Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Gun Control Groups All But Acknowledge Their Cause Is Losing :: 09/29/2020

Gun control and the support for it hit something of a zenith in the immediate aftermath of Parkland. However, unlike many times in the past, the furor didn’t die down after a few weeks or months. It looked like gun control was set to become a major battle during the presidential campaigns.


The Left's Unacknowledged Problem With Gun Control :: 09/29/2020

If you’re a regular reader to the site, you know that I’ve been arguing for a while now that the gun control movement cannot comfortably co-exist in a Democratic coalition that is focused on “reimagining policing” and defunding law-enforcement. Well, anti-gun activist David Hogg gave us a perfect demonstration of why that’s the case on Twitter the other day, when he tried to criticize those who would use violence in support of their cause and wound up defending violence against the State, as long as it wasn’t woke white people doing it.


9-Year Old Suspended For BB Gun At Home Not An Isolated Incident :: 09/28/2020

For a couple of days now we’ve been talking about Ka Mauri Harrison, the 4th grader from Harvey, Louisiana who was suspended from his virtual schooling for six days after a teacher spotted him picking up a BB gun from his bedroom floor and putting it away so his younger brother didn’t trip over it. Not only has Harrison received some backing from high profile groups like the NRA, Louisiana’s Attorney General is now investigating to determine if the young man’s rights were violated by the school suspension.


Gun Control Advocates Melting Down Over Barrett Nomination :: 09/28/2020

As Democrats sharpen their rhetorical knives in preparation for the upcoming confirmation fight over Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals judge Amy Comey Barrett to the Supreme Court, gun control groups are already attacking the nominee over her views on the Second Amendment. At USA Today, Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts is doing her best to scare suburban moms by portraying Barrett as a judge with “an alarming interpretation of the Second Amendment” who would put countless gun control laws at risk with her view that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right of Americans.


If You Care about Guns, You Should Care about Knives, Too :: 09/28/2020

When we talk about the Second Amendment today, we’re usually debating gun-control laws. Americans aren’t talking much about knives, but we should be.


Study: Age Restrictions On Guns Have Little Impact On Crime Rates :: 09/28/2020

Do laws barring those under the age of 21 from legally purchasing handguns (and in some states, certain semi-automatic long guns) actually make a difference in terms of reducing violent crime and homicides? Gun control activists certainly think so, but a new study from a pair of researchers at the University of Washington shows that the restrictions don’t have much of an impact on crime rates.


WI Couple Says Foster Parent Rules Violate Their 2A Rights :: 09/28/2020

Brian and Kate Lafferty have been foster parents for three years, but when they going through the process of renewing their license, they were given a form to sign asserting that they would not have any loaded firearms in their home, even if they were carrying for self-defense inside their residence. Besides requiring that firearms be locked up unloaded, the agency that oversees the foster care program in the Laffertys home county also demands that ammunition be locked up and stored separately from any guns in the home.


If Conservatives Had a George Floyd :: 09/27/2020

You know why pro-Trump conservatives (like me) are so angry at the Black Lives Matter movement? Not just because they are a violent, anti-American hate group. Not just because their original charter (created by lesbian Marxists) was hateful toward fathers. Not just because everywhere BLM protests, what follows is riots, looting, burning and dead cops. Not just because they scream and chant anti-American, anti-white and anti-police rhetoric. Not just because they celebrate dead police officers.  


DRGO: What the Sanctuary Movement Means for the 2nd Amendment :: 09/26/2020

Stafford County, Virginia has added itself to the long list of counties in Virginia that identify themselves as “Second Amendment sanctuaries”. This comes after a series of laws were proposed by the state government that limit the rights of gun owners. Their is strong support on both sides and the battle lines are drawn. What does this all mean?


Judge Barrett on the Second Amendment :: 09/26/2020

Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s impressive dissent in Kanter v. Barr (pp. 27-64) illustrates both her fidelity to the Supreme Court’s landmark Second Amendment ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and her masterful application of the constitutional methodology of originalism.


Next Justice Could Bring 'A Sea Change In The Law,' Says Legal Expert :: 09/26/2020

President Trump’s pick to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg could have a far-reaching impact on issues ranging from gun rights to health care, said Duke University constitutional scholar Joseph Blocher.


Notable legal opinions of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett :: 09/26/2020

(Reuters) - Amy Coney Barrett, who President Donald Trump plans to pick for a lifetime job on the U.S. Supreme Court, has served as a federal appeals court judge since 2017 and has weighed in on cases involving several hot-button issues including abortion, gun rights, immigration and campus sexual assault.


Congressman Calls For Australia-Style Gun Confiscation :: 09/25/2020

We’re forty days away from Election Day, and on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, we’re zeroing in on a House race in Illinois that features one of the more outspoken, if not well-informed, gun control advocates in Congress.


Latest "Fact Check" On Biden's 2A Views Leaves Out Important Facts :: 09/25/2020

It’s time to once again play “Fact Check The Fact Checkers,” and today’s contestant is a USA Today fact check on Joe Biden and the right to keep and bear arms. You may have seen a headline on your Facebook feed that claims “Joe Biden Says The Second Amendment Is ‘Obsolete’” and thought to yourself “yeah, that sounds right.” In this case, as USA Today notes, the story is from a satirical website run by self-described liberals called America’s Last Line of Defense, which the founders describe on the website as a “network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery.”


Medical Community Continues To Treat Guns Like Disease :: 09/25/2020

Imagine you live in a rough neighborhood for a moment. For some of us, it doesn’t take much. We’ve been there.


Separating Fact From Fiction In The Breonna Taylor Case :: 09/25/2020

In the wake of a Kentucky grand jury’s decision in the Breonna Taylor case, a number of fairly high profile folks on both sides of the aisle have been pushing false or incomplete narratives about the case itself and the events that led up to Taylor’s shooting by Louisville police officers conducting a raid on her apartment. I don’t know how much good it will do in the long run, but having covered the Taylor case for months now, I feel the need to correct the record on a few bits of misinformation that I’ve seen since Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron announced the grand jury’s findings on Wednesday.


Amy Coney Barrett Thinks the Second Amendment Prohibits Blanket Bans on Gun Possession by People With Felony Records :: 09/24/2020

Rickey Kanter, who owned a Wisconsin company that sold therapeutic shoes and footwear inserts under the brand name Dr. Comfort, pleaded guilty in 2011 to one count of mail fraud for shipping inserts he falsely claimed were approved by Medicare to a podiatrist in Florida. Kanter received a prison sentence of a year and day, followed by two years of supervised release. He also paid a $50,000 fine and agreed, in a separate civil settlement, to pay Medicare a $27 million reimbursement.


Bloomberg Bets On Felons To Deliver Florida To Biden :: 09/24/2020

Gun control sugar daddy Michael Bloomberg is already spending $100-million on ads supporting Joe Biden in the state of Florida between now and November 3rd, but the anti-gun billionaire has ponied up tens of millions of additional dollars in order to put tens of thousands of convicted felons back on the voting rolls in time for Election Day.


Does New Video Show Kyle Rittenhouse Acted In Self-Defense? :: 09/24/2020

On Tuesday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson shared a new video of the chaotic events in Kenosha, Wisconsin that resulted in the shooting deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber that led the host to wonder if the video proves that Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year old facing murder charges in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Huber, was acting in self-defense. (Warning: this video does contain footage of graphic violence)


Second Amendment Support Shouldn't Be Partisan, But It Is :: 09/24/2020

The Bill of Rights shouldn’t really leave a lot of room for debate. People have a right to assemble, to voice their opinions, to be protected from search without reason, and to keep and bear arms, among other things. This is quite plainly spelled out in the first ten amendments. Yet, it’s often a topic of debate regardless.


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