Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Bloomberg Unleashes $15-Million Anti-Gun Ad Blitz :: 07/23/2020

Michael Bloomberg’s pet gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety has vowed to spend at least $60-million in this year’s elections, and the New York Times is reporting that the first $15-million of that anti-gun war chest will be spent in places where the Second Amendment has been fairly secure in recent years. The gun control group says it’s earmarked at least $5-million in the state of Florida, where the group will be promoting Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, and an initial $3.5-million investment in Texas targeting a half-dozen races for the U.S. House.


Malkin: One nation under anarcho-tyranny :: 07/23/2020

The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now.


The Truth Behind That Huge Spike In Rejected Background Checks :: 07/23/2020

Gun control groups know that their best shot of electing anti-gun candidates this November is to scare the bejeebers out of American voters, particularly suburban women, where support for new gun laws is strongest. How do you do that at a time when more Americans than ever before are purchasing firearms for self-defense? Well, you have to scare them into believing that it’s a terrible thing that people are exercising their Second Amendment rights.


Warner and Kaine introduce federal gun control measure that mirrors new Virginia law :: 07/23/2020

WASHINGTON — Two Virginia Democrats want to make the recent gun-control laws adopted by the Virginia General Assembly a national law.


5 Myths About the Right to Keep and Bear Arms :: 07/22/2020

Since many Americans buying guns today are first-time owners, here are arguments against some of the anti-gun myths they may not have previously encountered.


8 Reasons Now Is a Good Time to Get Your Concealed Carry Permit :: 07/22/2020

Now would be a real good time to do whatever is necessary to obtain a permit to legally carry a handgun.


McCloskey Gun Inoperable When Police Seized It, But Prosecution Ordered Crime Lab to Make It Operable and Lethal :: 07/22/2020

The charges filed by the St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner against Mark and Patricia McCloskey already seemed like a political witch-hunt because the couple dared to defend themselves and their property by displaying guns to BLM ‘protesters’ who trespassed on private property back in June.


US banks and financial institutions have been slowly severing ties with the gun industry :: 07/22/2020

It is a slow and steady form of gun control gradually gaining momentum with limited public fanfare: If guns cannot be directly taken from the hands of citizens, the next best target is the banks and financial institutions that enable transactions or loans for the industry.


Anti-Gun Group Opposes Reducing Training Quota For Teachers :: 07/21/2020

With schools a preferred target for mass shooters, it only makes sense to have people you can trust with firearms on school campuses to help protect our children. That’s at an absolute minimum.


Our Second Amendment: A rejection of nobility :: 07/21/2020

The argument over the Second Amendment routinely centers on guns. But our Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” has just as much to do with casting off the stratification of the social class system and buttressing religious freedom.


PA Sheriff Overwhelmed By Demand For Concealed Carry Licenses :: 07/21/2020

With a waiting list of more than 6,000 residents who want to apply for their concealed carry licenses, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Sheriff William Mullen is getting a little creative in the hopes of easing the growing backlog.


Your Rights Come Before Politics :: 07/21/2020

Politics are real. Politics sets priorities between competing public interests. The process is never perfect. It gets ugly when existing political interests work against your individual rights.


American Crime and the Baltimore Model :: 07/20/2020

In 2014, there were 211 homicides in the city of Baltimore. The following year, there were 342, an astonishing increase of 62 percent. The murder rate has barely budged since.


Fordham sanctions student over posts about David Dorn, Second Amendment, and Tiananmen Square :: 07/20/2020

A student at Fordham University has been sanctioned by the school for a series of social media posts supporting conservative causes that university officials say violated its code of conduct.


The Constitution Belongs to Everyone: the 2nd Amendment and Race :: 07/20/2020

Ever since George Floyd’s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police officers, concerned Americans have purchased 8.3 million guns since late June. Handguns have outpaced shotguns by a two-to-one margin, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). Estimates from NSSF showed that 40 percent of sales came from first-time buyers and that 40 percent of first-time buyers were women. Even in California, gun sales rose sharply in the past month.


Three Reasons Representative Democracy Doesn't Work :: 07/20/2020

In representative democracies, voters ostensibly control the state through the politicians they vote for. However, most representative democracies fall far short of this goal. Three of the reasons for the trouble are the problems of scale, bundling, and omission. I will explore these three problems below and argue that privatization and decentralization can ameliorate them.


Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War :: 07/19/2020

Through Antifa and BLM, the Democrats are preparing for war.  The riots, looting, arson, and public beatings taking place every day are merely practice for the coming revolutionary conflagration.  They are war-gaming to see how best to seize control of the streets and intimidate citizens into ceding their right to vote for the candidate they support.


Media Ignores Reality Over McCloskeys :: 07/19/2020

The McCloskeys aren’t likely to be your typical Bearing Arms readers. From what I’ve seen, they lean heavily to the left in their politics and would probably just as soon see many of us disarmed as talk to us.


4 Million Dollar Class Action Settlement Preliminarily Approved Regarding Disclosure of License to Carry Firearms Applicant Information :: 07/18/2020

I am proud to announce that a settlement has been reached with Monroe County in the matter of John Doe, et al.,  v. Monroe County, et al, Monroe Court of Common Pleas docket no. 6384 cv 2015, stemming from the County’s disclosure of confidential license to carry firearms (“LTCF”) applicant information through the use of un-enveloped postcards.


David Hogg Illustrates Anti-Gun Hypocrisy :: 07/18/2020

Ever since Parkland, David Hogg has done everything he could to push gun control in every way imaginable. I think he feels obligated to fire back at anything the NRA says, as part of that. If the NRA tweeted that the sky was blue, he’d probably take issue with that as well.


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