Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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It's clear Biden doesn't know what's legal and what isn't :: 03/30/2023

President Joe Biden doesn’t like guns.


Mayorkas very wrong on assault weapon ban :: 03/30/2023

As Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas is going to have a lot in common with his boss, Joe Biden. I mean, he wouldn’t have gotten the job in the first place if that weren’t true.


Police chief reveals Nashville mass murderer had another target — and the significant reason why she didn’t follow through – TheBlaze :: 03/30/2023

Mass murderers already feel like a failure. That is why they attack soft targets where the victims are undefended. RM


USA Today Op-ed doesn't think your rights matter :: 03/30/2023

I’ve long argued that the Second Amendment is the insurance policy the Founding Fathers took out to protect the rest of the Bill of Rights. You can’t take away someone’s right to free speech, to freely assemble, and your freedom of religion without first taking away their ability to resist. Otherwise, someone’s going to fight you.


Attempt at examining shooting statistics falls flat :: 03/29/2023

Emotions carry a lot of weight in political discourse, but not everyone will fall for that. Some people want hard data, not feelings, before making a decision about where to stand on a given issue. They want statistics.


Biden Swiftly Exploits Nashville Shooting to Push Gun Ban Demand :: 03/29/2023

President Joe Biden wasted no time Monday to use the murders of six people at a private Christian grade school in Nashville, allegedly by a 28-year-old woman reportedly armed with two semiautomatic rifles and a handgun, to push his gun ban agenda.


Block Allegations Point to Favoring Criminals Over Legal Gun Owners :: 03/29/2023

“Shares of Jack Dorsey’s Block plunged 19% after short seller Hindenburg Research announced Thursday that the payment company was its latest short position, alleging that Block allowed criminal activity to operate with lax controls and ‘highly’ inflates Cash App’s transacting user base, a key metric of performance,” CNBC reports. “The report alleges those unbanked customers were involved in criminal or illicit activity.”


Government Has Known from the Start There IS a Right to Own Machineguns :: 03/29/2023

“Feds Say Wyoming Man Has No Right To Make His Own Machine Gun,” Cowboy State Daily reports, citing developments in the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming. “Jake Stanley DeWilde in January sued U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF), saying the government wrongfully denied his application to build his own M16 machine gun and a federal ban on such weapons is unconstitutional.”


WaPo wrestles with 400-million privately owned guns :: 03/29/2023

Even though he made some basic mistakes in his reporting, I’ll give the Washington Post’s Philip Bump a slight amount of credit for trying to wrestle with the conundrum at the heart of the gun control movement: the 400-million (and rising) privately-owned firearms in the United States. All too often, anti-gun activists and their media allies simply gloss over the inconvenient fact that there are an awful lot of gun owners in the United States who aren’t interested or willing to give them up; choosing instead to spout off vague and fuzzy talking points about how there are “too many guns” in circulation and the supposed need for “common sense regulations” to “curb easy access” to firearms.


Progressive Prosecutor Proves Why No One Trusts Gun Control :: 03/27/2023

District Attorney George Gascón Puts ‘Woke’ Soft-on-Crime Agenda Ahead of Community Safety


The Dishonesty of Judges and the California Handgun Roster :: 03/27/2023

Democrat politicians in California want to disarm their citizens. That is old news. A decade ago the California legislature imposed certain safety features on handguns. The legislature also required that manufacturers pay a fee and submit samples of their products to the state. The official rationale for this gun-control was to establish a roster of so called “safe” handguns. Only the approved firearms could be sold at gun stores. The infringement on the right to bear arms is so obvious that only a judge could miss it. Watch this if you have doubts.


The post-Bruen “Sugar High” is a serious threat to our Second Amendment :: 03/27/2023

The NYSRPA v. Bruen verdict passed by the Supreme Court last June was a watershed moment in American history. What began as a fight against the arbitrary power of government apparatchiks to grant concealed carry permits, often with a dollop of corruption, ended with a judicial standard that limits the power of government to infringe upon our right to keep and arms. The new guidance from the Supreme Court places the burden of proof on the government to show that a law that implicates the Second Amendment rights of citizens is in line with the nation’s history and tradition of firearms regulation.


USA Today actually frames scope of mass shootings correctly :: 03/27/2023

When it comes to framing the discussion around mass shootings, USA Today has a, well, let’s call it a spotty track record. After all, they’re the same ones who thought the chainsaw bayonet was an actual, common thing that people attach to their AR-15s.


Anti-gun rally hopes to push for Philadelphia gun control :: 03/25/2023

The city of Philadelphia is one of many large urban centers that has seen a sizeable increase in violent crimes over the last few years. I’ve joked that it’s still the City of Brotherly Love, it’s just that the brothers are Cain and Abel.


Evil: The Forgotten Cause of Criminality :: 03/25/2023

The Utopian idealists who parade folly as compassion want us to believe that everyone is good at their core. Any behavior defined as criminal is excusable because of the deficiencies of society, mental illness, poverty, or racism. In their eyes, evil only exists in prisons and among law enforcement.


Indianapolis Police Secretly Funneled Firearm Data To ATF For More Than 50 Years :: 03/25/2023

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has quietly tested every single recovered firearm – even those not used in the commission of crimes – without probable cause or a search warrant for as long as anyone at the department can recall, according to a story published recently by


Nancy Pelosi Pushes 'Assault Weapons' Ban After Denver Handgun Attack :: 03/25/2023

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pushed an “assault weapons” ban in the wake of Wednesday’s handgun attack at Denver East High School.


NRA's path to recovery from financial woes leaves the gun group vulnerable to new problems :: 03/25/2023

The National Rifle Association’s financial firepower, which arose in part due to its large and loyal membership base, has long been one of the gun group’s main sources of strength.


Report: Far More Gun Laws Struck Down in Wake of Bruen Than Heller :: 03/25/2023

The Supreme Court’s latest Second Amendment ruling has delivered more immediate effects than its previous landmark decision.


U.S. Taxpayers Funding "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation Orders :: 03/25/2023

Texans are paying for so-called “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders in New York. North Carolinians are bankrolling Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPOs) in New Jersey. Louisianans are footing the bill for gun confiscation orders in Maryland.


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