Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Smith & Wesson subpoenaed by House Committee :: 08/03/2022

Smith & Wesson once got in some hot water with gun owners. They reached an agreement with the Clinton-era Department of Housing and Urban Development and people were less than pleased.


The anti-gun left has a new bogeyman to replace the NRA :: 08/03/2022

For decades anti-gun activists have railed against “the gun lobby,” which to them has been synonymous with the National Rifle Association. Lately, however, the gun rights group has been less of a bogeyman for the left, which has found a new Public Enemy #1; gun manufacturers. More specifically, the firearms industry trade group known as the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


Illinois congressman says gun control laws must target firearms already in legal hands :: 08/02/2022

I lost track of how many times House Democrats pointed out last Friday afternoon that their bill to ban so-called assault weapons wouldn’t take away any of the more than 24 million banned firearms already in the hands of legal gun owners, but it was a constant refrain during the debate over HR 1808. As I pointed out at the time, that argument doesn’t soothe gun owners in the slightest because these same politicians were saying in the same breath that these guns were “weapons of war” that needed to be “taken off the streets”; a position that simply can’t be squared with a promise to leave existing guns alone.


Proposal calls for treating mass shooters as terrorists :: 08/02/2022

Lawmakers are desperate to address mass shootings. No one can really blame them for wanting to find something they can do to address the problem, either. They’re getting tremendous pressure from their colleagues, the media, and their constituents.


Some Anti-Second Amendment Extremists Don’t Hide It Any More :: 08/02/2022

United States – -( One thing that has become quite clear lately – anti-Second Amendment extremists no longer are hiding what they want. Some are openly calling for Australia-style gun bans. Others want the Second Amendment repealed. In a lot of cases, Second Amendment supporters are justified in perceiving hatred on the part of anti-Second Amendment extremists. This is both good news and bad news for Second Amendment supporters.


While Gun Ban Bill Passed House, Odds Are Against Senate Passage :: 08/02/2022

U.S.A.-( While a giddy House Speaker Nancy Pelosi smiled broadly on passage of H.R. 1808, which bans the future manufacture and sale of so-called “assault weapons,” it is not likely to pass the Senate, where the requirement for a 60-vote majority to overcome a filibuster should stop it cold, most media reports are predicting.


Brooklyn pastor robbed during service says clergy should be allowed to carry guns on the job :: 08/01/2022

Not an unreasonable position to hold, especially if you, like Bishop Lamor Whitehead, had been robbed at gunpoint while holding a church service.


Media freaking over Sig's civilian version of military rifle :: 08/01/2022

Sig Sauer is churning out the new rifle for the United States Army. Since they also provide the military with their sidearms, this is big for them.


NSSF Denounces Gun Ban Passed by House :: 08/01/2022

U.S.A. -( NSSF, the firearm industry trade association, condemns the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, as amended. The legislation ignores the Constitutional right, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, for law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms that are in common use. NSSF estimates that there are over 24.4 million Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) in circulation in America between 1990 and 2020.


NYTimes discovers armed teachers actually a popular policy in some districts :: 08/01/2022

School districts with staff who’ve volunteered (as well as been vetted and trained) to carry a firearm to serve as a first line of defense in case of a targeted attack on school grounds aren’t unusual or uncommon in some states, but the gun control lobby absolutely despises the idea. Groups like Everytown for Gun Safety have even teamed up with parents to challenge the legality of the policies, which led to lawmakers in Ohio having to go back and redo state law after the state Supreme Court ruled that teachers and staff could not have a gun on campus unless they’d undertaken the more than 700 hours of training necessary to become a certified peace officer in the state.


Proposed Banking Merchant Category Codes Latest Backdoor Ploy to ID Gun Owners :: 08/01/2022

“While there are merchant codes for the hair salon and the shoe shine place and every other retailer, there’s no merchant code for gun stores,” Priscilla Sims Brown, president & CEO of Amalgamated Bank, told CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin. “If we did have a merchant code for gun stores, we could detect patterns that would indicate that there had been something unusual going on.”


Canada offers 1,337 Dollars for AR-15s in gun buyback program :: 07/30/2022

Gun buyback programs have been all the rage with U.S. Democratic politicians this past year, despite the National Bureau of Economic Research reporting they don’t actually work. The programs do nothing to address the concern that most crimes are committed with illegal guns. Instead, they remove firearms from the hands of law-abiding citizens.


Errors in Associated Press article on how rarely active shooting cases are stopped by concealed carry permit holders :: 07/30/2022

Errors in Associated Press article titled “Rare in US for an active shooter to be stopped by bystander.”


House Passes 'Assault Weapons' Ban :: 07/30/2022

House Democrats voted to ban sales of the most popular rifle in America on Friday.


NSSF Denounces Unconstitutional Gun Ban Passed by U.S. House of Representatives :: 07/30/2022

NEWTOWN, Conn. — NSSF®, the firearm industry trade association, condemns the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, as amended. The legislation ignores the Constitutional right, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, for law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms that are in common use. NSSF estimates that there are over 24.4 million Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) in circulation in America between 1990 and 2020.


Pennsylvania State Senator Introduces Bill to Allow School Staff to Carry Gun :: 07/30/2022

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, who is also a Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor, introduced Senate Bill 1288, which would allow school staff to possess a firearm or other lawful weapons on school grounds.


Democrats Dismiss Key Details in Gun Control Hearing :: 07/29/2022

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a show hearing where firearm industry leaders testified on their efforts to keep lawfully-manufactured products out of the hands of criminals. Democrats on the committee broad-stroked the blame from criminals to firearm manufacturers to push for more gun control.


House Democrats Reverse Course, Set Vote on 'Assault Weapons' Ban :: 07/29/2022

After throwing in the towel on Wednesday, Democrats have reached a deal that will bring the “assault weapons” ban to a floor vote on Friday.


New Jersey AG cuts funding to community violence prevention groups, but has plenty of cash to target gun companies :: 07/29/2022

New Jersey Acting Attorney General Matthew Platkin’s office is telling local violence prevention groups that grants they’ve received from the state in recent years will be cut due to a lack of funds, though his office apparently has the money to spend on a new office designed to target the firearms industry.


Americans Unhappy With Biden Performance on Guns in Latest Polling :: 07/28/2022

Most Americans think the President is handling gun policy poorly.


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