Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Calls for Invoking 25th Amendment Demonstrates Ignorance and Disregard of the Constitution :: 01/07/2021

Following the storming of the Capitol on Wednesday by a mob claiming to be supporters of President Donald Trump, some members of Congress are calling on Vice President Mike Pence and Trump’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment so as to remove Trump from office, despite there being less than two weeks left in Trump’s term of office. It has also been reported that even some members of Trump’s Cabinet are open to considering the idea.


Democrats Already Using Capitol Riot To Push Gun Control :: 01/07/2021

We knew it was going to happen, and the first push to restrict the Second Amendment in the wake of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday is now underway. Democrats in Michigan are pointing to the violence in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday as justification to ban the lawful possession of firearms from the state capitol building in Lansing.


Proposed Gun "Buyback" Won't Reduce Philly Violence :: 01/07/2021

It’s human nature to want to do something to fix a problem, but just doing “something” is rarely enough. You have to do something that works, and when it comes to addressing violent crime, a “gun buyback” is about as effective as wagging your finger at a stranger and telling them “don’t shoot anybody.”


The Left Begins Its Push To Remake The Supreme Court :: 01/07/2021

It’s not an attempt pack the Court (yet, anyway), and it wouldn’t even change the ideological balance of the nine Supreme Court justices, but activists on the Left have officially begun their campaign to shape the direction of SCOTUS in the decades ahead.


Firearm Friendly Freshmen Class Reports for Duty :: 01/06/2021

The 117th Congress gaveled into session on Jan. 3 and among the new faces in the U.S. House of Representatives are dozens of firearm-friendly freshmen. It’s the most diverse Republican freshmen class ever and includes military veterans, minorities, and a historic tally of women.


State Legislators Ask Pence to Delay Wednesday’s Vote Count by 10 Days :: 01/06/2021

A last-minute flurry of requests from more than 115 Republican state legislators in so-called swing states descended on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Vice President Mike Pence, asking to delay Wednesday’s opening and counting of Electoral College votes for president.


The Self-Immolation Of The GOP And What It Means For 2A :: 01/06/2021

As I write this, it looks like Raphael Warnock has won a U.S. Senate in Georgia, while the race between Republican David Perdue and Democrat Jon Ossoff remains too close to call. Who’s to blame? Fingers are being pointed at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for thwarting a vote on $2000 stimulus checks shortly before Election Day, Kraken theorists like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell who encouraged voters to stay home, President Donald Trump for bashing the Republican governor and secretary of state while also embracing the idea that the presidential election in November had been stolen and the voting process could not be trusted; as well as Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger themselves, for allowing the fraud to continue with the Senate elections.


What Does Merrick Garland Think About The Second Amendment? :: 01/06/2021

It went almost unnoticed amidst the chaos at the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon, but the Associated Press reported that Joe Biden has settled on D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Merrick Garland as his pick for Attorney General.


Colorado Case Shows The Folly Of Red Flag Laws :: 01/05/2021

One of my big complaints about “red flag” laws (beyond the constitutional concerns over due process and the Second Amendment) is that they provide prosecutors and police with a tool that allows them to say they’ve “done something,” rather than doing something effective to deal with an individual who truly presents a danger to themselves or others.


D.C. Police Chief Wants Chat With Boebert About Plan To Carry :: 01/05/2021

She was only sworn in this past weekend, but Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is already making her mark on the nation’s capitol with her public pronouncements about exercising her right to carry. Boebert made waves several weeks ago when she announced that she’d be carrying her gun inside the Capitol, as lawmakers (but not the general public) have been allowed to do since the 1960s, prompting nearly two dozen Democrats to demand that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi change the rules and disarm lawmakers.


ERPO Alert: A former New York police department sergeant has filed a $10 billion federal civil rights lawsuit against a list of law enforcement and court officials in New Jersey... :: 01/05/2021

JACKSON, NJ, January 05, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ -- A former New York police department sergeant has filed a $10 billion federal civil rights lawsuit against a list of law enforcement and court officials in New Jersey (MARCHISOTTO v. MALIK et al (3:20-cv-20426), New Jersey District Court).


Utah Lawmaker Reintroduces 'Constitutional Carry' Legislation :: 01/05/2021

Utah State Rep. Walt Brooks (R-St. George) has once again introduced legislation to allow concealed carry without a permit, and this time he reportedly has a commitment from Gov. Spencer Cox to sign the bill if it hits his desk.


D.C. Bans Guns From Downtown Ahead Of Wednesday Protest :: 01/04/2021

With the president and many other voices on the right urging Trump supporters to gather in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to protest Congress’ acceptance of the Electoral College vote, local officials in our nation’s capitol are reacting with a clampdown on constitutional rights.


In Suprise Move, OH Gov Signs "Stand Your Ground" Bill :: 01/04/2021

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a self-defense bill into law on Monday, despite suggesting a couple of weeks ago that he was leaning towards vetoing the measure. In mid-December the governor complained that Republicans in charge of the state house should be focused on his Ohio STRONG package of gun legislation rather than improving the state’s Stand Your Ground law, telling reporters “I’ve made it very clear, I think, many times, going back months, that I felt that before the legislature took up other gun bills, that they really should focus on what we have sent them.”


NY Democrat Citizen Disarmament Zealot Proposes Covid ‘Detention Centers’ :: 01/04/2021

“Covid camps? Put disease ‘carriers’ in DETENTION CENTERS, proposed New York law suggests,” RT News reported Saturday. “Authored by a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly N. Nick Perry, Bill A416 calls for the ‘removal and/or detention’ of individuals who are identified as a ‘case, contact or carrier’ of a contagious disease.”


Psychology Today’s Exploration Of Guns Has Flawed Premise :: 01/04/2021

A lot of places that should ostensibly eschew most politics have been jumping all over politics for years. It’s one thing when a magazine that supports a profession touches on political issues directly related to its field–for example, a magazine for the oil industry touching on energy policy regularly–but these days, everyone wants to pretend to be a political wonk.


An Insider's View of Pennsylvania and the Battle for Our Republic :: 01/03/2021

On December 28, 2020, a group of state lawmakers, having performed an extensive analysis of election data, revealed troubling discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 general election.  These findings were in addition to prior concerns regarding actions by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the secretary of state, and others impacting the conduct of the election.


Democrats' New House Rules Don't Include Capitol Gun Ban :: 01/03/2021

With the unveiling of proposed rules for the House of Representatives this weekend, gun control advocates in Congress appear to have suffered their first setback of 2021. A proposed ban on lawmakers carrying concealed firearms inside the U.S. Capitol building wasn’t included in the new rules released by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, despite pleas by California Democrat Jared Huffman and 20 other House Democrats demanding that lawmakers be disarmed inside the building.


One Year After Attack, Jewish Community Embraces Self-Defense :: 01/03/2021

It was December 28th, 2019 when a disturbed man entered a home in Monsey, New York where folks were gathering for a Hanukkah celebration and used a knife to stab five attendees. In the months since, one of the victims died from his injuries, the attacker has managed to avoid federal charges on the basis of his mental condition, and many members of the Jewish community in Monsey have embraced their Second Amendment rights.


Expert Testimony by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer at Georgia Ballot Hearing is Devastating :: 01/02/2021

U.S.A.-( On 30 December 2020, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer gave a presentation to the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, on how he and his company can detect many types of election fraud with a simple, easy examination of the physical ballots, by running them through forensic machines designed to detect physical signatures of the ballots. Pulitzer is a pattern recognition expert holding over 200 patents. His patents are used on 12 billion handheld devices around the world.


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