Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

FOAC Institute Thanksgiving Wishes :: 11/28/2024

by: James Stoker

First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving...  we have a lot to be thankful for in this great nation and this great Commonwealth.  Sure, there is a LOT of work to be done.  No, our fight hasn't changed and if anything even more challenges lay before us.  However... 

I am thankful for having been born in the greatest nation in the history of this world...

I am thankful for the dedicated men and women who sacrificed themselves in order to found this great nation...

I am thankful for the men and women who authored the greatest document created by mankind that protects us still to this day... 

I am thankful for my family... children are a living legacy...  

I am thankful for those I served with in both military and law enforcement service...

I am thankful for the mentorship of the late Kim Stolfer... 

I am thankful for the loyalty, integrity, and hard work of the current officers and board of directors who work with me each and every single day... 

I am thankful for the volunteers and patriots who spend their hours or sometimes even days working for the cause and sacrificing for us all... 

I am thankful for the men and women who preceeded us in these roles, and who laid the foundations for what we have grown into... 

I am thankful for the attorneys, advisors, and legislators we have worked with along the way who have fought side by side to preserve our freedoms... 

I am thankful for being given the opportunity to be a warrior in this fight, a purpose with too much at stake to be on the sidelines watching... 

and I am thankful for you, the membership, for without your support, inspiration, and purpose none of this would be possible.

Jim Stoker, President, FOAC Institute   


Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2024

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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