Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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What 'Project Gunwalker' says about extent of gun trafficking to Mexico :: 06/23/2011

While the percentage of Mexican criminal firepower supposedly attributable to the U.S. civilian gun market continues to fall, U.S. gun shops (and gun shows) are still supposedly on the hook for 70% of recovered Mexican "crime guns" (at one time, the figure being tossed around was "95-100% "--a figure that steadily dropped as it became indefensible). That the "70%" figure refers not to the total number of seized guns, but to the percentage of those submitted to, and successfully traced by, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), is generally ignored. The fact that according to the Mexican newspaper El Universal , fewer than a quarter of the recovered firearms were traced , meaning that fewer than 16% of the total number of recovered firearms can be traced to the U.S., is definitely ignored.


WVCDL has standing to sue city over gun laws :: 06/23/2011

MARTINSBURG - A federal judge has denied the city of Martinsburg's motion to dismiss a case challenging the city's gun laws.


As 'Fast and Furious' Fiasco Unfolds, Obama ATF Nominee Prepares Return to Washington :: 06/20/2011

With the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives facing its worst scandal in decades, the man nominated by President Obama to take over as its next chief is headed to Washington this week to meet with top Justice Department officials.


Bellevue family sues FBI over 'terrifying' raid :: 06/19/2011

The lasting impact of the raid on Gary Adams' home became clear in a comment from his 3-year-old granddaughter during a recent trip to the pharmacy.


Chief in Annville (PA) is facing charges :: 06/19/2011

A longtime Warwick Township police officer who is now the chief of a small Lebanon County department has been charged with falsifying overtime records, resulting in nearly $39,000 in erroneous reimbursements to his municipality.


Issa: 'Administration should be ashamed' of Fast and Furious :: 06/19/2011

In a powerful late afternoon interview Thursday with NRA News , Congressman Darrell Issa said the Obama administration should be ashamed of how the Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted, and then evaded answering for, a botched gun sting operation that has put thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartel criminals.


Is the Second Amendment check against tyranny obsolete? :: 06/19/2011

Larry Hicks of the York Dispatch is shocked, shocked that a local politician expressed an understanding of the insurrectionary component of the Second Amendment.


Out of control much, ATF? :: 06/19/2011

The Congressional hearings into the actions of the ATF concerning Operation Fast and Furious (otherwise known as Project Gunwalker ) began on Wednesday, June 15, and they are already bringing revelations that the ATF is out of control... again.


Rep. Scott Perry Response -- YDR editorial on castle doctrine unfair :: 06/19/2011

I have always had a great deal of respect for the editorial capability of newspapers to comment on the issues of the day, and I fully support the right of an individual newspaper to disagree with a position I happen to have. However, I must take issue with the York Daily Record editorial of June 12 titled "Anti-government rhetoric alarming."


Senator Digs Into Past of Former U.S. Attorney in D.C. :: 06/19/2011

Senator Digs Into Past of Former U.S. Attorney in D.C.


The arming of Mexican drug cartels: who's responsible? :: 06/19/2011

It was nearing midnight on Dec. 14 and Agent Brian Terry was wrapping up his final shift before vacation. Soon, he would be headed home to Michigan to spend Christmas with his family.


Time to Close Down the ATF :: 06/19/2011

This week, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) beamed a spotlight on the criminal behavior of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, commonly referred to as the ATF. At Wednesday's hearing, Issa took on Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich by asking him: "Who authorized this program that was so felony stupid it got people killed."


Tip of the 'Gunwalker' iceberg? Are there MORE 'Operations Fast and Furious'? :: 06/19/2011

During Wednesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing exploring the tragic, utterly unforgivable tragedies of "Project Gunwalker," it would have been easy to miss one short statement from one of the witnesses. This would be a mistake, because what Special Agent John Dodson of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) said in that one sentence could have some pretty dramatic implications. Dodson, readers will remember, was the first brave whistleblower to publicly come forward with the sordid details of "Project Gunwalker."


Two AK-47s Used to Murder Mexican Lawyer Were 'Fast and Furious' Guns From U.S., Sources Say :: 06/19/2011

EXCLUSIVE: Two guns sold to a Mexican cartel and used in the high-profile kidnapping and murder of a Mexican lawyer last year were purchased under the U.S. Justice Department's failed anti-gun trafficking program Operation Fast and Furious, sources tell Fox News.


WSJ: The Gunwalker Man headed for the door. Traver to replace him. More fun with hearings ahead. :: 06/19/2011

If Melson goes, Melson will roll. The Justice Department is expected to oust the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, according to people familiar with the matter, amid a troubled federal anti-trafficking operation that has grown into the agency's biggest scandal in nearly two decades. Moves toward the replacement of Kenneth Melson, acting ATF director since April 2009, could begin next week, although the precise sequence of events remains to be decided, these people said.


Anti-gun Weiner was anti-gun Schumer's protégé :: 06/17/2011

Disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner , who today stepped down from his job representing New York's 9th District, was a protégé of anti-gun Senator Charles Schumer , who used to hold that very congressional seat, and was once Weiner's boss.


At hearing about ATF program, Issa mutes witness for promoting gun law reforms :: 06/17/2011

The head of the House Oversight committee muted one of his invited witnesses on Wednesday for testifying in favor of tougher gun laws.


Back Door Gun Control and Fighting Back :: 06/17/2011

Back door gun control is the phenomena where an entity will enact a law that indirectly affects your right to keep and bear arms. It's easier to pass legislation that harms Second Amendment rights when it does not directly require the citizen to surrender a gun.


"Black Wednesday." Melson on suicide watch? Or just about to roll? Hearing revelations hit fifth floor of ATF HQ "like a bomb." :: 06/17/2011

Heard from two sources today that the revelations at yesterday's hearing (dubbed "Black Wednesday" over at about Acting ATF Director Kenneth "Gunwalker Man" Melson hooked into Internet video of the Lone Wolf Trading Company hit the Fifth Floor of ATF HQ "like a bomb."


EXCLUSIVE: Patrol Rifles Good/Assault Rifles Bad? :: 06/17/2011

By David Codrea


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