Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Postal worker busted with three guns on USPS property :: 06/11/2023

The premise of gun control is that it somehow curbs what bad actors can do with guns. Sure, that’s very simplistic, but if it doesn’t even theoretically do that, then there’s absolutely no reason to even discuss it.


Targeted shooting leaves nine injured in San Francisco :: 06/11/2023

According to California governor Gavin Newsom, all it takes to “end gun violence” is to have waiting periods, universal background checks, a ban on gun sales to adults younger than 21, and a total prohibition on so-called “assault weapons”. According to reality, however, states like California can have all those restrictions (and dozens more) and still be home to incidents like this:


Biden Administration Calling in the Big Gun for Reelection Gun Control Messaging :: 06/10/2023

President Joe Biden made an announcement he hopes will excite the gun control activists for his 2024 reelection bid. The president is calling in his Big Gun to “lead the messaging” on his gun control accomplishments to generate buzz.


James Woods: Second Amendment Makes Perfect Sense When You Must Defend Your Life :: 06/10/2023

On Thursday, actor James Woods opined, “The Second Amendment only makes sense when you need it” and noted that once you need it, it makes more sense than anything else.


More than 17 Percent of U.S. Firearm Murders Occur in One State: Gun-Controlled California :: 06/10/2023

More than 17 percent of the annual firearm murders in the United States occur in gun-controlled California, according to the most recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Biden Administration Insists That Cannabis Consumers Have No Right to Arms :: 06/09/2023

Washington, DC – -( After Minnesota became the 23rd state to legalize recreational marijuana last week, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued a familiar warning. Minnesotans who might be inclined to consume cannabis supplied by state-licensed stores, the ATF office in St. Paul said, should recognize that doing so means sacrificing the constitutional right to armed self-defense.


California Dreamin’: Newsom Wants 28th Amendment to Restrict Gun Rights :: 06/09/2023

U.S.A. — Liberal Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “to enshrine fundamental, broadly supported gun safety measures into law.”


Giffords pounces on VA Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears as she talks about root causes of violence :: 06/09/2023

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared from this week’s shooting at a high school graduation ceremony in Richmond, Virginia, we found out that the violence was not random, and that the perpetrator had an ongoing conflict and targeted the victim. Cam wrote about this in his recent article and went into further detail comparing the crime rates of Richmond, VA and Boise, ID, two cities of the same size in states with different gun laws.


How Long Will Armed Defenders be Second Class Citizens in Chicago? :: 06/09/2023

Politicians and judges treat armed self-defense as a second class right. In Chicago, the elites have their retired cops. The elites have their security guards to protect themselves and their families. The limousine and laptop class don’t ride public transportation. In contrast, we see violent criminals prey on the disarmed middle class and on Chicago’s poor every day. Compare Chicago to the rest of Illinois and we see honest citizens disarmed by regulations and taxes on gun ownership. When compared to the rest of the country, we haven’t seen discrimination this extreme since schools were segregated seven decades ago. Change isn’t easy, but we tackled entrenched racism and sexism. Today, we can easily recognize the right for honest citizens to protect themselves. Chicago politicians repeatedly defy the courts so federal judges may have to enforce the law themselves. As we saw seven decades ago with school desegregation, justice for the bottom of society will make the elites and their spokesmen very uncomfortable.


Uncovering the Ghost Gun Fear Campaign :: 06/09/2023

U.S.A. — Anti-gun politicians seem to be back on the “ghost gun” scare with a heavy focus on 3-D printed firearms….again. Manhattan, NY District Attorney Alvin Bragg said, “You can sit at your kitchen table and print out weapons of destruction.”


For anti-gun groups, it will never be enough :: 06/08/2023

Pretty much every anti-gun group I can think of is a non-profit group. People donate money to the cause and the organization hires a professional staff that makes their living advocating for gun control.


Gun control advocates are letting the mask slip :: 06/08/2023

There will always be debate over gun control, no matter what the courts rule going forward. After all, the Bruen decision doesn’t seem to have slowed any anti-gun lawmakers down one bit. They’re just hoping the laws can go into effect for a few years before they get bounced by the Supreme Court.


Report claims US gun death rate reached record levels :: 06/08/2023

In the gun debate, gun deaths tend to be one of the things we focus on. After all, if you’re saying you want to make people safer via gun control, you have to show they’re at some kind of risk to begin with.


Congressmen Forces Vote On Resolution to Disapprove the Pistol Brace Rule :: 06/07/2023

Last week, Rep Andrew Clyde (R-GA) claimed that Republican leadership in the House told him that “it would be very difficult” to support his Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution aimed at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rule on pistols equipped with stabilizing braces if the Congressman refused to support a procedural vote to raise the debt limit.


CT Governor Signs “Act Addressing Gun Violence’ Includes Multiple Unconstitutional Requirements :: 06/07/2023

Firearms Policy Coalition issued the following statement regarding Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont’s signing of House Bill 6667, (embedded below) a measure that seeks to abrogate the fundamental rights of peaceable People to acquire, possess and bear protected arms:


The unintended consequences of disarming the People :: 06/07/2023

The American Revolution has many lessons for the People and the government to reflect on. Over taxation is not a good idea. The soon-to-be-expatriated colonists loved their tea, but were willing to toss it in the harbor in defiance. And the People took great exception to the confiscation of arms, cannon, and powder from the magazines. The unintended consequence of the King of England at the time being a jerk resulted in the birth of a new nation. Tyrants have to tyrant and the ATF just became the biggest booster club for Second Amendment organizations, unwittingly.


‘White Women’ Prove Claim That ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ is a Lie :: 06/07/2023

“Hundreds of White women gathered at the Colorado Capitol Monday morning, with more expected to show up throughout the day, to use their ‘privilege’ in a silent sit-in to demand Gov. Jared Polis ban guns and create a gun buyback program,” CNN “reported,” although “publicized” would be a more accurate term. The fact that the demographics of who racks up these daily body counts in Democrat strongholds like Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore was left unstated.


Democratic presidential candidate doesn't want to take guns :: 06/06/2023

While the Second Amendment should be a bipartisan issue, it’s not really. While there are exceptions, like on most issues, the truth is that you can kind of guess someone’s position on guns based on their party affiliation.


Is This What Help Looks Like in Chicago? :: 06/06/2023

Chicago, desperate to do something to try to diminish the violent crime that is ravaging the city, has turned to programs that are not your traditional law enforcement approach to try to help stem the tide. But if the recent Memorial Day weekend is any indication, not only are the programs not working, but one may be contributing to the problem, at least in one apparent incident.


No Guns for You & Other Dangerous Freedoms :: 06/06/2023

“What is ‘Freedom of Expression?’ Without the ‘freedom to offend,’ it ceases to exist.” ~ Salman Rushdie


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