Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Sen. Loeffler Introduces Gun Owner Privacy Act :: 06/24/2020

No one voted for Sen. Kelly Loeffler to be a senator from Georgia.  That’s not a slam, just a fact. Loeffler was appointed to fill the seat by Gov. Brian Kemp (R) after Sen. Johnny Isakson (R) resigned from office due to health reasons at the end of 2019. She hasn’t been in office long and is now trying to hold onto her seat, but so far, the people of Georgia haven’t elected her for anything.


Think Your Guns are Off the Grid? 6-Ways They are Tracking You :: 06/24/2020

USA – -( I have had conversations with gun owners from time to time who don’t want to get involved in the gun rights movement. Two reasons stand out from my interaction with them. One is lethargy, often associated with the notion that “they are not after my kind of gun.” The other is a fear of being a target of radical gun prohibitionists enforcing some sort of gun ban. I will address each of these here, pointing out possible flaws with each position.


Black Lives Matter Co-Founder in 2015: We Are Trained Marxists :: 06/23/2020

A short, but wide-ranging, 2015 interview with Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors revealed that many of those within the movement, including Cullors, consider themselves to be “trained Marxists.”


Does the Second Amendment prohibit slavery? :: 06/23/2020

Is the text of the Second Amendment contrary to slavery? So argued the great abolitionist Lysander Spooner in his 1845 book The Unconstitutionality of Slavery. When the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1866-68, the Amendment's supporters agreed with Spooner that if the Second Amendment were enforced, slavery would be impossible.


Obeying The Law Is For Suckers :: 06/23/2020

The other night I watched the movie “Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World” on cable. I’d seen it before, but this time was different. Aside from the literal end of the world part, and the main plot of the movie (which involves a couple meeting and falling in love days before an asteroid wipes out all life on Earth), the general state of insanity and anarchy could have been ripped from today’s headlines. It left me thinking you’d almost have to be a special kind of stupid to follow the law these days.


Repealing Useless and Abusive Laws Might Do More Good Than Defunding the Police :: 06/23/2020

“Defund the Police” is the latest rallying cry for protestors in many cities across the nation. Many activists, enraged by the brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, are calling for completely disbanding the police, while others are seeking reductions in police budgets and more government spending elsewhere. However, few activists appear to be calling for a fundamental decrease in the political power that is the root cause of police abuses.


12-Year Old Girl Facing Felony Charges For Finger Gun :: 06/22/2020

A Kansas middle school student is facing felony charges after she allegedly made a gun shape with her hand and pointed her finger at four students before pointing her finger at herself. Seriously.


FL Mass Shooting Averted Thanks To One Man's Bravery :: 06/22/2020

If someone shows up to a random location where people congregate–a mall, a restaurant or bar, school, etc.–with something like an AK-47 and opens fire, we all have a pretty good idea of what he’s trying to accomplish. This isn’t generally how someone settles a disagreement with an individual on a one-on-one basis, by and large.


New York's SAFE Act Useless As Shootings Spike Across State :: 06/22/2020

At least 22 people have been shot in New York City this weekend, including a man who was gunned down at point blank range as he was washing his car in Brooklyn on Saturday afternoon, and the rapid rise in violent crime isn’t limited only to the state’s biggest city. In Syracuse, 9 people were shot on Saturday evening at what’s being described as a “celebration” in the city.


Time for Universal Background Checks for Abortions, Voting and Car Buying :: 06/22/2020

USA – -( We’ve all heard, and probably used or argued against various analogies about regulating guns like we regulate cars, or comparing the ID requirements for buying a gun to the ID requirements for voting. Still, maybe it’s time to take these analogies out of the hypothetical realm of the debate platform, and into the real world of legislation.


Mayor Who Blasted Cop Over Armed Citizen Pic Sees Home Vandalized By Rioters :: 06/20/2020

The mayor of Olympia, Washington has been about as woke as she could be since protests, riots, and looting broke out in the city after the killing of George Floyd. Not only did Cheryl Selby publicly support the protests and minimize the damage being done to businesses and private property, she refused to declare a curfew and publicly insinuated that an Olympia police officer and several armed citizens who were guarding a local gun store were white power advocates. Seriously.


NM Paper Shoots Self In Foot With Call To Ban The Bearing Of Arms :: 06/20/2020

Even as prosecutors in Albuquerque continue to investigate the shooting that occurred Tuesday night at a protest over a statue in the city’s Old Town, and have (for now, anyway) dropped charges of aggravated assault against the man fired the shots, the Santa Fe New Mexican has decided to put the Second Amendment on trial, accusing it of aiding and abetting the violence.


The Anti-Police Rioters Finally Got Me To Buy My First Gun :: 06/20/2020

I bought a gun last weekend. It’s not a purchase I wanted to make, and I pray I never have to use it, but with mayhem recently engulfing cities across the United States, I and many others are biting the bullet and purchasing firearms.


Where are all the guns and ammo purchased under Obama? :: 06/20/2020

During the last two years of the Obama administration, some unusual purchases were made.  Large quantities of ammunition were purchased, as were firearms, mostly for somewhat obscure agencies or agencies with no real need for such weaponry.  Estimates are that over 1 billion rounds of ammunition were ordered, which resulted in making ammunition scarce for the normal civilian market.


Chief Justice Roberts Afraid of Restoring the Second Amendment :: 06/19/2020

U.S.A.-( From the moment Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, said in a prepared statement following the Supreme Court’s rejection of ten pending gun rights cases, that responsibility for this high court two-step “falls squarely at the feet of Chief Justice John Roberts,” the question that must be answered is this:


Powerful working to erode Second Amendment rights :: 06/19/2020

For years we have sat silently as those in power have worked tirelessly to erode our Second Amendment rights. Often acting under the guise of safety and security, those in power have escalated their attacks on the Second Amendment in response to mass shootings, claiming they want a greater level of safety and security for Americans. This, despite historical evidence that makes clear connections between a disarmed people and an oppressed people. Ben Franklin once wrote, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”


SCOTUS Rejection of 2A Cases Moves Up Likelihood of a Forced Choice for Gun Owners :: 06/19/2020

U.S.A. – -( “Opponents of gun safety laws have again failed in their efforts to get the Supreme Court to adopt their extreme and dangerous approach,” Eric Tirschwell, managing director for Everytown Law crowed Monday, following the high court's refusal to consider any of the 10 gun owner rights appeals petitioning to be heard. “In each of the cases, the lower courts correctly determined the Second Amendment is not a barrier to the reasonable, life-saving gun safety policies being challenged. The Supreme Court recognized there is no need to revisit these thorough rulings.”


Supreme Court justices who favor gun rights fear that John Roberts does not :: 06/19/2020

Americans have been fighting over guns with growing intensity since the onset of the culture wars in the 1960s. This week, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to sit back and let the battle rage. The court opted not to hear 10 different gun rights cases, including some that would have enabled the justices to clarify key questions about the scope of the Second Amendment.


Why Did the Roberts Court Punt on Ten Second Amendment Cases? :: 06/19/2020

The most likely explanation is that neither of the Court’s ideological factions was confident enough of Roberts’s support to risk granting certiorari.


New York Times Tries To Pull A Fast One On Guns Again :: 06/18/2020

In journalism, articles tend to be written in a particular format called the inverted pyramid. What you do is write a story with all the most pertinent details up at the top of the story, then you add details as you go down in order of importance. The most important details go near the top and so on. That’s so an editor can trim a story to find the space available in a newspaper without removing important points of the story.


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