Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Gun ownership not to blame for rural suicides :: 11/18/2022

It’s long been known that the majority of so-called “gun deaths” were suicides, not homicides. They tend to get lumped in there just to make the number look a whole lot scarier.


Millions Packing Iron, Adult Handgun Carry Doubled Between 2015-2019 :: 11/18/2022

U.S.A.-( The University of Washington (UW) has announced a report, based on data from the 2019 National Firearms Survey, showing the number of U.S. adults who carry loaded handguns doubled from 2015 to 2019, rising from 9 to 16 million.


The college mass murder being all but ignored :: 11/18/2022

The UVA shooting is making a lot of headlines right about now. The shooting already has its own Wikipedia page and is a major topic of discussion in political circles. Some are calling for gun control and other legislative efforts to try and prevent this from happening again.


Albany County, NY lawmakers make smart move? :: 11/17/2022

New York city isn’t the only left-leaning center in the state. Albany, NY is as well, which means much of Albany County tends to be as well. Not as badly as the Big Apple, mind you, but it’s bad enough.


The Government Can’t Fix Social Media Moderation & Should Not Try :: 11/17/2022

Washington, DC – -( Despite their increasingly bitter differences, Democrats and Republicans generally agree that content moderation by social media companies is haphazard at best. But while Democrats tend to think the main problem is too much speech of the wrong sort, Republicans complain that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are biased against them.


Article on gun policies can't get facts straight :: 11/16/2022

The media likes gun control. We know this and, while we dislike it, we also accept it as the status quo.


Bloomberg’s propagandists now blame gas stations for Philadelphia murders :: 11/16/2022

The anti-gun activists at The Trace – the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s vast anti-gun empire – have created a new bogeyman for their ongoing war against our gun rights: Killer Gas Stations.


PA woman charged in straw buys for gang member :: 11/16/2022

One stated purpose of gun control is to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. Countless gun control laws have been crafted, supposedly in order to do just that.


Texas Voters Again Veto ‘Beto’ O’Rourke :: 11/16/2022

U.S.A. -( “It’s déjà vu all over again,” in the words of the great baseball philospher Yogi Berra. Texas voters rejected Democrat Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s bid for higher office for the third time. This time Texans re-elected Republican Gov. Greg Abbott who handily brushed off a challenge from the perennial office seeker. Texans roundly rejected O’Rourke in an election that national gun control groups had their eyes set on, believing the third time would be the charm.


Virginia: Fairfax Co. Schools Push Anti-Gun Propaganda on 5th Graders :: 11/16/2022

USA – -(  A concerned parent, Darcey Geissler, has brought attention to an assignment that her son received in a Fairfax County school.


Governors Push Back Against Biden’s DOJ for Election Overreach :: 11/15/2022

U.S.A.-( When Joe Biden’s hyper-partisan Justice Department announced they were sending federal poll watchers to Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis pushed back hard.


Gun Control Ballot Measure Passes in Oregon, While Iowans Vote for Freedom :: 11/15/2022

USA – -( Two firearm-related ballot measures – one bad, one good – were voted on in last week’s midterm elections. Both passed.


Gun rights group's members back DeSantis over Trump :: 11/15/2022

The 2022 midterms didn’t go as planned, and a lot of people are pointing fingers in a lot of places. Everyone’s got an opinion as to who is to blame.


Montana Warns YouTube of Consequences for Acting as a Democrat Proxy to Censor Speech :: 11/15/2022

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen has called on YouTube to stop censoring firearms-related speech by warning the social media giant that States can and will regulate it as a common carrier.


Youngkin faces calls for gun control following UVA shooting :: 11/15/2022

The shooting at a parking garage at the University of Virginia has, unsurprisingly, sparked a lot of discussion. As of this writing, there are still a lot of unanswered questions. However, when have unanswered questions quelled the call for new gun control?


Alec Baldwin blames everyone else in new lawsuit :: 11/14/2022

Alec Baldwin’s hand was on the gun when it fired, killing Halyna Hutchins.


#ArmLove because you’ll never #DisarmHate :: 11/14/2022

Human nature is complicated and ranges from kindness and sacrifice on the one hand, to unspeakable cruelty and horror on the other. The Yin and Yang of love and hate is just a part of who we are. Horrors like the Holocaust, the Bangladesh genocide, the Holodomor, the “Great Leap Forward,” and the Rwandan genocide have happened on just about every continent, some of them during our lifetimes.


Lies From Operation Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking' Resurrected in Mexican Lawsuit :: 11/14/2022

The Guardian is resurrecting lies from Operation Fast and Furious 'Gunwalking' in reporting on a lawsuit in Mexico. Despite the lawfare, the media thinks we have a short memory. The lies didn't work then and won't work now.

“Governor Greg Abbott wants to make the border safe for his state but loose gun laws allow cartels to drive to any Texas gun shop and legally stockpile guns, Mexican officials say,” The Guardian “reports.”  That presupposes promoting an obvious political agenda with its time-worn lies that ended in disaster the last time they were tried can be considered journalism.


Authorities warn parents about airsoft guns at schools :: 11/12/2022

Airsoft guns are interesting in a lot of ways. While I have no real interest in taking part in them, airsoft games have a certain degree of popularity with a wide segment of participants. They’ll do everything from military simulations to apparently SWAT raids.


Oregon's new gun control law punishes poor people :: 11/12/2022

Oregon is a pretty blue state, so it might surprise no one that they recently passed what some are calling one of the strictest gun control laws in the country.


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