Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Georgia gun store owner elected to Congress takes aim at IRS, firearm laws :: 12/26/2020

Georgia Rep.-elect Andrew Clyde arrived in the nation's capital with the unique distinction of already having federal legislation named after him.


Just How Anti-Gun Is Biden’s Cabinet? Take A Look For Yourself :: 12/26/2020

There’s no great mystery surrounding Joe Biden’s feelings regarding the Second Amendment. His record and his campaigning clearly speak for his ideas regarding your right to keep and bear arms, which is to say that he’d take it all away in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.


Research Shows That Mental Illness And Support For Gun Control Appear To Be Related :: 12/26/2020

Puzzle head brain concept as a human face profile made from crumpled white paper with a jigsaw piece cut out on a rustic old wood background as a mental health symbol.


'Stand your ground' change returns for another attempt :: 12/26/2020

LITTLE ROCK — Republicans in the Arkansas Legislature introduced a so-called "stand-your-ground" self-defense bill Wednesday, vowing to enact the measure in 2021 after past efforts failed in the face of law enforcement opposition.


ATF Rules Capricious, Arbitrary, Political, and Stupid :: 12/24/2020

U.S.A. – -( As gun owners react to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ latest bit of mind-changing nonsense on stabilizing braces, it’s not out of line to recall some acts of capricious rulings from the past. They, too, made no sense other than to show gun owners the agency could impose whatever diktats it wanted and that we were being given no choice but to obey or be destroyed.


Canada’s Gun Confiscation Effort Runs Into Resistance :: 12/24/2020

It’s been nearly seven months since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a sweeping ban on semi-automatic firearms in Canada, including a mandate that existing gun owners hand them over to the government in a “buyback”, but Trudeau’s Liberal Party has yet to find a private company willing to oversee the compensated confiscation efforts.


Most Everything Governments Do Should Be Regarded as "Corrupt" :: 12/24/2020

Allegations of corruption have recently been levied against Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau (since resigned) for not recusing themselves from discussions about awarding a contract to a charity which has financial ties to their families.


Why Working With Democrats On Guns Is Impossible :: 12/24/2020

Right now, political division is extremely high. I don’t want to say it’s at an all-time high because, well, there was that little tiff back in the 1860s that suggests it might have been a tad worse back then. I mean, 620,000 American lives lost is a bit worse than the rioting we’ve seen in the last few years.


BREAKING: ATF Doc Suspends Proposed Pistol Brace Guidance :: 12/23/2020

After receiving more than 50,000 comments in just a matter of days, the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco, and Explosives appears to be putting its proposed guidance on pistol stabilizing braces on ice, at least for the time being. In a document posted to the ATF’s website on Wednesday afternoon, associate deputy director Marvin Richardson wrote:


Northam, Virginia Dems Back Away From Their Gun Ban :: 12/23/2020

In the state’s 2019 elections, many Democrats in Virginia ran on gun control, and organizations like Everytown for Gun Safety credited anti-gun policies after Democrats took control of both chambers of the legislature.


Proposed Rule Would Stop Banks from Discriminating v. Unpopular Businesses :: 12/23/2020

A proposed banking regulation would prevent banks from withholding financial services from gun companies. (Dave Workman)


Why It’s A "Record Year For Gun Violence”" :: 12/23/2020

For anti-gunners, the fact that gun violence has increased is a no-brainer. After all, in their mind, the fact that gun sales have gone up is the only possible reason for an increase in violence.


ATF Agent Sues City of Columbus, Ohio, 2 Cops For Detaining, Tasing Him :: 12/22/2020

Agent James Burk of the ATF is suing the city of Columbus, Ohio and two police officers for using excessive force against him. He claims he was tased, handcuffed, and detained while performing a “routine” confiscation of an unlawfully possessed shotgun.


DeWine Expected To Veto "Stand Your Ground" Bill :: 12/22/2020

On Monday, I wrote about Ohio’s passage of a Stand Your Ground bill. In particular, I wrote about just what Governor Mike DeWine would likely do with that bill.


Supposedly Pro-Gun Politician Embraces Carry Ban :: 12/22/2020

Rhode Island State Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio, who’s earned an “A”-rating from the National Rifle Association in recent years, is now embracing a gun control bill; going so far as calling it a top priority for 2021. The bill would bar those with concealed carry licenses from carrying on school grounds, even if you’re simply driving through a school parking lot to pick up your child.


How Does ATF's Vague Pistol Brace Guidance Contradict Itself? Let Me Count the Ways :: 12/21/2020

By now we all know about ATF’s proposed “Objective Factors” document by which the agency intends to determine the classification — pistol or short barreled rifle — of a stabilizer brace-equipped pistol. Also by now I hope we have all left a public comment as well as contacted the White House and our representatives to make our opinions heard.


OH Passes Stand Your Ground Bill. What Now? :: 12/21/2020

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has been trying to walk a tightrope. On the one hand, he’s wanted to pass new gun control measures, but on the other, he doesn’t want to alienate his pro-gun base.


The Uplifters Try It Again: Gun-Control Laws Deprive Reputable Citizens of Protection :: 12/21/2020

H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) was the most influential newspaperman of his era and a prolific author of iconoclastic books and essays. This is reprinted from The Evening Sun of Baltimore, November 30, 1925. Copyright 1925 by The Evening Sun. Republication without credit not permitted.


FDR's 'Second Bill of Rights' and UN Declaration Show How 'Progressives' View You :: 12/20/2020

Tuesday was Bill of Rights Day, December 15, celebrating the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. It’s a day I commemorate every year, either with a column or a post on my The War on Guns blog, sometimes with unexpected results.


Joe Biden Is Hesitant About a Day One Assault Weapons Ban Executive Order :: 12/20/2020

Biden gave just one example of how he’d exercise restraint, saying he would resist a suggestion that he “do away with assault weapons.” Said the president-elect, “No one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me, but you can’t do it by executive order. We do that, next guy comes along and says, Well, guess what? By executive order, I guess everybody can have machine guns again. So we gotta be careful.”


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