Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Breonna's Law Could Be A Live Saver For Gun Owners And Police :: 06/12/2020

The Louisville City Council has unanimously approved banning the use of “no-knock” warrants by the city police department, and with Mayor Greg Fischer vowing to sign the bill, the practice will soon be forbidden in the city. The bill is named “Breonna’s Law” after Breonna Taylor, who was shot by police in March as they were serving a no-knock warrant on her apartment. While police say that they actually did knock before breaching the front door, eyewitnesses say they never heard police announce themselves.


Liberal Writer Thinks Defense Of Liberty Is A Myth – Bearing Arms – First Amendment :: 06/12/2020

Many of us in the Second Amendment crowd see the right to keep and bear arms as something of a linchpin. It’s the right that is necessary in order to protect each and every other right.


No, Mother Jones, We Gun Owners Won't Come To Save You :: 06/12/2020

There’s been a lot going on over the last couple of weeks, to put it mildly. From protests to riots to even a segment of Seattle supposedly not being part of the United States anymore, let’s just say it’s been eventful. In fact, it’s been so eventful that it’s difficult to keep up.


Academic Rewrites History To Portray The 2A As Tool Of The Oppressors :: 06/11/2020

While we all debate whether protesters are “rewriting history” when they tear down statues of Confederate leaders, or if they’re merely adding a new chapter to American history with their actions, there is no doubt that some anti-gun advocates are doing everything they can to present a false and misleading portrayal of the reasons for the Second Amendment, as well as erasing the experience of black Americans who’ve used firearms in self-defense out of our nation’s history.


Teaching New Gun Owners to Cheat and Survive :: 06/11/2020

2020 is unusual. We added millions of new gun owners each month. Gun ownership has been increasing, but this year is remarkable. We bought firearms when government failed. We saw the police withdraw because of an epidemic. We saw courts put criminals back on the streets. We saw government officials overwhelmed by protests, riots, looting, and arson. We realized that we are on our own to defend ourself and the people under our care.


The Racial Disparity Of Police And Armed Citizens :: 06/11/2020

The Second Amendment reads, ‘A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the people’s right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”


WaPo Columnist: Police Reform Means Gun Control :: 06/11/2020

Gun control advocates are in a bit of a pickle at the moment. After all, their entire agenda requires armed agents of the State to enforce their gun control laws, even when that enforcement leads to large numbers of young black and brown men going to prison for non-violent possessory offenses. At the same time, there’s a growing chorus of voices calling for everything from reforming police departments to abolishing them altogether. What’s a gun control advocate supposed to do?


Everytown Announced Senate Candidates Its Buying :: 06/10/2020

Everytown for Gun Safety has made an announcement. They’ve announced the first round of Senate candidates they’re backing in this election cycle. These are the candidates they’re endorsing and will likely be throwing money at as well as likely paying for advertisements in local media at their own expense.


Gun Control Is Fundamentally At Odds With The Defund Police Movement :: 06/10/2020

There was a time, not long ago, when Democrats hoping to display their “wokeness” on the issue of gun control were wholeheartedly embracing the idea of using police to disarm Americans of their legally owned firearms. “Hell yes, we’re coming for your AR-15s,” shouted Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, as the Left murmured its approval and candidates from Joe Biden to Amy Klobuchar talked about creating new federal felony laws aimed at squarely at law-abiding gun owners.


Second Amendment Cases Before SCOTUS Bypass Core Purpose :: 06/10/2020

“The Supreme Court is looking eager to weigh in on the Second Amendment weeks after it punted on its first substantial gun rights case in nearly a decade,” CNBC reports. “Ten different guns cases were on the agenda of the justices’ private conference … where they met to decide which cases they will hear in the upcoming term.”


The Political Left's Lust for Violence and the Control of Guns :: 06/10/2020

USA – -( When I say “gun violence” doesn’t exist, some people look at me cross-eyed because the term has become so common in the media and left-wing talking points. The truth is, there’s no such thing as “gun-violence.”


Attorney Argues Cops Mistreated Protesting Gun Owner :: 06/09/2020

The protests that have gripped our nation for weeks now are part of American discourse, even if you don’t necessarily agree with the message. People are free to protest as the right is protected by the First Amendment, no matter what some people might like to think.


Joe Biden: Ban Federal Funds for Training Teachers in Firearm Usage :: 06/09/2020

Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden’s gun control policy statement includes a push to prohibit the use of any federal funds to train teachers in firearm usage for classroom defense.


Journalist Tim Pool Describes Headache Of Buying Gun In NJ :: 06/09/2020

Independent journalist Tim Pool used to describe himself as being fairly liberal. He’s definitely not a hard-core conservative. The one-time Bernie Bro, however, has never really been liked by the left. He’s been accused of being part of the alt-right and who knows what else.


Lawmaker touts handgun bill's self-defense value to truckers :: 06/09/2020

Advancing legislation that would allow truck drivers to travel freely between states while carrying a concealed weapon is a priority for the lawmaker who introduced it.


The Year Gun Control Died? - Don't Count On It :: 06/08/2020

Writing at Friday, author J.D. Tuccille makes an argument that this is “the year gun control died,” but considering the activism behind “National Gun Violence Awareness Day”—also on Friday when gun prohibition activists are supposed to wear orange—the Reason article might be wishful thinking.


Gun rights rally outside Pa. Capitol postponed over safety concerns, organizer says :: 06/06/2020

A gun rights rally scheduled to take place in Harrisburg on Monday has been indefinitely postponed after a credible threat was made, one of the organizers said Thursday.


Help Us Break Through the Big-Tech Anti-Gun Filters, WhiteList :: 06/06/2020

USA – -( Daily readers of AmmoLand News, we need your help breaking through the big tech anti-gun technology filter walls that “they” apply to your email boxes and our patriot news channel.


PA Gun Rights Rally Postponed Due To Threat :: 06/06/2020

The media has been covering both protests and “protests” for more than a week now as outrage continues over the death of George Floyd while being arrested by police. However, Floyd’s death and the overall theme of police brutality aren’t the only political events that people have planned.


Police Violence Discussion Sparks Conversation On Swatting :: 06/06/2020

I still remember the first account I read of someone being swatted. It was Erik Erikson, who wrote about how the police showed up after someone called and claimed Erikson had murdered his family. I read, horrified, and wondered what it must be like for someone to have to deal with this. Almost immediately, I could see how the incident could have gone very wrong.


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