Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Armed Neighborhood Watch Forms In Wake Of Kenosha Riots :: 09/01/2020

I don’t know what President Trump’s itinerary looks like when he visits Kenosha, Wisconsin today, but maybe he can carve out a few minutes to stop by a neighborhood about ten miles from downtown. There hasn’t been any violence there, and residents would like to keep it that way, which is why many of them have formed a neighborhood watch that’s now standing guard over the community each night.


Philly Gun Owners Report Year-Long Wait For Concealed Carry Application :: 09/01/2020

We’ve seen long lines at gun shops in Philadelphia this year, and now those long lines are leading to a long wait for those Philly residents hoping to not just own a gun, but be able to legally carry it as well.


Another Anti-Gun Myth Destroyed By Reality :: 08/31/2020

Back in 2013, the Kansas state legislature approved a campus carry bill that would allow legal concealed carry holders to lawfully carry on college campuses across the state, but delayed enactment of the law until 2017.


Barbarians At The Gates, Is Our Great Republic In Danger Of Falling :: 08/31/2020

USA – -( The Barbarians are at the gates, the cities are in flames, the war for the soul of America is in full swing. What I say here I do not say lightly. America is on the brink of falling, and if history is a guide and a repeating cycle, there will be very little to stop the demise of the greatest nation in the world, just like there was little at the end that could stop the fall of the Roman Empire once the decay and rot had set it.


California Bill to Shrink Approved Pistol List Passes :: 08/31/2020

A tweak to California's so-called "microstamping" law that requires the removal of three currently certified handguns from the state's roster for each new pistol added is headed to Gov. Gavin Newsom for signature.


How Many Felons Were In That Kenosha Crowd, Anyway? :: 08/31/2020

Right now, I’m not interested in looking at what transpired with Kyle Rittenhouse and giving it any kind of analysis as to whether he was justified or not. Sure, he looks like he acted in self-defense, but there are potential complications that will likely be sorted out by the courts. He’s got a good legal team, apparently, so we’ll see how that goes.


Judge Tosses 50,000 Absentee Ballot Requests After Commissioner Fills Out Voter Information :: 08/30/2020

A judge in Iowa ordered 50,000 absentee ballot requests to be voided after President Donald Trump’s campaign argued a county elections commissioner acted improperly when he sent the requests out with voter’s personal information already filled out.


Analysis of Defensive Shootings by Rifleman in Kenosha RIots :: 08/29/2020

U.S.A.-( The video shows a timeline of the shootings during the Kenosha riots on 25 August 2020. In the video, there are two shooting sequences. Both appear to be cases of self-defense.


Parting Shot: The U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Give Us Our Freedom :: 08/29/2020

Defenders of the right to keep and bear arms might be forgiven for wondering whether the U.S. Supreme Court’s copy of the United States Constitution is missing a few pages. 


Santa Clara Sheriff Took The Fifth In Grand Jury Probe Over Carry Permits :: 08/29/2020

So far five people have been charged in a bribery scheme centered around the issuance of concealed carry licenses by the Santa Clara County, California sheriff’s department, but for now Sheriff Laurie Smith herself has not been formally accused of any crime. Just how much did the sheriff know about the scheme, which involved applicants making hefty donations to a campaign committee for the sheriff’s re-election?


Wyoming Lawmakers Fight Back Against Dorr Brothers' Attacks :: 08/29/2020

Usually, when a pro-gun group takes a shot at lawmakers, those lawmakers are responsible for pushing an obvious anti-gun agenda. When they do that, we all tend to agree with them.


A Few Thoughts on Jury Duty Nullification Revisited :: 08/28/2020

U.S.A. -( In this unstable, riotous time, and with Jury Rights Day approaching on September 5, we need to remember the value of the entire Bill of Rights. Each amendment is unique, but it is the Seventh Amendment which gives U.S. citizens Jury Power, which indisputably proves us as sovereigns.


Aussie Gun Control Comes From Country Now Penalizing Rape Victims :: 08/28/2020

Many gun control supporters like to point to Australia as an example of what we should be doing. After all, they argue, Australia reacted to a mass shooting quickly and enacted extremely draconian gun control and all their mass shootings went away. They didn’t, but that’s beside the point. What matters is what they want you to think.


Enough With The Soundbite Solutions To Violent Crime :: 08/28/2020

Providence, Rhode Island is like many Democrat-controlled cities at the moment; protests on a regular basis (including agitators accosting people who are eating and demanding they show solidarity with demonstrators) and a rising violent crime rate. There’ve been five homicides in the past two weeks (none of which have drawn any protests of their own), and local officials are promising to “do something” to address the growing chaos in some of the city’s high-crime neighborhoods. Unfortunately what they’re offering is what I call a “soundbite solution”: something that sounds good in front of the cameras, but does absolutely nothing to actually address the problem.


Some Want California To Keep Fighting On Mag Capacity Ban :: 08/28/2020

The decision by the Ninth Circuit striking down California’s magazine ban was a blow that the most anti-gun state in the country is having a hard time dealing with. Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Governor Gavin Newsom have until August 28th to decide what their next step will be, and many gun control advocates in the state want the AG to continue wasting taxpayer dollars by appealing the ruling and taking it up to the next level.


TX Rep Believes Constitutional Carry Could Draw Support From The Left :: 08/28/2020

I think a lot of folks automatically assume that a red state like Texas must already allow residents to carry a firearm without a license, but that’s not the case. Even open carrying of a handgun requires a license in the Lone Star State, but some Republicans are hoping to change that with the passage of a constitutional carry law during the next legislative session.


Is The "Boogaloo" Coming, Or Is It Already Here? :: 08/27/2020

The term “boogaloo” is shorthand. The longer version is “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.” It’s an internet joke in the gun community, not because civil war is a joke, but because most everyone can sense it coming whether we want it or not. For some, they’re taking the stand that if it’s coming, they want to go ahead and get it over with. For others, they just pray they’re wrong and it never comes.


Lies, Damn Lies, And Violent Crime Statistics :: 08/27/2020

If you listen to gun control advocates, you’re likely to hear a great deal about how there’s just so much violent crime that we don’t have a choice but to step in and pass gun control. There’s an epidemic, you see. An epidemic of violence.


Teen Arrested For Kenosha Shooting :: 08/27/2020

Kenosha has been something of a hot mess. Several nights of violence, though last night was reportedly peaceful, over what sure looks like a clean officer-involved shooting. Then again, in this day and age, no police officer can shoot a black man no matter how justified without some segments of society completely flipping their lids.


The Politics of Guns Are Changing. Politicians Need To Catch Up. :: 08/27/2020

Amidst lots of the empty, emotive posturing you get at political conventions, last week's Democratic gathering featured triumphalist cheerleading for gun restrictions. Sensing ballot-box victory within their grasp, the party's officials pulled out the stops on threadbare proposals to dismiss self-defense rights and disarm civilians. It was as if the convention had beamed in from 2019, skipping over months of pandemic-driven uncertainty, growing skepticism toward the competency and decency of police, and social unrest that has driven millions of Americans to purchase firearms.


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