Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Legal News

Jury Deliberates In Dearborn Heights Porch Shooting Trial :: 08/06/2014

A Wayne County jury went home without reaching a verdict, Wednesday, in the case of the 55-year-old man who killed 19-year-old Renisha McBride on his front porch last fall.


Landslide victory - Missouri Constitutional Right to Bear Arms Expanded :: 08/06/2014

On Tuesday, voters in the Show Me State appeared at the polls and when the smoke cleared, 66 percent approved a ballot measure obligating Missouri to defend the right to keep and bear arms.


Man acquitted in Memphis attempted murder :: 08/06/2014

A 35-year-old Marine City man charged with attempted murder and assault for stabbing his girlfriend's father and the father's girlfriend in Memphis was acquitted by a Macomb County jury based on self-defense.


Federal District Judge Uses Gun Rights Argument To Justify Abortion :: 08/05/2014

A federal district judge used an extensive gun rights analogy Monday to justify why Alabama can't enforce its new anti-abortion law.


The Second Amendment Right Extends Outside the Home, The Heller Decision. :: 08/04/2014

The Second Amendment right extends outside the home. Some observers speculate that the right to keep and bear arms might mean inside one's home only. Examination of the landmark Supreme Court case, D.C. v  Heller shows this assumption to be incorrect.


Missouri Constitutional Amendment will Add New Protections to RKBA :: 08/03/2014

Insertion of the terms "unalienable" and "strict scrutiny" to the Missouri Constitution's section regarding weapons rights are what supporters of Amendment 5 point to as critical, while opponents call them mistakes that would hinder the state's ability to deal with gun crimes.


Ohio Open Carrier Files Suit for Unlawful Arrest in Federal Court :: 08/03/2014

According to a suit filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Michael Weitzsacker was arrested on August 3 of last year for the crime of "inducing panic." How, you may ask, did Mr. Weitzsacker manage to do that while wearing a t-shirt, shorts and riding his bike to his local ATM? Simple, at least in the eyes of Brooklyn, Ohio police officers Daniel Meadows and Scott Mielke. He was also wearing a holster in which he was legally and openly carrying a handgun . . .


CSGV and the eternally wrong No Self-Defense in the Constitution :: 08/01/2014

Except that there was not only a discussion but a paper published by the Anti-Federalists who eventually led to that pesky addition called the Bill of Rights:


Florida's "Gun-Gag" Law Appeals Court Loss (for Anti-Gunners) to be Appealed :: 08/01/2014

A group of physicians represented by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence plans to appeal the ruling of a federal appeals court that upholds Florida's prohibition law on asking patients about guns.


Florida's "Gun-Gag" Law for Doctors Upheld by Appeals Court :: 07/28/2014

A Florida law that prohibits physicians from asking patients whether they own a gun unless the question is medically relevant is constitutional after all, a 3-judge panel of a federal appeals court in Atlanta, Georgia, said July 25.


Washington DC seeks stay of Federal Court Ruling Legalizing the Carrying of Guns :: 07/28/2014

WASHINGTON — Lawyers for the District of Columbia asked a federal judge on Monday to stay his ruling that strikes down the city's ban on carrying handguns outside the home.


Federal Court Overrules Washington DC Ban on the Lawful Carrying of Firearms :: 07/27/2014

The ban on carrying of firearms by citizens in the nation's capitol has been struck down by the United States District Court, District of Columbia, attorney Alan Gura, representing plaintiffs in Palmer vs. District of Columbia announced Saturday.


California Octagenarian Shoots Intruder :: 07/24/2014

A Long Beach homeowner has no regrets after shooting and killing a woman who said she was pregnant after he got into a confrontation with her and another man who were ransacking his sprawling home.
Tom Greer, an 80-year-old retiree, arrived to his upscale Bixby Knolls neighborhood Tuesday night to find a couple in the middle of a late-night break-in.


The Washington Post Tap Dances Around Racism and Federal Gun Laws :: 07/23/2014

47.3 percent of those convicted for federal gun crimes were black — a racial disparity larger than any other class of federal crimes, including drug crimes. In a 2011 report on mandatory minimum sentencing for gun crimes, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that blacks were far more likely to be charged and convicted of federal gun crimes that carry mandatory minimum sentence.


Straw Purchase Prosecutions are few because "its hard". :: 07/20/2014

JOHNSTOWN — Of the three young suspects in the recent shooting death of Tyrone Williams in the city’s Oakhurst section, only one was old enough to legally purchase a handgun.


Concealed-carry group sues Ohio State, says gun ban is too broad :: 07/07/2014

A concealed-carry group says in a lawsuit that Ohio State University’s code of conduct violates state law because it bans students from keeping guns in their cars on campus and carrying guns while representing the university off campus.


States look to gun seizure law after mass killings :: 07/06/2014

HARTFORD, Conn. As state officials across the country grapple with how to prevent mass killings like the ones at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown and near the University of California, Santa Barbara, some are turning to a gun seizure law pioneered in Connecticut 15 years ago.


Judge rules no-fly list violates travelers' rights :: 06/24/2014

The Department of Homeland Security's no-fly list is based on information deemed classified, which the agency does not share with those listed.(Photo: Elaine Thompson, AP)


Gun owner gets last laugh for illegal arrest :: 05/27/2014

A Colorado man is $25,000 richer after the city of Thornton compensated him for his arrest by police officers for legally carrying a gun.


USSC-The Heller Decision and Strict Scrutiny :: 03/22/2014

On March 10, 2014, my article analyzing the constitutional viability of magazine limit laws, Do Magazine Limits Pass The Constitutionality Sniff Test?, was posted. Several readers took issue with one assertion: “In deciding Heller, the Supreme Court made clear that analysis of Second Amendment issues should be based on ‘strict scrutiny,’ which is a far higher standard than Volokh would apparently apply.”


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