Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Sheriff: Violent Criminals Will Ignore New Gun Control as They Do the Old :: 03/20/2023

Benton County, Minnesota, Sheriff Troy Heck posted a letter to Facebook over the weekend expressing his conviction that violent criminals will ignore new gun controls in much the same way as they ignore the old ones.


ATF Data Confirms ‘Operation Secure Store’ Has Positive Impact :: 03/19/2023

New ATF Data on FFL burglaries, robberies, and the number of stolen guns confirms the firearm industry’s Operation Secure Store makes communities safer.


Delaware: General Assembly Calls for More Gun Control :: 03/19/2023

Gun control advocates in the Delaware General Assembly are at it again. On March 14th, anti-gun Senators introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 12, declaring “gun violence” a “public health crisis.” They rammed it through, allowing no opportunity for public comment or debate, with the Senate quickly passing the resolution on a vote of 14-6. The House then refused to allow a roll call vote and passed the resolution by voice vote over the strong objections of Second Amendment supporters.


Everytown has a lot of nerve after NSSF gun lock stunt :: 03/18/2023

There are a lot of gun control groups out there, and Everytown for Gun Safety in America may be one of the most stupidly named in the nation. Not every town supports their blatantly un-American agenda, for one thing.


Montana state legislator proposes interesting amendment :: 03/18/2023

Most of what many of us know about Montana comes from watching Yellowstone, it seems. I can’t speak about how accurate the show is, but the few folks I know from there love it, so they must be getting something right.


Virginia lawmaker wants felony charges for writing gun laws :: 03/18/2023

I don’t like gun laws. I don’t like the existence of any bill that seeks to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.


Gun dealers react to Biden executive order :: 03/17/2023

President Joe Biden is pretty proud of himself. He’s signed an executive order that he’s convinced will make some kind of meaningful difference.


McCarthy pressured by firearms group to cancel fundraiser for 'anti-gun' Republican :: 03/17/2023

A Second Amendment advocacy group is calling on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to cancel his financial support of Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), arguing the Republican leader shouldn't funnel money to lawmakers who have backed "anti-gun" legislation.


New FOIA Shows NICS Indices Self-Submission Form In Use In Medical Facilities Since 2011 :: 03/17/2023

On December 19, 2019, AmmoLand News broke the news that the FBI was using a form called the “NICS Indices Self-Submission Form.” The form would allow an American to add themselves to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) as a prohibited person without meeting the requirements for the designation. Now a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Gun Owners of America (GOA) shared with the Washington Examiner shows that the FBI had partnered with hospitals to get patients to sign away their gun rights.


Senate Republicans wants pro-2A rulings codified into law :: 03/17/2023

The Second Amendment shouldn’t be a partisan thing. It’s a right enshrined in our Constitution, one lawmakers from both parties swear to support and defend upon taking office.


Congressional Republicans aim at Biden's pistol brace rule :: 03/16/2023

More than 40 GOP senators and House members are backing a Congressional Review Act resolution condemning the Biden administration’s new rules on pistol stabilizing braces, which are set to take effect at the end of May and risk turning millions of legal gun owners into criminals, at least on paper, if they don’t register their brace-equipped pistols as “short barreled rifles” under the National Firearms Act.


Congresswoman-turned-gun control activist lies about permitless carry bill :: 03/16/2023

Debbie Muscarel-Powell lost her seat in Congress in 2020 when voters in her south Florida district ousted her in favor of Republican Carlos Giménez, but she quickly found a new gig as a senior advisor at the gun control group Giffords. As a Floridian and someone who works on gun control issues, Muscarel-Powell should be well aware of what Florida’s proposed permitless carry legislation does and does not do, but on Thursday the former congresswoman was spouting off outright lies about the legislation’s effect.


Is There Something More Behind New Jersey’s Casinos Banning Guns? :: 03/16/2023

The news about New Jersey’s “carry-killer” law has spread since its passage and signing in December 2022. All three branches of government in New Jersey went apoplectic after the NYSRPA v. Bruen decision, and they have been acting out ever since. Much like New York’s, New Jersey’s governor pushed to have a new law instituted to gut the right to carry in the Garden State completely. The new law makes it near impossible to carry in public anywhere, defining several “sensitive locations” where one cannot bring a firearm.


Biden Exec Order: Increase Background Checks, More Red Tape :: 03/15/2023

The White House has announced President Joe Biden’s latest executive order on guns, with a focus on background checks, “red flag” laws and firearms dealers, and once again, it leaves out a key element: Locking up criminals.


Colorado News Site Calls for 'Shaming, Humiliating and Castigating' Gun Owners :: 03/15/2023

In a recent editorial, the left-leaning news website Colorado Newsline called on its readers to publicly confront gun owners, because “only when gun absolutists become social pariahs can the nation start to establish comprehensive reform, allowing community members to attend schools, shop at grocery stores and visit nightclubs without fear of being torn to shreds in a blast of bullets.”


Lawmaker’s ‘Common Sense Gun Reforms’ are Both Senseless and Deceptive :: 03/15/2023

What could be more “common sense” than punishing people who didn’t do anything wrong for the violent criminal actions of a lawbreaking nutjob? (Re-Elect Kelly Breen for State Rep/Facebook)


New Jersey Law Journal begs for judge to ignore SCOTUS, uphold gun control :: 03/15/2023

Some eunuch jack-wagon over at the New Jersey Law Journal penned a lamentation to Judge Bumb, begging her to consider their feelings when she delivers her upcoming decision on two challenges to New Jersey’s unconstitutional carry law. The unnamed writer is hiding behind the “Editorial Board,” as so many feckless, stoneless writers do when slobbering their sad swan songs over the death of gun control. The two cases, Koons and Siegel, have had temporary restraining orders placed on the NJ “carry-killer” law by the hand of Bumb. All branches of government in the Garden State are losing their collective bowels over the NYSRPA v. Bruen decision, and Governor Murphy will have anyone carry water for his cause to try and save a little face since his attack on civil liberties was so swiftly halted. The gelded writer at the Law Journal sobbed it out.


NYTimes frets over 2A history and the future of the gun control movement :: 03/14/2023

The anti-gun media’s campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen continues unabated, with the latest salvo fired by the New York Times. On Tuesday, the Times published its latest hit piece on the Bruen decision, this time focusing on the Court’s “text, history, and tradition” test, which the paper says has “forced courts to consider what gun restrictions existed two centuries ago, sending demand soaring for historians.”


Op-ed blasts both sides on gun violence :: 03/14/2023

I read a lot of op-eds in the course of my day. Most have something to do with gun control or so-called gun violence.


President Biden to Announce New Executive Actions On guns :: 03/14/2023

President Joe Biden will announce new executive actions attacking the firearms industry and the American gun owner during a speech in Monterey Park, California.


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