Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Anti-gunners are taking the mask off :: 01/30/2023

Violent crime is an issue here in the United States. It’s a bad issue that’s worse than we find in other countries.


ATF Comments on 88-Day Automatic Denial of Pistol Brace Tax Stamps :: 01/30/2023

Gun Owners of America’s (GOA) attorney Stephen Stamboulieh claimed that if a NICS check is not completed within 88 days, then the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will automatically reject a Form 1 application. Mr. Stamboulieh claimed that an ATF employee at SHOT Show told him if that happened, the ATF would take enforcement action. This claim received pushback from other gun influencers who believed the 88-day period was fear-mongering or didn’t really exist. AmmoLand News spoke to one well-known influencer who witnessed the conversation and backed up Stamboulieh’s claim. AmmoLand News wanted to follow up on these claims, report on both sides of the issue, and let the readers decide.


Editorial: Killing America’s Gun Industry :: 01/29/2023

This year I attended the Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show for the first time since January 2020. The 2021 SHOT Show was canceled by the pandemic. My own health concerns prevented me from attending the 2022 show.


Feinstein Leads Charge on New ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban :: 01/29/2023

U.S.A.-( Five months short of her 90th birthday in June, and still keeping mum about whether she will run again in 2024, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has launched another effort to ban so-called “assault weapons,” and she’s got a lot of company as 35 fellow Democrats have signed on.


No Second Amendment Would Render Us Powerless :: 01/29/2023

America is on a razor’s edge. Three mass shootings within 48 hours have the usual liberal suspects exploiting the carnage to push gun control.


PBS NewsHour uses tax dollars to shill for gun control :: 01/29/2023

PBS isn’t completely funded by the American taxpayer, but it still gets money from good, old Uncle Sam. Further, anytime Congress tries to cut that funding, we’re told how essential PBS is for the public good, that we would be depriving people of quality television.


The right to live and gun rights aren't opposites :: 01/29/2023

In the wake of a mass shooting, gun rights inevitably come under assault. That’s certainly true now following events in California. As we have seen, there is a seemingly unending supply of politicians and op-ed writers calling for restrictions on our Second Amendment rights.


Anti-gun screed ignores gun control failures :: 01/28/2023

In the aftermath of mass shootings, we know how things are going to go. We’re going to be told how we need to be more accommodating. We need to accept gun control as it is the only way to stop such awful tragedies.


California's failures attributed to gun laws still being too loose :: 01/28/2023

Two mass shootings in California, the most heavily gun-controlled state in the nation, should forever put to rest this idea that gun laws will actually stop mass shooters. After all, this is a state with all the gun control anti-gunners want at the federal level and then some.


Grass Roots North Carolina Sends Must-Read Letters to NC Senate & House Leaders :: 01/28/2023

U.S.A.-(— On January 1, 2023, F. Paul Valone, President of Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) sent duplicate open letters to the North Carolina Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and Tim Moore, Speaker of the House. The letters are formal open letters, also sent to the GRNC mailing list. This correspondent is on the list and received both letters.


Demand for 'Commonsense Gun Laws' is the Road to Citizen Disarmament :: 01/27/2023

U.S.A. – -( “Polls show that a majority of Americans want Congress to pass commonsense gun laws,” Dave Saldana asserts for Reader’s Digest in an opinionated hit piece on the right to keep and bear arms posted (under “news,” naturally) on MSN. “These laws would not ban gun ownership or repeal the Second Amendment.”


Disarming The People: How Dictatorships Used Gun Control :: 01/27/2023

USA – -( Mao Zedong once said, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”


Is tribalism preventing answers to mass shootings? :: 01/27/2023

If some gun rights activists believed for a moment that some bit of gun control would stop mass shootings and not lead to still more restrictions, I think many would at least consider it. After all, mass shootings generally lead to more and more calls for gun control in the first place, so stopping such shootings would benefit gun rights as a whole.


Op-ed argues for simplistic solution to mass shootings :: 01/27/2023

Once again, we find ourselves discussing mass shootings.


Sun-Times snowflakes offended by challenge to IL gun ban :: 01/27/2023

The editors of the Chicago Sun-Times are clutching their collective pearls over the fact that Illinois residents are daring to defend their right to keep and bear arms by taking on the state’s new gun and magazine ban in court; a legal fight the paper absurdly declares a “callous attack” on a “sensible law”.


Geraldo Rivera once again reveals his ignorance of the Second Amendment :: 01/26/2023

At this point, I don’t think it makes sense for Fox News to keep bringing Geraldo Rivera on to talk 2A issues, even his role is to serve as a foil and verbal punching bag for the conservative hosts on the channel. And yet:


NRA Elections 2023: LaPierre Wins – NRA Members Lose :: 01/26/2023

Tombstone, Arizona – -( This could be our last chance to vote in an NRA Board of Directors election. Unfortunately, there’s not really anyone to vote for or anything they could do to save the organization. While there are a lot of relatively good to simply benign candidates on the ballot, there are none that I would expect to challenge the status quo, and there are several who are strong supporters of Wayne LaPierre, chief among them being current NRA President Charles Cotton.


NY Times column pushes guns as "public health" issue :: 01/26/2023

We can always trust that the New York Times will have an anti-gun op-ed in the wake of any mass shooting. However, a recent one is…interesting.


The Late Great National Rifle Association …R.I.P. :: 01/26/2023

Fairfax, VA – -( To NRA Members: IT IS OVER!


Democrats single out DuPage County Sheriff over gun, mag ban defiance :: 01/25/2023

There are more than 80 sheriffs in Illinois who’ve issued public statements to the effect that they will not be making any arrests solely for violating the state’s new ban on “assault weapons” and “large capacity” magazines, but DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick has become the face of the movement; at least for the anti-gun Democrats who are trying to shame the sheriff into backing off of his pledge.


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