years from May 2007 to March 2014. John Lott has pointed out errors in the VPC numbers for Florida, so here let’s take the errors in just one state Michigan.


Family Armed With Guns Did Exactly What You'd Expect After an Intruder Charged Into Their Kitchen - and Now a Conclusion Has Been Reached on Whether They'll Be Charged :: 04/14/2014

O.K., no suspense here. This was a proper application of Castle Doctrine, and the bad guy is dead, and the family will not be charged.


Here's What Happened to Crime in Chicago After Illinois Finally Passed Concealed Carry Law :: 04/14/2014

"On Tuesday, the Chicago Police Department announced that the city experienced its lowest murder rate since 1958 in the first quarter of 2014. There were 6 fewer murders than the same time frame in 2013 - a 9 percent drop - and 55 fewer murders than 2012, police said."


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