Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Fighting the Great Reset Begins Locally :: 10/31/2022

It’s easy to view the Great Reset as some distant effort happening elsewhere. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

Let’s roll back the calendar to 2011. Early that year, The New American exposed the progress that ICLEI, an NGO that now goes by the name Local Governments for Sustainability, had made in getting local governments to codify into law the UN’s Agenda 21 “sustainability” scheme. Senior editor William F. Jasper summed up Agenda 21’s extent: “In short, everything; there is nothing on, in, over, or under the Earth that doesn’t fall within the purview of some part of Agenda 21.” In the name of making man’s footprint on the planet sustainable, the globalist cabal intends to impose global tyranny.

At the founding of The John Birch Society in 1958, Robert Welch warned of the build-up and coming of world government. He said, “For internationalism, as it is conceived and promoted today, is an attempt to impose more government and a more centralized one-world government on all of us everywhere. For that reason it is automatically contrary to everything we stand for, and one of the movements we shall oppose with all the strength we can.”

Only through world government can such a reorientation of society called for under Agenda 21 be implemented. These internationalists or globalists use any opportunity to further their agenda. If they don’t get traction with Congress, they go directly to local and state governments, as well as to corporate partners. ICLEI took the lead and convinced many local and state governments to sign on as members, working to get them to implement Agenda 21 at the expense of liberty, sovereignty, and property rights — the foundation of freedom.

Also in 2011, The John Birch Society launched “Choose Freedom, Stop Agenda 21” to expose this globalist takeover, and the work done by JBS members resulted in ICLEI losing many American members. ICLEI went into damage-control mode and hid its online member list, which was something we pointed people to. Even today, finding specific members on its site is not an easy task.

With such exposure, Agenda 21 was largely stymied in the United States, but it has come back with a vengeance under Agenda 2030. As senior editor Alex Newman pointed out in The New American in 2016, Agenda 2030 is “a recipe for global socialism.” It’s “touted as a solution to everything from poverty to global warming, [but it’s] really a plan to empower a global governing body.”

The governments and companies now implementing ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) scores and “going green” are under pressure to help reach the UN’s goal of reducing emissions by 2030. The UN rarely meets its deadlines when there is organized opposition, and it knows its next deadline is coming fast. It certainly has found a friend in the Biden administration, but it’s also targeting large corporations, the investment world, and local governments.

A painstaking dive into ICLEI’s online membership reveals around 311 local and state government entities and elected officials. These include various locations in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

The United Nations has been paving the way for a Great Reset — the New World Order. Yet, as the UN through ICLEI has demonstrated, proponents are not working in some distant country waiting for the U.S. Congress to jump on board. They are already here, and working within many communities.

Those willing to act to save their God-given rights and preserve them for future generations must work toward stopping the so-called sustainability agenda. Let’s show them the Great Americanist Awakening, which was largely begun with the reaction to the unconstitutional and anti-American “pandemic” controls placed over Americans. Work to locally kick out ICLEI, then kick the UN out of the United States. The only organization working on doing both is The John Birch Society. Active member chapters may already be working in your community. Visit to learn more and take action.

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