Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Justice Department Wants More Money To Enforce Gun Laws :: 05/13/2020

The Department of Justice is the main federal agency for enforcing federal gun control laws. For better or worse, there are plenty of such regulations and that means someone has to enforce it. That would be the DOJ, via the ATF and, to some extent, the FBI.


Lies, Damn Lies, And Red Flag Laws :: 05/13/2020

People lie. It’s not a cynical thing to say, it’s an established fact. Most people tell lies at some point in their life. Many do it for a number of benign reasons, such as trying to make a point, trying to make a joke, or trying to spare someone’s feelings. Others do it for less savory reasons, such as trying to cover their butt.


Woman shot and killed by police who entered wrong home, family says :: 05/13/2020

A woman was shot and killed in her Louisville, Kentucky, home by police executing a "botched' search warrant who forced their way in, surprising the woman and her boyfriend who thought the officers were burglars, her family says in a lawsuit.


Bloomberg Anti-Gun Group Spending Big In Arizona :: 05/12/2020

Michael Bloomberg may have failed in his quest to become the Democratic presidential candidate, but the gun control sugar daddy isn’t done spending on the 2020 election. In addition to dropping millions of dollars into Texas legislative races in attempt to turn the statehouse blue, Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is committing to spending at least $5-million dollars on races in Arizona ahead of Election Day.


Bloomberg's Everytown Partnering With Religious Groups to Push Gun Control in November Elections :: 05/12/2020

A leading gun control advocacy group has enlisted more than a dozen religious leaders to boost voter turnout this fall in support of candidates who support measures to prevent gun violence.


Pennsylvania's Governor Wolf and the caring face of totalitarianism :: 05/12/2020

Pennsylvania, under its Democrat governor, Tom Wolf, has had one of the more draconian responses to the New York virus.  Gov. Wolf is now threatening anyone who rebels against this regime.


Anti-Gun Forces Won't Rest Until Second Amendment Right Is Erased From Memory :: 05/11/2020

U.S.A.-( As reported in the leftist periodical Newsweek, on March 27, 2018 – “Young activists calling for more gun control legislation should be more ambitious in their nationwide effort and focus on repealing the Second Amendment, according to retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.


NY Killer's Release Prompts Change Of Heart For Gun Control Advocate :: 05/11/2020

A New York man held in prison since 1984 for the murder of a 21-year old woman who spurned his advances is about to be set free from prison, and the impending release has caused the victim’s sister to rethink her positions on guns and gun control.


The Long-Term Failures Of Violence Prevention Programs :: 05/10/2020

As a Second Amendment supporter, I tend to believe that the answers to solving the issue of violence in our inner cities aren’t gun control. Obviously, I’m biased to a significant degree, but my bias is based on observation. After all, look at the 10 safest states and the 10 most dangerous states. You have gun-controlled states in both lists and you have gun-friendly states in both lists as well.


Gun-Control Activist Deploys Fake Photo in Attack on Virginia Republican :: 05/09/2020

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts shared a fake photograph to attack GOP congressional hopeful Nick Freitas in a now-deleted Thursday tweet.


Mexico: Mexico's President Wants Answers On Operation Fast and Furious :: 05/09/2020

Something tells me the Trump administration may be far more eager to help Mexico president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador get to the bottom of the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal than the Obama administration ever was. The administration that implemented the program that sent thousands of guns across the border under the direction of the BATFE and the Justice Department headed by then-Attorney General Eric Holder never said much about how much information they gave Mexico about the fact that the American government was arming Mexican drug cartels.


New Zealand: Gov't Audit Reveals Big Problems With NZ Gun Confiscation Scheme :: 05/09/2020

New Zealand’s Auditor General released a new report on the country’s gun ban and compensated confiscation scheme this week, detailing major problems with how much the program cost, and how little the government knows about whether or not it was successful in stripping legal gun owners of the firearms they possess.


Gun Control Groups Defense Of Nikki Fried Betrays Their True Agenda - COVID-19 :: 05/08/2020

When it comes to COVID-19, gun control groups probably shouldn’t have had anything to offer. After all, they claim they support law-abiding citizens exercising their right to keep and bear arms, they just want some “common sense” restrictions on those rights. Pro-gun activists have argued for years that they really want to basically take away those rights, which many gun control activists take issue with.


Which New Normal do You Mean? :: 05/08/2020

The good news is that most of us are headed back to work. Unfortunately, we’ve seen too many new things during quarantine to be sure about our new “normal”.  We’ve seen citizens and politicians behave horribly. The new normal isn’t about wearing a surgical mask in public. I’m worried that our new normal is about accepting political domination.


Below The Radar: Restoring The Armed Career Criminal Act :: 05/07/2020

United States – -( Sometimes, legislation is kept under the radar because if the legislation is passed, it might actually solve the problem. Anti-Second Amendment extremists and their allies in the media really don’t want Americans to know that certain provisions already exist in the law. After all, if the American people did know, they'd probably be much less receptive to infringements on our Second Amendment rights.


Coronavirus is Democrats' latest excuse to attack the Second Amendment :: 05/07/2020

The Second Amendment declares that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” For nearly 250 years, these words have held up. Despite numerous wars, changing cultures and economies, our Second Amendment has remained strong. The directive “shall not be infringed” is powerful; there are no footnotes, exceptions, or clarifications — not even for coronavirus.


GOP Senators Look To Beef Up NICS :: 05/07/2020

The NICS background check system has had a rough couple of years. First, we learned how it failed to flag the Sutherland Springs shooter, someone who had been dishonorably discharged from the Air Force. That led to the Fix NICS legislation that passed with bipartisan support.


Judge Andrew Napolitano: Coronavirus crisis - Does America still have a Constitution? :: 05/07/2020

I have been taking some heat from friends and colleagues for my steadfast defense of personal liberties and my arguments that the Constitution -- when interpreted in accordance with the plain meaning of its words, and informed by history -- does not permit the government to infringe upon personal freedoms, no matter the emergency or pandemic.


Canada Bans Not Just "Assault Rifles" But Shotguns, Websites :: 05/06/2020

Politicians like to pounce on tragedies as a prime opportunity to push through their agenda. This is especially true of anti-gun politicians following mass shootings.


Freedom Is An Issue That Stirs Voters :: 05/06/2020

The American gun-control movement has long insisted that public opinion is firmly on its side, and that its aims are thwarted not by their political unpopularity but by the obstinacy of a handful of over-powerful players. What happened in Virginia at the beginning of this year demonstrates once again that this claim of public support is flatly untrue. 


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