Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action


Firearms Owners Against Crime - Institute for Legislative, Legal and Educational Action

The purposes for which the corporation is organized are to promote social welfare within the meaning of section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, including but not limited to:(1) developing and advocating for legislation, regulations, and government programs to improve safety, protect citizens, stimulate sportsmen's activities and safe legal firearm ownership (2) conducting research and publicizing the positions of elected officials concerning these issues (3)for legal defense of firearms and sportsmen's related issues (4) to educate the public on safe and legal firearm ownership, and Constitutional Issues thereof.

Get out and VOTE

Get out and Vote – I love this country. I love Law Enforcement. I love the military, and I love theUS Constitution. As I sit on a Sunday evening surrounded by my three Siberian Huskies, writingthis article and reflecting on what I am concerned about before November 5 th , 2024, I have a fewquestions for you all. read more

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