Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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New Gun Owners are Invisible to the News Media and Democrat Politicians :: 11/01/2022

More people own guns today than ever before. That growth is a continuation of a long term trend that goes back several decades. In addition to that gradual increase, we’ve also seen an extraordinary growth in new gun buyers in the last two years. We had to rewrite who owns guns and why they own them.


Biden Promises Legislating "Eight Bullets in a Round" :: 10/31/2022

These days, President Joe Biden seems confused when it comes to just about everything. However, the longtime gun control advocate still saves some of his most fallacious and unintelligible comments for the firearms debate. Biden’s latest comments on gun legislation suggest that the president lacks even a rudimentary understanding of how firearms operate.


Fighting the Great Reset Begins Locally :: 10/31/2022

It’s easy to view the Great Reset as some distant effort happening elsewhere. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.


Impaired PA Senate Candidate Fetterman Is Crystal Clear On Anti-Gun Campaign Positions :: 10/31/2022

The showdown between Pennsylvania’s Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz vying for the open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania was described as “painful.” Lt. Gov. Fetterman is clearly struggling with the effects of the stroke he suffered months ago. We sincerely hope that he regains his health. Nevertheless, the debate revealed that Keystone State voters must contend with two candidates with vastly differing view on Second Amendment rights.


Massachusetts Finds Out What Happens When You Restrict Gun Ownership for Law-Abiding Citizens :: 10/31/2022

This is going to sound like a Captain Obvious moment, but restrictive gun laws make law-abiding citizens less safe. This has been shown time and time again and is a well-known fact in the gun community.


Delaware sets dates for compensated confiscation of magazines :: 10/30/2022

Earlier this year Delaware Gov. Jay Carney signed several new gun control bills into law, including a ban on so-called “large capacity” magazines. Not only are the sale of new magazines prohibited to most citizens, but most existing owners are required under the new law to either permanently modify them, remove them from the state, destroy them, or hand them over to police.


EU plans to tighten gun transportation laws :: 10/30/2022

The European Union isn’t a hospitable place for gun owners. Sure, some there do own guns and use them for sporting purposes or even self-defense. They’re not outright banned, though the restrictions there sure do make it seem that way.


Biden Officials Pressure Social Media to Suppress Disfavored Speech :: 10/29/2022

Washington, DC – -( “Tech platforms are notoriously opaque,” the White House complained last week, saying Americans deserve to know more about how online forums decide “when and how to remove content from their sites.”


Fewer guns, more crime: new report slams Massachusetts gun control laws :: 10/29/2022

The big news in Boston today is the fact that a 7-year old brought a loaded handgun to a school in the city’s Dorchester section; an incident that thankfully didn’t result in any injuries after the gun was discovered Thursday afternoon. Boston’s mayor is calling for accountability, while the city’s school superintendent says she’s speechless, and there will undoubtably be attempts lawmakers to “do something” to address the situation through more gun control legislation in the days to come.


Gun control activist wants Glocks re-classified as machine guns :: 10/29/2022

Not just Glocks, actually. The Violence Policy Center’s Kristen Rand (and a lot of other gun control activists) want the ATF to broadly reclassify semi-automatic firearms as machine guns, and it’s an idea that will likely gain more traction in the gun control lobby if Republicans take back one or both chambers of Congress in the midterms. With no chance of new gun control laws passing on Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court likely to undo some of the existing infringements already on the books, the White House and the executive branch agencies are going to be one of the only places where groups like the VPC can expect to find any traction, and they’re aiming big.


Gun Voters Could Deal A Punishing Blow Driving Home the Win on Election Day 2022 :: 10/29/2022

USA – -( The critical Nov. 8th 2022 midterm elections are only days away. As people continue talking about a “red wave” sweeping across the U.S. landscape to wash anti-gun Democrats from Congress and state legislatures, the “gun vote” could be the decisive factor in many of these races.


Investigators in Alec Baldwin shooting wrap up. Will there be charges? :: 10/28/2022

It was just over a year ago when a firearm in the hands of actor and anti-gun activist Alec Baldwin was fired, killing Halyna Hutchins and injuring one other on the set of the movie Rust.


Once Americans Lose the Right To Bear Arms, They Will Never Regain It :: 10/28/2022

New York – -( The U.S. is the only truly free Constitutional Republic in existence. That is how the framers of the U.S. Constitution designed our Government.


PA Senate #GUNVOTE Debate Quick Shot :: 10/28/2022

U.S.A. -( The showdown between Pennsylvania’s Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz vying for the open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania was described as painful.” Lt. Gov. Fetterman is struggling with the effects of the stroke he suffered months ago. We sincerely hope that he regains his health. Nevertheless, the debate revealed that Keystone State voters must contend with two candidates with differing views on Second Amendment rights.


Philly sheriff's deputy accused of illegally selling guns used in shooting :: 10/28/2022

Earlier this month a shooting outside a Philadelphia high school left a 14-year old dead and four other teens wounded; a tragic situation that Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney has blamed on a lack of gun control in the city and state. Kenney even declared that the gun store that sold ammunition to one of the suspects should be “held accountable” for the crime, though there’s no way that the gun store owner could have known that the purchaser was a prohibited person.


Dem congressman thinks AR-15s too dangerous for you to own :: 10/27/2022

The AR-15 is a very demonized rifle. Despite the fact that people kill others more often with their hands and feet than with any kind of rifle, modern sporting rifles of any kind are treated as if they’re just murder-death-kill machines with absolutely no other use.


Sailor convicted of selling machine guns, missile launchers :: 10/27/2022

Machine guns are among the most tightly registered products in the United States. Regular people can’t legally buy one built after 1986 and the handful remaining from before that date cost as much as a car or even, depending on the weapon, a house.


Sorry Gun Control. Voters Don’t Love Your Pet Issue :: 10/27/2022

U.S.A. -( The gun pearl-clutchers are in a tizzy. Voter polling shows that radical gun control isn’t a leading concern as America closes on election day, November 8.


St. Louis gunman obtained firearm after family removed it :: 10/27/2022

In the wake of any mass shooting, you’re going to hear calls for gun control. That’s especially true when an AR-15 was used since that’s the boogieman of the day.


Gross stupidity of NJ lawmakers on full display in carry bill :: 10/26/2022

The unconstitutional bill that’s been proposed in New Jersey is a run-around to allowing the peasants to be lawfully armed. The bill directly tells Justice Thomas to ram it up his own posterior. The measure slated as A4769 and S3214 carves out a long list of new “don’ts” when it comes to carry in the Garden State. Cam recently covered an editorial lauding the measure, which in reality the Star Ledger, the paper that put out that schlock, basically ran propaganda for president wannabe Governor Phil Murphy. The alleged purpose of the bill, outlined below, is greatly overshadowed by the extreme incompetence of lawmakers in the Garden State. The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) recently uncovered an embarrassing flaw in the bill. In the lawmakers’ haste to sever citizens from their civil liberties, they overlooked something that’s splashed an omelette’s worth of egg onto their faces.


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