Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Get out and VOTE :: 09/24/2024

Get out and Vote – I love this country. I love Law Enforcement. I love the military, and I love the
US Constitution. As I sit on a Sunday evening surrounded by my three Siberian Huskies, writing
this article and reflecting on what I am concerned about before November 5 th , 2024, I have a few
questions for you all.

Some folks like to follow polls, which in my opinion mean very little in the real world. Some folks
like to follow what the candidates have to say and then decide for themselves what is truth and
what is fabrication. The news media today are generally corrupt and have a hidden agenda
which is quite apparent to all of us people today of sound mind, and most Americans can see
through their bias and beliefs.

So, I would like to pose a few questions for our membership and those others out there who
read our newsletter from FOAC:

1. Do you love your guns? Do you love the shooting sports? Or do you enjoy sharing your
knowledge about the positive effect that proper gun ownership provides for the safety of
you and all of your loved ones?
2. Do you believe in the 2 nd Amendment?
3. Do you vote?

If you do vote, that’s great, but if not, may I ask you, why not? Many of those in our armed
services have fought to keep this freedom for all, yet less than 18 percent of legal gun owners
vote. This November our freedoms hinge on whether those who believe in the right to carry and
the right to gun ownership will also exercise their right to vote.

I have heard people say, “I am only one person, and my vote does not mean much.” Oh…but it
does. When freedoms are taken from us by overzealous and power-hungry control freaks within
our government, it is the responsibility of all legal gun owners to step up and say, “We are not
going to take this anymore, and leave our rights of self-protection alone.” Too many feel that
you as a US citizen, do not need these “weapons of war,” but I ask myself, really? What do they
know about what I need or what your needs are to protect yourself and your loved ones? How
dare they strive to take our freedom under the second amendment away from us? The answer
is relatively simply: For control!!!

These same politicians live under the protective means of armed police and security agents;
they do not have to worry or live in the potential dangers that we do. I consider the Biden-Harris
administration to be domestic terrorists because of all the intentional harm they have bestowed
upon honest, hard-working Americans like you and me by allowing over 21 million illegal
immigrants into our country. Always remember Afghanistan! I know our brave troops will never

We have not been invaded on our soil by organized, militaristic groups largely because foreign
aggressive anti-American leaders feared the citizens of the United States. They believed that
“behind every blade of grass there is an American with a gun.” You are damn right there is!
Adolf Hitler disarmed the German people during his reign of terror and so have many other
dictators worldwide to control their citizens into submission to follow their rules. The current
administration wants to tell us what to eat, where to live, what to think, what to drive, that evil is
good and that the education system today needs to forget about our history because it is fascist
and racist to its core. They believe we should follow their ways.

I do not believe that for a minute, but those trying to pry the control of the America we love and
cherish from the citizens are actively trying to pry our rights away from us. It is shameful that
“We the People” have the opportunity to take back our nation yet so many do not feel like it is
worth it. As President Trump appeared on the Greg Gutfeld show last week, I took from
President Trump’s appearance that he could not believe and was disappointed by how many
gun owners do not vote. He stated only 16 percent or so of lawful guns owners vote.
This really bothered me, as it should bother each of you as Americans and freedom lovers.
FOAC has stood at the forefront in the battle of bad anti-gun legislation. We have great leaders
in our organization in President Jim Stoker, Vice-President Klint Macro, along with a very
dedicated board of directors and members who go beyond the call to duty when it comes to
protecting our rights when it comes to gun ownership.

I do not believe for a moment that our current political adversaries believe in the 2 nd
Amendment. They lie to our faces by proclaiming daily that our gun rights are safe just like our
border is secure. I have been in law enforcement for 43 years and have trained thousands of
police officers, correctional officers, and security professionals in the proper use of force. I am
immensely proud of my career and very proud to be associated with such a wonderfully diverse
and focused group. FOAC needs your support, it needs strength in numbers to fend off those
wanting to victimize us by taking our protective measures away from us. The world has become
an extremely dangerous place to live in, and our communities are not immune. Some
communities have seen sharp increases in crime and violence but many of those in the
government tells us that we do not need these “weapons of war.”

Folks, I have news for you all, we are currently at war with the evilness that exists in each of our
lives, and if left unchecked, it will win. Evil will prevail, and we will become the victims they want
us to become with no recourse but to just follow their lead. I implore each of you to get out, vote
and take someone to vote with you. Take time to help those who need assistance traveling to
and from the polls. Every vote counts, and if we lose our basic rights then the America I grew up
in, as did you all, will cease to exist.

I hope to see everyone at the gun bash. Hopefully, this will be a time of celebration if our nation
has been saved from the current tyranny. God Bless and Stay Safe!
Ed Bogats, Jr. PhD, MPM, FBINA 222 nd Session - proud life member and current board member
of FOAC. I stand strong with President Stoker, Vice-President Macro, all board members, and
the general membership of FOAC.

This November the 5 th , 2024 is a day that will “Live in Infamy” as one great American President
once proclaimed. Get out and Vote!!

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2024

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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