Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Ukrainians flock to gun stores, ranges in response to Russia threat :: 02/23/2022

Even before Vladimir Putin announced that he was recognizing the sovereign independence of two eastern Ukrainian provinces (and demonstrated exactly how “independent” they really are by sending thousands of troops to the region within hours of his proclamation), many Ukrainians were taking an interest in owning a gun for the first time in their lives.


Is the Gun Dangerous, or is it the Criminal? :: 02/22/2022

U.S.A. –-( The world is fascinatingly complex yet important truths are often simple. We shouldn’t take that too far since most simple answers are also wrong or incomplete. That tension helps make life so interesting as we try to understand the world around us. For example, we saw violent crime increase in the last few years. Should we try to keep violent criminals away from guns, or should we try to keep violent criminals away from us? Is the tool dangerous or is the person dangerous? Let’s look at both ideas and see if there are any simple answers to be found.


Sandy Hook settlement grossly misrepresented by media :: 02/22/2022

A lot of us are still processing the whole thing regarding the settlement between Remington’s insurance company and the families of those killed in Sandy Hook. It’s done and in the books, of course, but the ramifications will continue for long afterward.


WaPo falsely associates racism and gun culture (and lies about Constitutional Carry) :: 02/22/2022

“Americans love bacon. Racists love bacon. The American diet highlights everyday racism – and bacon culture.”


New firearm owners shaking up gun culture and American politics :: 02/21/2022

HARRISBURG — Richard Reisinger, of New Bloomfield in Perry County, leaned in as David Walker of Savage Guns, a Massachusetts-based firearm company, showed him how to work a new innovation that allows the owner to adjust a gun for right- or left-handed users.


Teachers unions oppose armed school staff bill :: 02/21/2022

Honestly, I’m a little surprised that West Virginia doesn’t already have a program in place to allow volunteer, vetted, and trained school employees to carry a firearm as a first line of protection for students and staff in case of a targeted attack on school grounds. The state is one of the most 2A-friendly places in the country, with Constitutional Carry the law of the land and lawmakers actively trying to attract the firearms industry to the state.


The long waits for concealed carry licenses are getting shorter :: 02/21/2022

The obscenely long wait to obtain a concealed carry license that many gun owners have faced over the past two years appears to be easing in many parts of the country. The start of the COVID pandemic caused many issuing agencies to close their doors or limit taking applications via appointment, which in turn caused a huge backlog of applications and wait times of a year or more for folks from Philadelphia to southern California.


A Majority Of D.C.'s Gun Violence Is Driven By Small Number Of People, Says A New Study :: 02/20/2022

Every year, about 500 identifiable people in D.C. drive as much as 70% of the city’s gun violence, according to a new report commissioned by the city.


Americans’ Fundamental Rights Are Dissipating Rapidly Time to Cling to Your Guns :: 02/20/2022

Americans have never been so close to losing “Freedom” and “Liberty” as they are at this very moment in time. And once lost, our “Freedom” and “Liberty” will, indeed, be lost forever. The forces that crush nations and people will see to it.


The long waits for concealed carry licenses are getting shorter :: 02/20/2022

The obscenely long wait to obtain a concealed carry license that many gun owners have faced over the past two years appears to be easing in many parts of the country. The start of the COVID pandemic caused many issuing agencies to close their doors or limit taking applications via appointment, which in turn caused a huge backlog of applications and wait times of a year or more for folks from Philadelphia to southern California.


Biden’s Negotiation :: 02/19/2022

In case you forgot, elections have consequences. In mid-February 2022, the Biden Administration announced it is sitting down to negotiate–and possibly settle out of court–with radical environmentalists


Oklahoma Self-Defense: Man Shot By Homeowner After Alleged Break-In :: 02/19/2022

OKLAHOMA CITY - A man was shot while allegedly trying to break into a home early Saturday morning. It happened in a southwest OKC neighborhood, as officers say the suspect was taken to a hospital.


Storage bill a litigation and laundering scheme in disguise :: 02/19/2022

So-called “safe storage” of firearms is a serious matter, however it’s been greatly politicized. The term “safe storage” needs to be replaced by the more applicable term “responsible storage. Trying to cram the individual storage needs of every American into a statutory definition is impossible. What gun owners know and somehow escapes the anti-freedom caucus, the storing of a firearm might be “safe” in one home or location, but not necessarily “safe” in another. Just like the ignorant and obtuse opinions of our congresscritters who trend left of center are varied, so are the needs of gun owners. There’s no one size fits all solution to the storage debate.


There is No Freedom & Liberty Where a Country’s Citizenry is Disarmed :: 02/19/2022

It is not by accident that the expressions, ‘Freedom’ and ‘Liberty are coming under fire.


Anti-gun groups blast Rubio for doing what voters want :: 02/18/2022

Sen. Marco Rubio has represented Florida for a little while now. After 12 years in office, Florida voters know what they’re getting from him, more or less.


Is Federal Government Provoking America’s Armed Citizenry Into Open Confrontation? :: 02/18/2022

The majority of Americans must continue to cherish their God-given right to keep and bear firearms.


Media Allies Blame Guns to Distance Democrats from Crime-Enabling Policies :: 02/18/2022

“Want to fight crime? Take on the gun lobby,” opinion columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. writes for The Washington Post. “Who is really ‘soft on crime?’ The gun lobby and all who coddle it, particularly those who serve in the U.S. Senate and on the Supreme Court.”


Ukraine considers private gun ownership to fend off invasion :: 02/18/2022

I’m rather glad the United States isn’t in the same position as Ukraine.


Biden DOJ sues Missouri over Second Amendment Preservation Act :: 02/17/2022

You may have noticed the news stories on Tuesday of this week proclaiming that gun control activists were disappointed and frustrated with the lack of action on their issue coming from the White House. I’m pretty sure the White House noticed them as well, because just a day later, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced a new lawsuit against the state of Missouri over its Second Amendment Preservation Act, which was signed into law by Gov. Mike Parson last year.


Just How Important Are America's Freedom To Dissent & Freedom To Bear Arms? :: 02/17/2022

With the advent of advances in information technology, the destructive forces of tyranny have gained proficiency in blanketing the national and international political and social landscapes of western nation-states with disinformation.


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