Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Responding to GVPedia's False Claims about Constitutional Carry Laws :: 03/21/2022

Professor Carl Moody and Dr. John Lott have put together a response that Devin Hughes’ GVPedia has put together attacking research that Professor Moody did on the impact of Constitutional Carry laws and other writing by Lott. A copy of Hughes’ latest claims is available here, though we have copied portions of those claims before our responses below. We have previously responded to many of Hughes’ other claims that have involved misquotes or statements out of context here.


Joe Biden Declares War on American Gun Dealers :: 03/20/2022

U.S.A. –-( While the world’s attention is focused on the horrific events unfolding in Eastern Europe, the Biden-Harris administration quietly unleashed hell on American gun dealers.


ATF Targeting FFLs for License Revocation :: 03/17/2022

At the direction of the Biden administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) appears to be revoking the licenses of firearm dealers for even minor paperwork violations.


Democratic knives come out for DeWine after Constitutional Carry signed :: 03/17/2022

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is getting praise from Second Amendment groups in the state after signing a Constitutional Carry bill into law earlier this week, but the Democrats vying to challenge him in this fall’s gubernatorial election are taking a far different stance, as you might expect.


Did The NRA Betray Gun Owners? :: 03/17/2022

Did the National Rifle Association (NRA) let down gun owners? That is a question many gun owners have been asking with the passing of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA), which was part of the Omnibus spending bill passed by the U.S. Senate. According to the NRA, the answer isn’t as black and white as many would make it.


Rhode Island Stun Gun Ban Ruled Unconstitutional :: 03/17/2022

“We were successful in having the last statewide electric arm ban struck as violating the Second Amendment,” attorney Stephen Stamboulieh tells AmmoLand Shooting Sports  News. Stamboulieh and attorney Alan Beck were co-counsels with Rhode Island attorney Frank R. Sarccoccio. They represented plaintiffs Michael P. O’Neil, vice president of the Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition, and Nicola Grasso, former president of the Rhodes Island Federated Sportsmen’s  Coalition.


Alec Baldwin: Just About Everyone is to Blame in Fatal 'Rust' Shooting But Himself :: 03/16/2022

“In an arbitration demand against his fellow producers on the film, [Alec Baldwin] denied culpability in the killing of a cinematographer and said he should not be held financially responsible,” The New York Times reports. “[He] gave his most detailed account yet of fatally shooting a cinematographer on the set of the film Rust last year in an arbitration demand that his lawyers filed Friday against his fellow producers, claiming that his contract protected him from financial responsibility in her death and seeking coverage of his legal fees.”


Are you ready to celebrate 50 "blissful" years of the ATF? :: 03/16/2022

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, more regularly identified as the ATF or AFT if you’re sleepy Joe, has started popping open bottles of vintage sparkling grape juice to celebrate 50 years of their awesomeness. This July 1st will mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the organization. It’s oh so appropriate and interesting that the date would come a few days prior to the rest of the country celebrating our independence from that which the ATF has morphed into, tyranny. Although, let’s not get overly quixotic here, the true meaning of American Independence Day, what that means, what that meant, and the motivators behind why (unlike our friends to the north or down under) we sent the British completely packing. The United States does not bend a knee to the crown like Canada and Australia.


Below The Radar: Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act of 2021 :: 03/16/2022

Second Amendment supporters don’t just have to worry about gun bans. In fact, there is a very real possibility that in a few years, the Supreme Court, between NYSPRA v. Bruen and other cases, could very well end the threat of legislative gun and magazine bans. However, the real battles would be starting.


Las Vegas man reminds us why we treat every gun as loaded :: 03/16/2022

The very first lesson I was taught regarding guns is the first one I teach anyone who asks me to help them learn to shoot. Rule one: Treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, even if you’re positive it isn’t.


A (mostly) clean sweep for Constitutional Carry? :: 03/15/2022

I don’t want to start counting chickens before they’re hatched, but on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co we’re taking stock of the current crop of Constitutional Carry bills around the country, and compared to just a couple of weeks ago, the odds of a clean sweep (with one notable exception) are looking much better now that two of the five GOP-controlled states that have pursued Constitutional Carry bills this year have now enshrined the measures into law.


An Opportunity Second Amendment Supporters Must Not Waste :: 03/15/2022

It’s time for Second Amendment supporters to channel Rahm Emanuel for a moment. In fact, there is a chance to hoist the one-time Obama Chief of Staff, who urged people to “never let a crisis go to waste,” on his own petard.


Anti-gunner Anguish as Ohio, Alabama Go 'Constitutional' :: 03/15/2022

Anti-gunners in two states are in anguish over the adoption of “constitutional carry” statutes—signed into law respectively by Gov. Kay Ivey in Alabama and then Gov. Mike DeWine in Ohio—with predictions from the far left that both states will become less safe, coincidentally reflecting a mindset expressed over the weekend in a quote from retiring Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.


More media waking up to new gun owners not fitting old mold :: 03/15/2022

For years, people kind of guessed about who the average gun owner was. They were white, older, middle or upper class, and tended to vote a certain way.


Below The Radar: Stopping the Fraudulent Sales of Firearms Act :: 03/14/2022

Second Amendment supporters often have to make difficult decisions. Not in the sense of Glock vs. Colt vs. Springfield Armory, but more along the lines of how to address a given piece of anti-Second Amendment legislation.


New Quinnipiac Poll Has Embarrassing Revelation for Dems :: 03/14/2022

A new Quinnipiac University poll released this week had an embarrassing revelation for U.S. Democrats, which might reinforce suspicions about why so many identifying with that party want more gun control, and some have even suggested joining the National Rifle Association should be a crime.


New York woman faces prison over Pennsylvania straw buys :: 03/14/2022

Purchasing a gun that’s actually intended for someone else is a felony-level offense under federal law, with the potential of a ten-year prison sentence for those convicted of engaging in a straw buy. That maximum sentence is off the table for one woman from Staten Island, New York, however, after she pled guilty to purchasing multiple firearms over a period of several weeks beginning in March of 2020.


TSA Finds Firearm in Anti-Gun California Lawmaker’s Luggage :: 03/14/2022

According to several media reports, on March 3 California Assemblyman Jim Cooper (D-09) was traveling through a security checkpoint at Sacramento International Airport when the Transportation Security Administration found a loaded gun in his baggage. The Sacramento Bee reported that the firearm was detected by an X-ray screening machine in what was described by Cooper’s Capitol Office as a “male messenger bag which looks like a purse.”


Connecticut high school students offered candy for signing gun control petition: UPDATE - Petition Pulled? :: 03/13/2022

Next week, students and staff at Greenwich (Connecticut) High School will be taking part in something called “Say Something Week”, and according to an email allegedly sent by an assistant dean at the school, one of the “activities” will give kids an opportunity to get a free piece of candy, as long as they sign their name on a petition advocating for more gun control.


Opinions on guns a big deal breaker on dating apps? :: 03/13/2022

Once upon a time, couples could meet, fall in love, get married, and raise a family together despite differences in political opinions like stances on gun control, climate change, or any of a thousand different issues.


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