Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Philly DA Offers Excuses, Not Evidence For Lack Of Gun Prosecutions :: 01/02/2021

2020 has been a brutal year for the crime rate in Philadelphia. The city will end the year with close to 500 homicides, which would be the most since 1990, and Philadelphia D.A. Larry Krasner is getting a lot of criticism for his light-on-crime approach to prosecutions, including a growing number of dismissals of cases dealing with illegal possession of a firearm.


The Biggest Threats To 2A Rights In 2021 :: 01/02/2021

We’ve finally put 2020 in the rear view mirror, but unfortunately there’s more rough road ahead for those of us engaged in the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights. From an anti-gun administration ready to seize power in just a few weeks to gun control advocacy groups that will spend millions of dollars this year on legal lawfare aimed at turning our rights into privileges, the coming months will challenge gun owners and gun rights activists on a number of fronts.


If Our Republic's Constitution Still Matters... :: 01/01/2021

Predictably, the Supreme Court refused to take up the Texas lawsuit against four states for illegally changing voting rules. This suit was very different in nature from those filed by Donald Trump’s legal team. The Texas suit stressed that those changes were not authorized by the respective state legislatures and that they clearly influenced the election outcome, which, by extension, clearly affects every state and every citizen.


Oklahoma Sheriff: Residents Should Use Their 2A Rights :: 01/01/2021

In the face of rising violent crime in his local area, one sheriff in Oklahoma has a message for residents of his county: get a gun and know how to use it.


One Year After Attack, Jewish Community Embraces Self-Defense :: 01/01/2021

It was December 28th, 2019 when a disturbed man entered a home in Monsey, New York where folks were gathering for a Hanukkah celebration and used a knife to stab five attendees. In the months since, one of the victims died from his injuries, the attacker has managed to avoid federal charges on the basis of his mental condition, and many members of the Jewish community in Monsey have embraced their Second Amendment rights.


Gov. DeWine threatens to veto self-defense law as crime skyrockets in Ohio :: 12/31/2020

As violent crime reaches record levels in Ohio's major cities, Gov. Mike DeWine (R) appears to be more concerned with using law enforcement against peaceful citizens and business owners. Now, he doesn't want you to defend yourself when the criminals he released from prison or the Antifa mobs attack you on the streets. Will Ohio Republicans stand up to this Republican in name only?


Boston Removes Statue of Lincoln With Emancipated Slave :: 12/30/2020

Images A statue of Abraham Lincoln depicting the 16th president holding the Emancipation Proclamation in one hand and with his other hand stretched over a kneeling, newly emancipated slave has been removed from Boston’s Park Square after the city received objections from 12,000 people who signed a petition demanding its removal.


Defense Of "21 To Buy” Raises Questions :: 12/30/2020

Following Parkland, the state of Florida–a fairly pro-gun state most of the time–enacted a handful of gun control items that infuriated Second Amendment advocates. One of those was raising the age to buy a long gun to 21.


Industry Execs Provide Update On Ammo Shortage :: 12/30/2020

 If you want to know what’s going on with the lack of ammunition at the moment, there are few folks with more knowledge of the situation than Jason Hornady. The vice-president of Hornady Manufacturing recently put out a video that helps to put the surge in ammo sales into perspective.


The First New Years Resolution For Gun Owners in 2021 :: 12/30/2020

Now is the time for many to consider what their resolutions are for the new year. Second Amendment supporters should be no different – and their first resolution is really a no-brainer: Re-elect David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler to the United States Senate.


Financial Discrimination Continues Against the Gun Industry :: 12/29/2020

A recent proposal by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), an independent bureau within the U.S. Department of the Treasury, would work to ensure fair treatment in lending and access to other financial services for American businesses. This is of particular importance to the Second Amendment, as manufacturers, companies and retailers in the shooting sports industries have and still are experiencing discrimination in getting these services from financial institutions.


Nevada Lawmakers Take Aim At Concealed Carry :: 12/29/2020

A group of twelve lawmakers in Nevada will consider a new restriction on public employees who choose to carry on the job when the state’s Legislative Commission meets on Tuesday. As the law stands now, those employees who aren’t specifically prohibited from carrying a gun at work can do so, but under the proposed rule change they would be required to notify their appointing authority or designee. Failure to disclose the fact that the employee is carrying would result in disciplinary action or even termination.


Beware Of This Scam Targeting Concealed Carry :: 12/28/2020

Alongside the record-setting pace of gun sales across the country, we’re also seeing a sharp increase in the number of people applying for their concealed carry license. In fact, the growing number of Americans embracing their right to carry has now led to a new scam aimed directly at concealed carry license holders and those who’ve been thinking about applying for a license of their own. According to multiple law enforcement agencies, the scam involves texts or emails warning the recipient that “today is the last day” for them to apply for a concealed carry license.


Historic Leaders Understood Second Amendment’s Importance :: 12/28/2020

For Second Amendment advocates, the right to keep and bear arms is paramount. It’s a bulwark against encroaching tyranny from a government that forgets that it serves the people and that the people do not exist to serve the government. Advocates for that right also understand it’s under assault and has been for quite some time.


Right Out of the Mold: California’s New Sen. Padilla Another Anti-Gunner :: 12/28/2020

As if to quickly dispel any confusion about how he will vote on Second Amendment issues now that he is replacing Kamala Harris in the U.S. Senate, Democrat Alex Padilla—appointed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom to fill the Harris vacancy—declared in his acceptance statement, “I’m going to the Senate so we can finally make real progress on our long-challenges… from climate change to immigration reform to common-sense gun safety.”


St Paul Police To Review Policies Over Three Percenter Sticker :: 12/28/2020

There’s a lot of hysteria surrounding just about any group on the right. This is especially true about groups like the Three Percenters. The group formed behind the idea that no more than three percent of the American population during the time of the American Revolution ever took the field at any one time.


Chicago's Carjackings Leading To More Armed Citizens :: 12/27/2020

2020 will go down as one of the worst years in recent memory in terms of crime in Chicago, which is saying a lot. Homicides and shootings are soaring, and carjackings in the city have more than doubled compared to 2019. In one recent case, a man named Shuai Guan was shot and killed even though he handed over the keys to his Jeep. Apparently angered by the fact that the car had a manual and not an automatic transmission, Guan was gunned down in cold blood. His widow, Hongyu Bai, now has to figure out how to tell their 4-year old child that his father isn’t going to be here this Christmas.


COVID Bill Passes, Crammed with Anti-Gun Pork :: 12/27/2020

Congress this week sent the mammoth Fiscal Year 2021 omnibus spending bill to President Trump, and gun control advocates are celebrating the millions in appropriations it contains to fund their issues. 


The good news about guns in America :: 12/27/2020

Once upon a time, as a Democrat who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, I was such an anti-gun fanatic that I donated to the Brady Campaign. Thankfully, I saw the light after Hurricane Katrina (when seconds counted, the police were days away), and have made up for my past bad judgment by being an NRA member, using my writing abilities to promote the Second Amendment, and helping the bottom line at several local gun stores. That’s why it gladdens my heart to tell you one of the good things about 2020: It was a banner year for gun sales!


'Tis The Season For Armed Self-Defense :: 12/27/2020

Wouldn’t it be great if criminals would get into the spirit of the season and offer up peace on earth and good will towards men this time of year? Unfortunately, that’s apparently too much of a Christmas miracle to ask for. Thankfully, we live in a country where we’re not at the mercy of violent robbers, carjackers, and home invaders. Anti-gun activists may be doing everything they can to negate our right to keep and bear arms, but there are tens of millions of us who carry our lawfully-owned firearms every day in order to be prepared if the unthinkable happens.


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