Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Philly mayor: Pennsylvania is backwards due to guns :: 09/04/2022

When we talk about the urban/rural divide, it’s natural to see at least some degree of tension. After all, the needs of the city and the needs of the country aren’t always the same thing. This leads to conflicting ideas on how a state should be governed.


Ten Ways to Change a Liberal's Mind :: 09/04/2022

Have you ever talked with a liberal and made a comment that shuts him down completely?  "Trump sure is getting a raw deal with that FBI raid, isn't he?"  His eyes go glassy, and he starts to look for the exit.  Or he repeats something automatically, like "Trump deserves anything he gets." 


Texas private school to allow staff to go about day armed :: 09/04/2022

Armed staff may well be the best way to protect students in our schools. Yes, it’s a shame that we should even need to have this discussion–our schools should be safe from such monsters–and in a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to. Yet we don’t live in a perfect world, though. We live in this one.


Clearly. . . ATF Needs to Go as 4 Million Plus Face Gun Registration :: 09/03/2022

Washington, DC –-( According to an exclusive story published by AmmoLand News, the ATF is about to force millions of gun owners to register their pistol braces as short-barreled rifles, which will then be regulated by the National Firearms Act.


Nearly 1 in 8 Pittsburgh Police Officers Failed Firearms Recertification Test :: 09/03/2022

Nearly 1 in 8 Pittsburgh police officers failed to pass the state’s updated firearms recertification test, a recent report by Target 11 News reveals. 


Translating Biden's 'Soul of a Nation' Speech :: 09/03/2022

Joe Biden, with his history of brain injuries (two!), rapidly advancing dementia, lifelong tendency to plagiarize, lie, and self-aggrandize, and his mouthful of marbles and no doubt costly white porcelain, can be quite difficult to understand.


Well-Regulated :: 09/03/2022

We hear it constantly from droning citizen control cultists.


Biden Rhetoric An Opportunity That Must Be Taken Seriously :: 09/02/2022

United States – -( President Biden’s speech Tuesday (Aug. 30) had a fair bit of harsh rhetoric for Second Amendment supporters. The upcoming one Thursday (Sept. 1), will likely have a lot of rhetoric aimed at Second Amendment supporters as well.


Bill introduced to disarm IRS :: 09/02/2022

The relationship between IRS agents and them being armed goes way back. Keeping in the back of our minds that the IRS was responsible for upholding prohibition, it was those agents tasked with taking down all the gangsters. We all know that prohibition of any kind does not generally work, with alcohol prohibition being an abject failure, the whole debacle acted to put our government executive agencies on steroids.


Gun rights really do make US the 'last bastion of freedom' :: 09/02/2022

Stories don’t just drop on us here at Bearing Arms. Well, some do, but a lot of times we have to seek out stuff to write about.


More than 15K Red Flag gun seizures since 2020, but AP claims the law is "barely used" :: 09/02/2022

How often should “red flag” laws be used? For most of the readers of Bearing Arms, the answer is “zero”, but it might surprise you to learn that even supporters of Extreme Risk Protection Orders can’t say just how frequently they should be initiated… though several told the Associated Press that they’re not being used enough.


The reality of Biden's Ghost Gun ban :: 09/02/2022

“Ghost guns” have served the anti-gunners well, at least as a term. They’ve managed to gin up a lot of outrage for what is, for the most part, a non-issue. Unserialized, privately-produced firearms account for a tiny fraction of the firearms used in violent crime. In fact, they had to start including those with serial numbers rendered unreadable in the statistics just to make it look like it was even a hint of a problem.


Employers: Gun rights in the workplace are back on the agenda :: 09/01/2022

It’s no surprise that this year in particular, gun laws remain top of mind for many Americans. But they remain so particularly for employers too – not least because of a recent bombshell opinion by the Supreme Court, which may indirectly impact gun rights in the workplace.


Hochul says good guy with a gun theory is over :: 09/01/2022

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


National gun control group backs Charlie Crist as Ron DeSantis goes the other way :: 09/01/2022

On gun control, the contrast between the Democrat and the Republican gubernatorial contenders is clear.


Ownership of Arms Protected by Takings Clause, 2nd and 14th Amendments :: 09/01/2022

U.S.A.-(– On August 30, 2022, a three-judge panel in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled the Pennsylvania government violated the Takings clause, the Second Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment when they refused to return a gun collection of the parents of a man who was convicted of murder.


Biden Claims Mass Shootings Tripled After Assault Weapons Ban Ended :: 08/31/2022

CLAIM: During his speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden said mass shootings “tripled” after the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban expired.


Civil War Within 10 Years? 40percent Think So, According to Poll :: 08/31/2022

A newly-release poll by the Economist and says 66 percent of Americans “believe that political divisions in this country have gotten worse since the beginning of 2021, compared to only 8% who say the country has grown less divided.”


Maj Toure: Gun control will lead to communism :: 08/31/2022

If gun control advocates get their way, what will happen?


New Zealand's experiment in gun confiscation fails to reduce crime :: 08/31/2022

It’s been three years since New Zealand’s sweeping ban on semi-automatic firearms took effect, with a six-month long “buyback” that resulted in about 56,000 guns being turned over to police in a compensated confiscation scheme that officials promised would make the country a much safer place. That’s plenty of time for the ban to have had an impact on the country’s crime rates, but so far there’s not much evidence that the disarmament effort has made a difference.


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