Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

A tale of Marines, the loved, now lost. :: 09/17/2013

I picked this up from one of our dearest FOAC members, and didn't even bother to check Snopes or any of the other "fact check" websites. Is the story true? Who knows. It could be a compilation of stories, but its well told, and worth a read. It also comes with a Kleenex alert. For some reason my screen got blurry as I read this. Semper Fidelis to all of my Marines from a worn out old Zoomie:


Project Gunwalker info is truly Fast and Furious :: 09/15/2013

This morning, on RKBA Radio, we gave a lot of airtime to Eric Holder's stonewalling of Congress, and we predicted that Project Gunwalker could bring down Hillary Clinton and the President, in addition to Holder. We've been following this for some time, and now The Examiner has even more news.


Bloomberg-Will he take Colorado's FORMER senator's advice? :: 09/14/2013

Prior to the election, one of the defeated Senators, Angela Giron, predicted what a defeat at the polls would mean for NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's group:


How long can Holder hold out? :: 09/13/2013

We've written opinion after opinion, and we know that holder is in violation of 22CFR120-130, the ITAR, as is Hillary Clinton. We find it unbelievable that the arrogance of Holder trumps the legal system. Write your Congressman TODAY and demand a resolution to this National Farce.


Arming Terrorists and Disarming Americans :: 09/12/2013

New Jersey –-( As a prospective military strike against the Syrian regime dominates the headlines, we are reminded by administration officials that any military action will not include boots on the ground and will not be focused on regime change.


Guns in National Parks did NOT kill this 3 year old child. :: 09/12/2013

We occasionally peruse the local rag, as they are predictable in publishing articles that demonize firearms. We saw one there today, where a man tried to connect the dots between Congress authorizing carry in National Parks, and the unfortunate death of a 3 year old who shot himself. It was pure happenstance that the accident occurred in a National Park, but anti gunners are shameless in their pursuit of disarmament everywhere. We shot back a comment on line with the PG, and you can see the article, and my commentary here. Feel free to chime in with your own observation of the tragedy. Read on for my reply:


Citizen Soldier turns Beauty Queen :: 09/11/2013

Here's to the National Guard's contestant in the Miss America pageant. She flies in the face of your "typical" beauty queen, but after all, she is a Citizen Soldier! Click the hyperlink above for some photos that will surprise you.


Beaver County-you desperately need a new sherrif. :: 09/10/2013

Elected officials in Pennsylvania take an interesting oath of office. They not only swear to defend and protect the Constitution, but to OBEY it as well. Apparently Sherriff David either forgot his oath, or decided it was just so many words. Please click on the hyperlink. Official oppression is frowned on by the Commonwealth, and the Attorney General should be all over this. Ooops, sorry, brain cramp on our part. Kathleen Kane is equally selective in the laws she chooses to uphold.


Civilians Don't Need Guns-Until they do! :: 09/08/2013

Please take some time to read about these armed citizens. Our first is a woman who encounters an intruder in her home


Obama wins the "3 Pinnochio Award" for lying about the need for universal background checks. :: 09/08/2013

Uh, Virginia hasn't got universal background checks,but as gun sales climb, so do arrests.


Emily gets her gun-but Obama wants yours :: 09/07/2013

We don't go out of our way to endorse commercial transactions, but we think Emily Millers new book, Emily Gets Her Gun... is worth a read. 17 steps for this D.C. resident, and 400+ dollars in fees later, she has a gun. You'll learn how a spent shotgun case can land you with a fine and a year in jail in D.C. The book is out, and this link is dated back into June, but click on the hyperlink and you'll see who she is. Buy the book.


Chicago's Chief of Gestapo? :: 09/04/2013

Good grief, already the Chicago Chief of Police is exhibiting disturbing behavior that we spoke about last night in Waynesburg. We think his comments are despicable, and if Rahm Emanuel wasn't the mayor of the Windy City, this character would be pounding the streets looking to find his life's work.


Our Friends at Buckeye Firearms vs. Bloomberg's money and phony MAIG. :: 09/04/2013

Absolutely no comment needed or offered by us. Watch, enjoy, rejoice,


Would the BATFE use the Sandy Hook murders as a "media opportunity"? :: 09/04/2013

At least one pro gun source certainly thinks the BATFE used the Sandy Hook massacre as a convenient media event. What do you think?


Gun Buy Backs? Not in North Carolina anymore! :: 09/03/2013

'Save the gun' law bars North Carolina cops from destroying guns By Matt Pearce 7:00 AM PDT, September 2, 2013 You know those gun-buyback programs where police purchase weapons in order to destroy them? This week, a North Carolina law goes into effect that blocks police from destroying confiscated or unclaimed firearms.


Cops don't recommend you defend yourself? Ask two Virginia hoodlums, and they might agree! :: 09/01/2013

The photo's of the would be bad guys, one armed with a gun are priceless. Enjoy one of those stories with a happy ending.


Mississippi Residents get a Pro-Gun ruling! :: 09/01/2013

In a total rebuke of multiple judicial errors, the Mississippi State Supreme Court today, in a 9 - 0 vote, overturned Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Winston Kidd's injunction that had halted implementation of House Bill 2, a...


Los Angeles County Community College bans firearms--you won't believe this! :: 08/31/2013

The video is 1:31 long. Its going to take you much longer to wrap your arms around the concept that ignorance is good, fear is better, and knowledge is very, very, bad. We're still in shock, and still mindful of the evil forces who would rip the Bill of Rights out of the history books.


Texas makes pro gun gains--with a part time legislature. What's going on in Harrisburg??? :: 08/30/2013

Click on the hyperlink for details. And the guys in Texas only work part time! Its time for the Republican Governor, House, and Senate here in the Keystone State to get their collective act together.


Bloomberg shows his ignorance about firearms--again! :: 08/29/2013

You just have to listen to this phone call to a radio talk show. Gun safety? Apparently daffy Bloomberg wouldn't know it if it bit him in his arse.


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