Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Roughly Half of Parents Want Armed Security in Schools :: 10/26/2022

According to a recently released Pew Research poll, roughly half of U.S. parents want armed police or security in their child’s school.  Forty nine percent (49%) of parents say having police officers or armed security stationed in schools would be a very or extremely effective approach for preventing school shootings, with another third (33%) of parents also acknowledging the effectiveness of armed security. This polling comes on the heels of reporting here at Bearing Arms about renewed interest in armed school security, even in blue states.


2A Attorney Adam Kraut Named Executive Director of 2nd Amendment Foundation :: 10/25/2022

BELLEVUE, WA – -( Second Amendment Foundation (“SAF”), a pioneer and national leader in defense of the right to keep and bear arms, today announced that attorney and experienced Second Amendment litigator Adam Kraut has been named as its Executive Director.


Media Reports Suggest 'Gun Control' Crowd Faces Big Post-Bruen Woes :: 10/25/2022

Two somewhat similar perspectives in a pair of respected Capitol Hill news organs are taking a look at the post-Bruen world of Second Amendment clout, noting how the 'gun control' movement is alarmed at the number of gun laws which now appear jeopardized, including the new carry permit law in New York State.


NY AG concerned of "regulatory chaos" if gun law overturned :: 10/25/2022

New York Attorney General Letitia James is a big fan of gun laws. In particular, gun control laws, just so we’re clear. As attorney general, she’s willing to defend pretty much any bit of gun control the legislature concocts.


Seattle Logs 50th Murder as 'Defund Police' Politician Demands Investigation :: 10/25/2022

U.S.A.-( Evergreen State conservatives are reacting with a mixture of outrage and amusement that anti-police Socialist Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant is furious the police are not prioritizing an investigation into who has pelted her home with human excrement at the same time they are trying to deal with a rising number of homicides.


Try Not to Laugh: AP's Zeke Miller Knows Why Biden's Approval Rating Is in the Toilet :: 10/25/2022

A new Associated Press "news" story from Zeke Miller might be the most brazen attempt to rehab President Joe Biden's failed image this year as the mainstream media finds itself grasping at paper straws to come up with reasons to speak favorably of the president whose approval remains underwater and is set to cost his party even more seats in an already unfavorable midterm cycle. 


CNN's good move on gun coverage :: 10/24/2022

CNN’s hiring of The Reload’s Stephen Gutowski, who’s also today’s guest on Cam & Co, as part of the network’s new Guns in America project is making gun control activists like Shannon Watts meltdown, even though the team will also feature Jennifer Mascia of the Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control news site The Trace as one of Gutowski’s counterparts. Watts was on a tirade on social media after word broke on Wednesday, along with other anti-gun activists who incensed that the network would dare to bring on someone who’s not going to simply parrot gun control talking points.


Indiana man indicted for 27 straw buys :: 10/24/2022

Chicago politicians have long made it standard practice to blame the failure of their gun control laws on Indiana. They claim that if the state to their south had tougher gun control laws, they wouldn’t have the issues they do.


Most Gun Reporting is a Misinformation Campaign :: 10/24/2022

CNN's constant coverage of what it calls "mass shootings" disguises the fact that these are mass murders. The villains they always call shooters are actually murderers. America's 100 million gun owners, they're shooters—decent righteous people practicing, learning, teaching and when needed, defending themselves and others facing violent criminals. Self-defense with guns is absent from CNN but not in real life—a total misinformation and misdirection campaign.


Two charged in Kansas smash-and-grab gun store robberies :: 10/24/2022

We know that criminals don’t just walk into gun stores and plop down money for a firearm, walking out armed. That’s just not how it works and it hasn’t for a very long time at least. Current law forbids those sales and even those who could pass a background check because they just haven’t been caught doing anything still don’t go to the gun store.


Courts Are Foiling Biden's Trivial Attempt To Regulate 'Ghost Guns' :: 10/22/2022

President Joe Biden’s push to change the rules regarding “ghost guns” and put serial numbers on gun parts may be hitting a major roadblock. Relying on the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision in June, a West Virginia federal district court judge ruled on Thursday that it is unconstitutional to ban guns without serial numbers. That is hardly the end of the story, however, as federal judges in Texas and North Dakota seem to have no problem with requiring serial numbers.


Justin Trudeau Announces 'Freeze' on Handgun Sales, Transfers :: 10/22/2022

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Friday a “freeze” on handgun sales and transfers, claiming the action will keep children safe.


New New York Times poll shows that only 1 Percent of Likely Voters think guns are the most important problem facing the country today :: 10/22/2022

In a new New York Times poll (October 17-21, 2022), while 26% of likely voters think that the economy is the most important problem facing the United States today, 18% think that it is inflation, and 5% think it is immigration, just 1% mention gun control policies. The strongest support for gun control comes from people between 18 to 29 and blacks and Hispanics. While less than 0.5% of men view gun control as the most important issue, 2% of women feel that way. By contrast, crime itself is only considered as important by 3%.


People arming up to deal with San Francisco :: 10/22/2022

The city of San Francisco is one of the most anti-gun cities on the planet. If they had their way, guns would be completely and totally outlawed within the city limits.


Rules for thee, not for me: NYC politico reportedly packing at "sensitive" City Hall :: 10/22/2022

New York City Hall is typically off-limits to gun possession, whether or not you’re one of the relatively few New York City residents lucky (or well-connected) enough to have obtained a concealed carry license. According to the New York Daily News, however, one of Mayor Eric Adams’ top officials is routinely carrying his gun while on the job.


Firearms Law Seminar – November 19, 2022 Ar Trop Gun Shop :: 10/21/2022

On Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 10am – 2pm,  Chief Counsel Joshua Prince and Attorney Dillon Harris of Firearms Industry Consulting Group® (FICG®), a division of Civil Rights Defense Firm, P.C., in conjunction with Trop Gun Shop, will offer a four (4) hour seminar on state and federal firearms law at their store located at  910 North Hanover St, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Lunch will be provided during the seminar.


Gun bans offer manufacturers golden opportunity :: 10/21/2022

Banning certain categories of guns is tricky. If you just ban, say, AR-15s, then someone will simply rename the rifle and the ban will be meaningless. That’s why a gun ban like the former assault weapon ban focused on features rather than just the weapons by name.


Ohio sheriff advocates for armed school staff :: 10/21/2022

An Ohio school district is moving towards a security plan that would allow for certain school staff members to carry a concealed firearm while on the job, and the idea has the backing of the local sheriff, who says that the policy “gives you your best chance at a response if something happens.”


Senate Democrats, DOJ at odds over ATF "ghost gun" rule :: 10/21/2022

More than a dozen Democratic members of the U.S. Senate have fired off a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and ATF Director Steve Dettelbach to “encourage” them to issue new guidance to law enforcement regarding the Biden administration’s recently-imposed rules on DIY gun-making kits. According to the anti-gun Senators, led by Richard Blumethal of Connecticut, the rule, which requires kits containing unfinished frames or receivers to be treated as finished firearms (including a serial number and background checks on commercial sales), is supposedly being circumvented by companies exploiting a loophole in the rule.


Civil disobedience and NY's carry laws :: 10/20/2022

While the state’s latest infringements on the right to bear arms are being challenged in court, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is reporting on a number of synagogue-goers who are still carrying to defend their sanctuaries in violation of New York’s ban on concealed carry in houses of worship.


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