Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

More than 2 million Americans became first-time gun owners this year, trade association says :: 06/05/2020

During a record number of firearm sales in the first part of the year, more than 2 million Americans became first-time gun owners, a firearms trade association said Monday.


South Whitehall (PA) commissioner apologizes but resists calls to resign after his Facebook post says Trump supporters 'should be hung for treason' :: 06/05/2020

A South Whitehall Township commissioner is apologizing for what he called an “ill-conceived comment” about supporters of President Donald Trump, but says he will not resign despite calls from members of the public to do so.


So You Think Tyranny Can't Happen Here? :: 06/05/2020

When discussing government overreach, which continues unimpeded, or the danger of the monopoly of force concentrated in the hands of government by way of law enforcement, especially from federal police, particularly the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF),  I’m frequently told that if one has done nothing wrong there is nothing to fear from government. When I describe my first-hand experience in Cuba, or relate events from my studies of communism in the former USSR, China, Cambodia, Venezuela, and the Eastern European Satellite states, I’m told: “But Dr. Faria such cruelty and tyranny can happen in third-world countries, but it cannot happen here. This is America.”


The System Has Failed People of All Races - I Know From Experience :: 06/05/2020

The criminal justice system is just a system. It has failed people of all races. Amidst the riots across America, people are understandably focused on the problems faced by people of color. While it is obvious that they have faced real problems, lots of other people have felt let down by the system.


Michelle Malkin: Get Up Off Your Knees :: 06/04/2020

Dear law-abiding Americans: You have done nothing wrong.


The Struggle Sessions Are Here, And They're Not Going Away :: 06/04/2020

Amid the scenes circulating on social media this week of protesters and rioters and burned out storefronts and police barricades, two of them stand out as harbingers of what all of this means for the future of mainstream American society.


This Is Why We Need Guns :: 06/04/2020

Defending their lives and their property as they see fit is exactly what those who have been abandoned by the authorities are doing in droves.


Those Telling Police To Stand Down? They Also Want Your Guns :: 06/04/2020

For a week, police departments all over the country were under siege as rioters took over their communities. In some places, the police did their best to control the situation. In some places, they also made it worse, but in others, they tried to protect life and property.


Anti-gunners Quiet as Armed Citizens Protect Businesses, Communities :: 06/03/2020

Gun prohibition lobbying groups have been noticeably silent in the wake of reports from around the country that armed citizens are fighting back against rioters and looters exploiting the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, turning out to protect their neighborhoods, and business districts.


Fact Checkers, Editorialists Resort to Fake News to Push Anti-Gun Propaganda :: 06/03/2020

As we saw last week with Twitter presuming to fact-check an opinion expressed by President Trump, the legacy media – now in collaboration with tech platforms that constitute the modern public square – still pathetically cling to the idea that they are perceived as a source of “truth” by America at large. Polls, however, show that a majority of Americans do not trust the media to report the news accurately.


The 1619 Distortion of the Second Amendment :: 06/03/2020

Even a cursory examination of American history shows that gun rights are not racist.


DRGO: Carrying Guns is Preventive Medicine :: 06/02/2020

It appears that the coronavirus has outpaced both Obama and Beto as gun salesman of the decade.  Reports abound of large numbers of first-time gun buyers depleting inventory in local gun stores across the country.  These purchases have elicited the expected pearl-grasping by the confiscationists, but these hoplophobes always miss the obvious:  gun are used defensively vastly more often than they are used in the commission of crime.  Perhaps the pandemic-associated terms of art could help explain our position that these gun purchases are good for everyone.


Former Antifa member bashes radical group as fighting for nothing but 'failed leftist socialist ideology' :: 06/02/2020

A former member of the radical Antifa organization told "The Ingraham Angle" Monday that the group's claim to be "anti-fascist" is a "false narrative."


Three Months, 6 Million Guns Sold :: 06/02/2020

An estimated 6 million guns have been sold since the coronavirus outbreak began in March, as May marked the third consecutive month of record-high sales. 


Trump's Mere Mention of the Second Amendment Sent Progressives Off the Deep End :: 06/02/2020

During President Donald Trump's nationwide address on Monday evening, he announced his intent to use all federal resources to help stop the rioting and looting that's taking place across the country. He also mentioned that he would protect the rights of law-abiding citizens, including the right to keep and bear arms. Naturally, progressives and those who hate the Second Amendment were up in arms over the mention of the Second Amendment.


Give Up Your Guns Because Democrats Will Totally Protect You :: 06/01/2020

Watching the Minneapolis Police Department abandon its precinct to the torch and crowbar-wielding peaceful protesters in that Democrat-run state and city, my first thought was that I should disarm. After all, I have been reliably informed by our smart and competent elite betters that I don’t need firearms because the police will protect me, and I am sure that even though they can’t defend their own police station they will absolutely defend me, my family, and our pet unicorn Chet.


Man Accused Of Kidnapping, Double Murder Also Gun Control Advocate :: 06/01/2020

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone who pushes for gun control also say things that suggest they’re violent individuals. It’s hard not to think there’s some degree of projection involved when they say that if they see a gun, they plan on assaulting the person carrying it. There really are some violent people in the gun control movement.


Should People Be Less Dismissive of Voter Fraud Concerns? :: 06/01/2020

When President Donald Trump complained on Twitter about the potential for voter fraud stemming from mail-in ballots, the messaging company’s “fact checkers” insisted there is “no evidence” that voting by mail increases the potential, according to Fox News.


Would Deadly Force Be Justified If Your Vehicle is Being Attacked? :: 06/01/2020

As the riots that started in Minneapolis have spread across the country, some of those committing the violence have left the neighborhoods and taken to stopping traffic and shutting down roadways and then attacking the stopped vehicles with blunt objects heavy enough to smash out windows.


Police act like laws don't apply to them because of 'qualified immunity.' They're right. :: 05/31/2020

On May 25, Minneapolis police killed George Floyd. While two officers pinned the handcuffed Floyd on a city street, another fended off would-be intervenors as a fourth knelt on Floyd’s neck until — and well after — he lost consciousness.


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