Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Juanita Broaddrick Praises Concealed Carry for Self-Defense, Cites Victim Who Killed Attacker :: 06/17/2023

Juanita Broaddrick, author of Better Put Some Ice on That: How I Survived Being Raped by Bill Clinton, tweeted praise for the practice of carrying concealed for self-defense Thursday, citing the time an Ohio judge who was ambushed pulled a gun and killed his attacker.


Montana AG Sounds Alarm: Armed IRS Agents Rounding Up Gun Purchase Records :: 06/17/2023

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen spoke to Breitbart News Saturday morning and told us that armed IRS agents rolled into Great Falls’ Highwood Creek Outfitters Wednesday and seized dozens of boxes of ATF form 4473s, the background check form containing information on gun purchasers.


Gun control is obsolete :: 06/16/2023

The idea of gun control is, at least as described to the American public, that you can keep guns out of the hands of bad people by putting rules in place that also makes it harder for the average citizen to have a firearm.


House Democrats Circumventing GOP Leadership for Gun Control Vote :: 06/16/2023

House Democrats are seeking to use a discharge petition to circumvent Republican leadership and bring gun control to the floor for a vote.


How do felons get guns? One publication actually looked :: 06/16/2023

One of the big problems we have in this day and age are felons getting guns. Bad guys with firearms can do bad things. We all know this, even if we figure not everyone who has a gun illegally is going to kill or even shoot another person.


Would you donate a box of ammo to save the Second Amendment from billionaire-funded gun control? :: 06/16/2023

It feels like the country and Constitution are at an inflection point. On the one hand, the restoration (not “expansion”) of our right to keep and bear arms is underway with several court victories. On the other hand, many states are going full bore and trying to pass as many gun control laws as they can, clogging up the courts and dragging things out.


Congress Considers Conditions on the Government’s License to Steal :: 06/15/2023

Washington, DC – -( Two years ago, the FBI seized the contents of safe deposit boxes used by hundreds of people at U.S. Private Vaults, a Beverly Hills, California, business that offered secure storage for cash and other valuables. One of those dismayed customers was Linda Martin, a Los Angeles resident whose box contained $40,200 that she and her husband had saved for a deposit on a new home.


Democrats Pressuring House Republicans into Caving on Guns :: 06/15/2023

U.S.A. — “House Democrats look to force Republican majority to act on gun reform,” The Washington Post hopefully relates. That mandated infringements contravening the Bill of Rights are painted as “reforms” should be all anyone needs to understand that this supposed “news” story is, in fact, a citizen disarmament advocacy piece.


DOJ Prosecutes Black Mother On 4473 Drug Denial While Giving Passes to Democrats :: 06/15/2023

U.S.A. — “Mother of 6-year-old who shot Richneck Elementary teacher to plead guilty to federal gun charges,” 13News Now reported from Newport News Monday. “25-year-old Deja Taylor was charged with being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm and making a false statement during the purchase of a firearm.”


United Nations Finalizes Plan to Regulate Ammunition :: 06/15/2023

Late into the night on 9 June, 2023 the United Nation’s Open-Ended Working Group on Conventional Ammunition (OEWG) concluded its development of a new global framework to address existing gaps in through-life conventional ammunition management despite the dissociation of the Russian Federation and their bedfellows Belarus.


Gun rights activists rally to move PA's new Dem majority :: 06/14/2023

Pennsylvania had a GOP-controlled legislature for a while. That changed, though, and now things like gun rights aren’t looking too good for a lot of people. After all, a lot of the state’s population lives in places like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and those are not exactly pro-gun bastions.


Oregon State study finds gun views impact self-defense views :: 06/14/2023

On matters of the Second Amendment, it’s often necessary to devolve into broad brushes and shorthand in order to communicate ideas. This is especially true when you’re dealing with a lot of policies at a time.


Shooting in Japan offers lesson on gun control futility :: 06/14/2023

The nation of Japan is one we’ve talked about before. They have extensive gun control laws and few homicides. For many, those two facts are linked, but I disagree, as I’ve noted previously.


Exclusive: Joni Ernst Pushes to Disarm IRS Before It Abuses Its Power and Targets 'Hardworking Americans' :: 06/13/2023

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) put forward legislation Tuesday to block the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from using taxpayer funds to buy guns and ammunition and to take away the gun currently held by the IRS before they can used against the American people.


Gun owners rally for their Second Amendment rights at Pennsylvania state capitol :: 06/13/2023

Several dozen gun owners and Second Amendment supporters gathered in defense of their right to keep and bear arms at the state capitol in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Monday, undeterred by rainy weather and undaunted by the slim legislative majorities that are keeping further infringements of their 2A rights at bay.


Nancy Pelosi Uses Orlando Pulse Anniversary to Push Gun Control :: 06/13/2023

On Monday, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) used the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the Orlando Pulse attack to push gun control that the Orlando Pulse attacker passed in order to acquire his guns.


At Least 32 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson's Chicago :: 06/12/2023

At least 32 people were shot, three of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s (D) Chicago.


Biden Vows to Veto Resolution Blocking ATF Stabilizer Brace Rule :: 06/12/2023

President Biden has made clear he intends to veto H.J. Res. 44, the resolution aimed at blocking the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) AR-pistol stabilizer brace rule.


Democrat Rep. Defends ATF Pistol Brace Rule, Can't Explain What It Does :: 06/12/2023

During a Monday Rules Committee mark-up hearing for H.J. Res. 44, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) defended the ATF AR-pistol stabilizer brace rule but could not explain what the rule does nor how long a prison sentence could be for breaking the rule.


Pennsylvania Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally June 12th, 2023 :: 06/11/2023

Pennsylvania is a wonderful state full of most everything an individual could need or want. Home of two big cities full of different elements that appeal to the urban attracted persons, and boundless amounts of wilderness for outdoor activities. They have a town called Intercourse, so there’s that too. Amish people and cheesesteaks! Pennsylvania, the land of its namesake William Penn, founded the Keystone State so people may exercise freedoms and liberty. The once civil liberty minded commonwealth has been turning deep purple, with the people recently elected a hoodie wearing near-zombie apparatchik to the Senate. Given the flux in the state, it’s been announced there will be a State Capitol Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally on June 12th, 2023.


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