Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
It is a long-held tradition in Pennsylvania’s Capital, Harrisburg, that when the legislators go into the caucus room, no outsiders are allowed. No exceptions! That heretofore tradition was rent asunder when Rick Santorum was granted permission to make a presentation to the Caucus members on the Constitutional Convention issue.
On October 26th, Rick and (very limited) supporters of the Article V Constitutional Convention roamed the halls of the Capitol in Harrisburg and held closed door meetings with Legislators. While still claiming that a “run-away” convention could never happen, you have to wonder what treats were offered behind those closed doors to encourage legislators to support the Con-Con and risk wholesale edits or the potential “tossing out” of our Constitution.
As many in our country celebrate Halloween by dressing up in costumes, bobbing for apples, and going trick or treating, our well-funded friend Rick Santorum and the Convention of States Action organization continue to trick legislators in Harrisburg to buying into the Article V Constitutional Convention.
The Convention of States Action organization is very well-funded… VERY well-funded.
In the past, Senator Tom Coburn was paid upwards of $240,000 to be a “spokesperson” for the Con-Con. Senator Jim DeMint was paid a little less, although he claims he was not “compensated”. You can see a Form 990 in this video proving that DeMint was either "tricked" or "treated".
Mark Meckler, the mastermind behind the Convention of States Action organization, states in this video, that they offered Rush Limbaugh 2.25 MILLION dollars to talk about the Convention of States movement. Rush Declined.
I wonder how many Legislators asked Rick Santorum, “Hey Rick, how much cash are you getting paid to be here?” We won’t be able to research the true answer to that question till after tax time; however, history tells us that Con-Con is a good tipper.
If you look at points #19 and #20 of this document, “Exhibit List to Presentations in Opposition to an Article V Convention, By Joanna Martin, J.D.”, you will learn that this movement is financed by the likes of George Soros, the Koch Brother(s), and other “globalists” that would move to rid US of our sovereignty in the name of a one world government. Check out this other document, “Dark Money1—Not the Grassroots—Is Behind the Convention of States Organizations, By Judi Caler”, and you will see that the Con-Con is not funded by small donations from school children and little old ladies.
The term “Useful Idiot” might come to mind. Although the origin of this phrase is somewhat controversial, the modern definition is “a naive or credulous person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda.”
The Article V Constitutional Convention is RIFE with risk. I explain this in a letter I wrote and sent to PA Senators on October 17th. In it I wrote:
Article V of the Constitution of The U.S.
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.
Article V provides for 2 ways to change the Constitution. The first option has been used on multiple occasions. There is precedent and process in place to guide us on how to do it. The second option, the Convention, has never been done. Well, at least it hasn’t been done under the current Constitution. The last Convention that took place was to amend the Articles of Confederation in 1787 when some of the leaders ultimately threw out the Articles of Confederation and replaced it with the current US Constitution. The founding fathers KNEW this firsthand when they included option #2 in Article V.
There is no precedent and process to restrict an Article V Convention. We won’t know where it can go until it goes there. As I study the history of the 1787 Convention, knowing what I know of the politics of the day and the cautious resistance that some States had to a stronger Federal government, I believe the 2nd option of Article V was meant to be a means by which States could facilitate a reset of the federal government. I believe the founders meant the 2nd option to be a “burn it down to build a new one” option. This is a dangerous proposition. Do you trust all of your colleagues in the State and Federal legislature to have the keys to the hen house and the ability to deconstruct or reconstruct our Constitution? Frankly I do not. If ever there are enough petitions to call a Convention, who chooses the delegates? Will you be a delegate? Who will preside over the Convention? What will the political make-up of the legislature be if this finally happens?
You, better than most, know how politics works, to say that a convention could not run out of control is short sighted and naive.No matter what you are told by paid pundits, nobody can guarantee a “restricted” Convention. Do you think Nancy Pelosi or AOC would like to see modifications to our Constitution? Maybe get rid of that pesky 2nd Amendment once and for all or remove any of the other restrictions that the Constitution puts on government?Currently, there is a movement in the Federal Legislature to consolidate all Convention petitions (H.R.8419). If this were to pass and become part of the U.S. Code, it would GUARANTEE a runaway convention. NOTHING would be off the table.
The Constitution largely provides “negative governance”. The fact that Article V does not give ANY direction on how a Convention is conducted, it would likely result in a “runaway” because nowhere do we have guidance on the process for choosing delegates, the process for choosing a chair, the procedure by which topics are chosen and God only know what other processes will need to be improvised if a Convention took place.
Do you want to risk being one of the folks who lost the US Constitution on your watch?
Not all your colleagues in the legislature are the “faithful servants of the people” that you are. Some are fueled by political motives and seek power. The Constitution limits that power. Why would we risk giving those folks the ability to change the very thing that stands between them and total control over The People?
So, the question to ask now is, “Hey Rick, how many Zero$ did it take for you to risk our Constitution?”
Klint Macro, 2nd VP
We were called recently by the Executive Director of an organization out east, Shield of Truth, to explore our willingness to debate the Constitutional Convention issue. I said tentatively yes, but that I would also like to have Jim Stoker as a participant in this process. We set up a phone call to introduce everyone for this past Saturday at noon.
We found out a little bit more about how this debate was going to be run and provided our input as to our concerns. Tentatively, this is scheduled to be held on sometime on a Friday in the months of January or February (2023) out east. This organization seems to be legitimate and interested in hearing both sides. One of our concerns was put to rest because of the response from the Executive Director of Shield of Truth in that he specifically said that COS and the John Birch Society were not going to be participating in this event.
During the phone call we were tasked with coming up with two or three questions that we wanted to see answered as well as the possibility of two gimme’s as part of the evening’s festivities.
All in all, it was a productive conversation and you can look forward to more information on this in the future. We do know that this will not be simulcast so you will have to pay for a ticket and attend this event if you want to see it.
Kim Stolfer, President
Altruism Definition:
Altruism refers to a quality possessed by people whose focus is on something other than themselves, and its root reveals the object of those generous tendencies. Altruism derives from the French word autrui, meaning "other people." Autrui, in turn, developed from the Old French term autre, which means "other" and which itself comes from Latin alter, also meaning "other." That Latin source eventually caused a curious thing to happen. Under the influence of alter, the French autrui gave rise to the altrui- of both the French altruisme and the English altruism. The English term has been in service since at least the mid-1800s.
We, and other folks fighting the Article V Constitutional Convention movement, are not getting paid to do so. We are doing this to protect and uphold our Constitution and ensure that it is still “a thing” long after we are gone.
One of my instructor colleagues once told me that the U.S. Constitution is the 2nd most important document EVER produced by man (1st being the Bible). It must be honored, respected, obeyed, and above all protected.
Please continue to reach out to your elected officials and urge them to oppose PA SR152, Federal HR. 8419, or ANY resolution that calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention. If you do not know how to reach your elected officials, visit our website to find out.
I would like to give a special shout out to Judi Caler and Joanna Martin J.D. for taking the lead nationwide in the fight against the Con-Con and supplying us with lots of data.
Both Jim Stoker and I had a zoom meeting, several weeks ago, with Kirk to explore his capabilities and his proclivities. Kirk was brought to us through Jim Stoker’s contacts and came highly recommended. We were “not” disappointed in his approach or his experience.
Thus far, he has proven adept at everything we put in front of him. As we move forward, you all should be noticing changes to the website as well as modifications and improvements. This is an ongoing process that will take some time to work out but we feel confident that this is a positive step forward for our organization.
If you have any concerns or notice any defects in the website “please” bring this to our attention as well as any potential improvements that we can make as we move forward!
Kim Stolfer, President
FOAC-ILLEA Volunteer Kevin Jackson, FOAC-ILLEA Volunteer Lisha Mihalko, PA Representative Jim Marshall, FOAC-ILLEA 1st VP Jim Stoker, and FOAC-ILLEA Volunteer Bob Canova at a Firearms Law Seminar, October 5th, 2022
FOAC-ILLEA presents Concealed Carry Seminars with Pro-Liberty Elected Officials, works with County Sheriffs at Satellite License To Carry Firearms Events, provides information tables at Gun Shows, and organizes for Pro-2A Rallies and events. To see the most up to date schedule of FOAC-ILLEA Events, CLICK HERE.
Date: 12/11/2022
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: Al's Cafe
Address: 435 McMurray Rd Bethel Park PA 15102
Our annual meeting will be at Al's Cafe once again. We will be in the upper room, which is accessed via stairs from the back of the restaurant. The menu will be:
The cost will be $37 per person. Advance reservation and payment are required. Please send a check payable to FOAC-ILLEA to:
Dale Brackin
1316 Lindbergh Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15223
The meeting will begin at 10:00 am and end by noon. It will include election of the two board positions expiring at the end of the year.
The luncheon will begin at noon.
Spouses and significant others are welcome at this event.
Earlier this week, you may have received a press release about our latest legal action; an Amici Brief filed with the PA Supreme Court. The release included:
On October 21st, 2022, a coalition of like-minded organizations filed a joint Amici Curiae Brief with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that was brilliantly penned by Attorney Joshua Prince Esq. This brief was in support of Appellee (Jonathan Barris) and in the opposition to Appellant’s (Stroud Township) appeal from the May 28th, 2021, Decision and Order of the Commonwealth Court Docket No. 671 C.D. 2020.
This coalition, led by Firearms Owners Against Crime-Institute for Legal, Legislative, and Educational Action, consists of The Allegheny Country Sportsmen’s League, The Beaver County Conservation and Sportsmen’s League, Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania, and The USCCA Legal Defense Foundation.
The Amici also adopt and cite arguments made by another Amicus Brief filed by Firearms Policy Coalition; further exhibiting unprecedented cooperation between various organizations that represent nearly 1-million- gun owners, and sportsmen.
In an article published on about the legal action, it was said that:
Each day, somewhere in the halls of government at the local, state, and federal level a war is being waged upon our individual rights and liberties. Pro-Liberty/Pro-2A organizations and their members must endeavor to educate our fellow Americans and fight well-funded tyrants in the courts to prevent damaging decisions and precedent that could have ongoing negative ramifications upon our ability to protect ourselves and those that we love. I am honored to be a part of this coalition of organizations that has assembled for the purpose of this brief and I believe the cooperation shown here sends a strong message. An armed and educated citizenry is the true check and balance in our Constitutional Republic and the ultimate homeland security.
It was originally ruled that the Stroud Township (Monroe County) ordinance that made it illegal for Jonathan Barris, to have a training range on his private property was indeed a violation of PA State Preemption.
The origins of this brief began when FOAC-ILLEA leadership was made aware of Stroud Twp’s intent to appeal this case to the PA Supreme Court to fight the original decision. We knew that we needed to do what we could to help stop this case from being argued and risking “bad precedent”. FOAC-ILLEA President, Kim Stolfer authorized the release of funds to pay for a large portion of the brief, but more funding would be necessary.
Legal actions are expensive. Especially in the higher courts. Heck, even the PRINTING alone costs several thousands of dollars, as there are only certain printers that do the work a very specific way. Talk about a monopoly!
Donate Here! Specify ‘HOW’ you would like your donation handled!!
As you know, FOAC-ILLEA is involved in multiple legal actions in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and with the leadership of the PA State Police, not to mention our educational efforts that take place across the Commonwealth.
We began to reach out to other like-minded organizations to see if they would be willing to pony up and help us fight by filing this brief. The officers and board of the ACSL were eager to lend a hand. Unified Sportsmen of PA quickly mobilized their membership to raise funds to support the brief. The USCCA Legal Defense Foundation graciously offered their support. Lastly, the Beaver County Conservation and Sportsmen’s League, under the leadership of the late Tony Rich, came through with the final funds to make the brief a reality. It was truly a concerted effort of different organizations that all have one common goal, the preservation and protection of the 2A and Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution.
Joshua Prince, eloquently affirmed:
Agreement with and Adoption of Firearm Policy Coalition, et al’s Amicus Brief;
The PA Supreme Court Can Affirm The Commonwealth Court’s Decision On Any Legal Grounds And Consistent With the Constitutional Avoidance Doctrine, Should Affirm On The Basis Of Preemption;
In The Alternative, Stroud Township’s Regulation Of Shooting Ranges Is Unconstitutional, Pursuant To The Second Amendment To The United States Constitution;
In the Alternative, Stroud Township’s Ordinance Is Violative Of Article 1, Section 26 Of The Pennsylvania Constitution; and,
In the Alternative, Stroud Township’s Ordinance Is Void For Vagueness And Violative Of The Rule Of Lenity.
We will await the decision of the PA Supreme Court as to whether they will hear this appeal or not. But rest assured, a very compelling argument to uphold the original ruling, has been made by a coalition of organizations that represent nearly 1-million- gun owners, and sportsmen.
The last two years has been a seesaw ride for us all. The 2020 elections put in place a single party rule that has precipitated the downfall of our Republic to new lows. Who could have thought that the Democrats would seize upon every single facet and nuance of our society so quickly?! Or that they would be aided by squishy Republicans?
The fact of the matter is that we are at risk of becoming third world country because of a multitude of factors which not the least of our concerns is the southern border and the war in Ukraine. The fact that we cannot control the influx of the immigrants as well as the drug issues that permeate every facet of the border is just staggering to us. The fact that this administration, led by Joe Biden, has refused to even address the violations of law is a repudiation of his responsibilities of office.
Republican candidates are surging nationwide, from Ohio to Florida to Colorado, Oregon, Arizona and even California and New York. Here in Pennsylvania, there are two statewide races of consequence; one is for Gov. which is pitting Doug Mastriano against Josh Shapiro and the other is to replace retiring Sen. Pat Toomey with two candidates, one of which has no experience in politics, Dr. Mehmet Oz.
PA Governor’s Race Candidates:
US Senate (PA) Candidates:
In preparation for the upcoming election (November 8), I have included four links to the prime candidates for the elected office. I do want to take this opportunity to mention that the debate between Dr. Oz and John Fetterman was a train record just waiting to happen. I cannot fathom how anyone in his family felt that it was appropriate for him, as a recovering stroke victim, to be placed in a situation where he would have to debate and be exposed to public ridicule.
While it does not look good for Doug Mastriano who is running against Josh Shapiro for Pennsylvania Gov., it says a lot about Dr. Oz that he is slightly ahead of John Fetterman. In his prime, and I have personal experience with him, he was absolutely the most biased and prejudiced and judgmental candidates that I have ever run across.
Parallel Election documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, specifically in Delaware County, PA. This unprecedented fraud resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Authors Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes show you, up close, how it was done, and by whom. They call it a "parallel election," because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones.
Stenstrom and Hoopes currently have the only remaining election fraud case in Pennsylvania from the November 2020 general election. Viciously quashed, sued and sanctioned for challenging the "most secure election in history," they fought back, and overcame overwhelming odds to successfully expose the massive election fraud they witnessed.
“Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors to bullets.”
-Abraham Lincoln
"Yes, it's a difficult situation, but this is the only way to make a new society. We have to challenge the violence. The people are scared, but they have hope in this process."
-62-year-old Iraqi literature professor Abid Jassim al-Sa'adi voting in Iraq, 2005
“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote...that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
-Samuel Adams
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
-Abraham Lincoln
We have an opportunity to right the ship on November 8th, 2022. Will we have a Governor Mastriano or a Governor Shapiro? Will we have a Senator Oz or a Senator Fetterman? Will the US House and US Senate be controlled by the Democrats or the Republicans?
PLEASE get out and vote for those that will empower citizens to exercise their rights… vote AGAINST those who empower criminals and the elected class over “The People”.
We will likely have answers to the aforementioned questions by the next edition of this newsletter. We will then know if we need to reinforce and prepare for an antigun onslaught like we have never seen, or perhaps we will mobilize to take back ground lost in previous years and make a renewed push to unilaterally strengthen preemption and Constitutional Carry in 2023.
You MUST get to the polls and vote. NOT VOTING IS A VOTE FOR TYRANNY!
If you don’t know where your polling place is CLICK HERE.
Ask yourself what you can do to help us fight the continued Revolution of our Country. Whether it be your VOTE for a pro-2A candidate, you time, treasure, or talent, let us know we can count on you!
FOAC-ILLEA is an all-volunteer organization, and we are engaged in a ‘daily battle’ to protect Article 1 Section 21 of the PA Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. Will you help us maintain, regain, and preserve freedom NOW so that we can hand off Liberty to the next generation?
We hope to see you all at the polls on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022.
Stay Armed and Be Well Regulated!
Yours Most Respectfully,
Kim Stolfer
President, FOAC-ILLEA
Klint Macro